
information What policy changes would you implement to Domains Wanted Section?

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
There are so many complaints about the domains wanted section. What changes would you like to see Namepros make?
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
It will not work.
What is the budget from $10-$10,000 mean??????
Payment is not needed because they will not buy anything.
It will not work.
What is the budget from $10-$10,000 mean??????
Payment is not needed because they will not buy anything.
I find this largely to be true. I looked back through my sales here for the last 18 years, and here are the only sales or brokered sales I have made through the requests section:

$200k - brokered this sale (I broker for one of the big time domain pioneers)
$200k - brokered this one
$112k - brokered this one
$15k - brokered this one
$5k - my own domain sale

That’s all I could find. In all those years, only large sum sales, and no small sales ($xxx) through answering literally hundreds of requests.


I know that many members here have made sales through the requests section. I also know there are a ton of useless, even spurious request threads started, with totally unrealistic requirements. It would be interesting to see some kind of ‘results’ thread that overviews every request thread, where each of us who submit names can mention a) whether the request starter replies to our DM, and b) whether the request starter actually buys a name from us. Having some avenue like that would help us to gather data on how many request threads actually end up in a sale.

Still, all the troubles aside… I like having the requests area. I have made some substantial sales there. Plus, gives me some hope 👍
I think the biggest confusion we see, with practically every new listing there, is the budget. Frankly, I've brought this to the attention of the mods years ago: it is confusingly written even to me, and I'm a native English speaker. I think members for whom English is not a first language, and even when they're using translation services, find the wording much more confusing than even I do.

I even offered to rewrite it so it is very clear and simple, and sent mods a couple samples. They 'took it under advisement' and then did nothing. Ha.

However, there is a way to make it ultimately clear:

Have the coders write in a couple fields that MUST BE FILLED IN, before the thread can be put live. All we need to see is a little reminder saying ***This field must be filled in***, and they get an error message if they don't fill in the field. It can go like this:

My budget for each domain is from minimum $[field] USD to maxium $[field] USD.

We don't need a field for overall budget because they can say that within the thread. Once the above two fields are filled in, they can say 'Looking for 5 - 10 domains', or 'just one domain', or 'total budget $100K' or whatever. As long at those two fields are filled in!

Almost as common of an issue, is when a new request thread does not include a payment method. Again, this can be largely taken care of by creating another field, or series of check boxes that MUST have at least one method checked. Something like:

Payment methods (check which ones you use):
[box] PAYPAL
[box] (list any other common ones)

[box] Other methods [create a field here for them to list one or more methods that are not listed above]

Again, make it so they need to check at least one box (can check more than one if they wish) before the thread will go live.

With those two simple fixes - If you force them to fill in those simple minimum/maximum per domain fields, and the payment method boxes, before the thread can be put live... 90% of the moderating will become unnecessary in the requests section.

True, we need a little more discussion on how to cut down on the crazy amount of non-relevant submissions that don't even follow the OP's request guidelines. I haven't solved that problem yet ;)
Thanks for the comment Bannen, I agree with your template idea. It seems that specificity is needed more than ever. Because in all honesty I have spoken to many who have said when someone says they have a total budget of $100K or more, they don't believe them, they don't even believe they have $10k. The section might be past the point of saving due to distrust.
The entire buying section needs to be fixed. Exact maximum price per domain or delete the listing would be a good start.

The selling section composes 80% of the threads here. It should be run much more tightly and not anything goes.

Only so many bumps should be allowed and no listing should remain longer than a month. These guys don’t get the clue that there is no interest in what they are peddling.
1 year account with 80 posts
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