
Turning lemons into lemonade

Spaceship Spaceship

What best describes your approach to lemons?

  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.
  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.

Rob Monster

Founder of EpikTop Member
Epik Founder
From time to time, I feel moved to start a thread that I think might help one person in particular. However, considering the collective wisdom of many independent thinkers, this might also help others. This thread is about turning lemons into lemonade. As a self-described incurable optimist, it is one of my favorite topics. In my experience, the folks who figure this out early are better off than the ones who never learn it.

As context, on NamePros, I have met lots of cool people, some of whom have really amazing life stories. In fact, in 2019 alone, I have gotten to know many people here whom I now consider to be my trusted friends whose advice I keenly observe and in some of whom I now blindly trust. There are some folks here that are now practically family. And, yes, Epik also hired some folks here too.

To illustrate what I mean about lemons and lemonade, I will share a couple of examples that will be familiar to some NP members:

- Back in March 2019, a few people in the domain industry thought it would be a good idea to chastise me for protecