
poll What is your current sales flow (last 30 days)? We're all interested here. It all looks very quiet. (Vote and comment please)

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Your sales for the last 30 days? (End of June / July 2022 )

  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.
  • Zero

  • Single sale or small ones

  • Slow

  • Average

  • Good

  • Never better!

  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.


Top Member
Please vote and comment. I'm starting with my own vote, had just one sale (measly $788).

Thing is, we need to figure out how the market is doing in order to further tune our investment and exposure.

Domaining is indeed a waiting game so I'm waiting too, fingers crossed. But we all need to stay aware. I can recall last years' July sales, it has never been like this for me. Anyway both positive and negative experiences from other NP members here are useful as we can figure out what's going on and perhaps make some decisions.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Last 30 Days Domaining:
  • 2 Domain Sale
  • 5 New Purchase
  • 1 Domain in the auction (NamePros)
Just 1 high XXXX sale last 6 months

2021 was way better. Not sure what's going on
same as usal
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1 sale for xxxx by installments. No change for me as I dont sell names every month anyway.
Right now, only small sales in the mid $xx to low $xxx range via auctions at multiple registrars. Any cashflow is better than no cashflow, I suppose. Hoping that some of my backorders will come through and that I can snag some better names.
we need to figure out how the market is doing

i don't include myself, in the "we".

pondering how, what and when, the "market" is trending, is out of my control.

i operate in it, but not based on how it is today.... simply because my portfolio was structured prior to.

there are too many questions asking when or how many sales one has made this year, last month, and now last 30 days?

30 days isn't long enough to tell whether a name will earn more on one platform than another.
30 days is half the time a new registration remains locked at registrar.

since none of us have the same domain names, and/or maybe even the same number of domains,
then how does one persons' number of sales or even ten or more people who report sales matter?

what concrete data can you establish from that?

just asking....


i don't include myself, in the "we".

pondering how, what and when, the "market" is trending, is out of my control.

i operate in it, but not based on how it is today.... simply because my portfolio was structured prior to.

there are too many questions asking when or how many sales one has made this year, last month, and now last 30 days?

30 days isn't long enough to tell whether a name will earn more on one platform than another.
30 days is half the time a new registration remains locked at registrar.

since none of us have the same domain names, and/or maybe even the same number of domains,
then how does one persons' number of sales or even ten or more people who report sales matter?

what concrete data can you establish from that?

just asking....


Good points if you look at it that way.

But nobody is making any kind of forensic analysis here.

You can make some, using real market data, and still won't get you precise results.

You can make based on your own past sales and still won't get that.

I'm just asking how everyone is doing. The fact that they respond shows there is interest. Whatever everyone does with the information further, is up to them.

What do I get? Perhaps a better sense of how things are going, as in extra confirmation whether what I see does happen elsewhere as well.

Still waiting for the "good" and "never better" options to be checked.

Edit: I'm in the midst of a large portfolio cleanup / ditching many. I'm currently building up my investment strategy for the next 12 months. This post helps me in that decision, although just a piece in the puzzle.

But it might not help you and that's absolutely fine. Just don't apply the same measure of things (yours) to everyone else. We work differently, not just our portfolios are different.
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Just don't apply the same measure of things (yours) to everyone else. We work differently, not just our portfolios are different.


that quote is basically the point.

as whatever anyone else reports, can't be applied or measured against or in favor of,
any conclusion that paints an accurate picture of "the market".

"real market data", never includes all the data, so it's incomplete.

it's why i said "we" doesn't include me.

still, i haven't sold any names in last 30 days.
but, have received some offers.

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Just waiting for the payment to drop into my account, but only one sale for close to 5 figures from an Afternic price request(which is my personal best sale) and another that I sold on SedoMLS for $688. My portfolio is quite small though(about 350), so I normally don't expect a sale that often anyways.

The offers I had for a couple of my other names over the past month ended up trying to renegotiate for lower after agreeing to their accepted offer(think agreeing to $1500 but then coming back later saying they really can do $750 or less).

Other than that, it's business as usual. But, this one sale made this month easily my best one in my domaining pursuits.
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Its been a rough month so far - only one sale (an .xyz, $995, NFT related)

I'm chalking it up to domain sales being a Poisson process but it is getting to me a bit. I usually sell several names each month.

Along with the larger economy, my crypto holdings, AdSense earnings, and domain sales all dropped by 40% almost overnight. The AdSense earnings are still down but starting to recover. I'm trying not to draw too many conclusions from short term observations, but its good to know others are having a similar experience.

Perhaps related: I'm able to drop reg a lot more quality domains lately. I'm going to stick with my process and keep accumulating good domains for now.
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Up until this month things were going pretty well. This month I have had just one sale which is awful, and no where near covers renewals for a month.

To put it in perspective, in May I netted after commission over £17,000 in sales (so before commission add somwehere between 20 and 25%).

Never known it like this, everything gone dead.
Up until this month things were going pretty well. This month I have had just one sale which is awful, and no where near covers renewals for a month.

To put it in perspective, in May I netted after commission over £17,000 in sales (so before commission add somwehere between 20 and 25%).

Never known it like this, everything gone dead.
Somewhat similar experience and numbers, but for me lately it's improving.
1 new lease to own low XXXX. Another lease to own pending.

I'd say sales are average or better for this time of year.
Overall it's slow. Also the amount of sales have been on the lower end like low-mid 4 figs. High 4 figs and 5 figs have been dried up.
No sales for the last 60 days. :alien:
My portfolio is 1300+ domains. /616 squadhelp premium domains with logo/
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Two small low 4-fig sales for July, it’s been very slow for a few months on my end.
I started the year with over $30k in sales in a 30 day period around February-March so I thought it was going to be a great year, but it slowed between then and now.

The last 60 days have been 4 sales.
  • fluxies(dot)com - $2,450 (June)
  • myfreeplan(dot)com - $7,450 (June)
  • divejoy(dot)com - $9,450 (June via payments)
  • labtrust(dot)com - $5,000 (July)
One thing strange to me was that I had two deals for $4,000 each where the buyer backed out after we came to an agreement on Afternic. Never happened to me before. I've only had that happen on domains for $1,000 or less when it was an impulse negotiation by the buyer directly to me.

So June was okay for me, but July-August is typically a slow period. No matter if I had 2,000 domains or nearly 8,000 like now, summers are always slow until late August or early September.

The slowdown we are seeing is likely a combination of the economy and the season. As my Afternic broker called it, the "down market and summer slump". He probably has the best overall market view.
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only having dead leads, i have 2000 domains total.
A bit of hopeful update here.

My sales have improved a lot in the last week after 3 weeks with no sales. Several sold including some end of life /clearances at $500 / $1k. Combined with some payments still coming from June it turned to be a more or less average summer (slow) month. At least I get to cover running costs etc. I must admit it was a little scary, I have other businesses that all went down recently and making losses so domain income is critical for me right now in order to make ends meet.

But there's more reason to hope aside from sharing my sales improvement.

A lot of blue chips (including for example Microsoft, Alphabet, Spotify these came in mind) have just reported solid earnings and growth - double digit for alphabet. NASDAQ was at -30% YTD at the beginning of this month, now it's wobbling around -25% which is up, not much but it's a start. Not everyone will have that of course, but it's good that not everyone is going down in finance and tech, which as you know are directly related to domain sales.

I would bet on a slightly better August and better September, not in line with 2021 though but still would bring home the bacon. Of course this will differ from domainer to domainer so anyway just sharing my perspective here.

Good luck with more sales!
Myself...nothing much. I've just put "zero" in the poll. I'm negotiating a domain as of right now to keep. I had a Bitcoin domain that I got an offer through LinkedIn months back, talked about development (didn't really go anywhere), and a gaming skins domain which pulled through on NameCheap (XXX value)
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I had some 4 figure sales but we bought new house and all income went there. In addition to that I agreed with my wife to give her a big percentage of each sale. It is getting harder, but having the wife happy is a plus :)
I have strong faith to my portfolio quality and some weaker months are not enough to make me feel scary. I can adapt anytime.
Oh ship, US interest rate just about to rise another .75%. That ain't good for us domainers.

In fact it's both good and not good. Good being, it's about time. Not good being, it might hit indexes right now (consequently reduction in sales). I doubt this time market is going to react positively to it.

To be more clear, I'm not overly optimistic on medium term to put it mildly.

On short term, yes, things look alright from where I stand (right now being already about what I mean by alright, so about there or a bit less).

But on medium term, not so much. Depression is gonna hit anyway. There's not much to be done with an over inflated balloon which already leaks air (economy). Anyway these are just projections, there's no rocket science here, will have to wait and see.
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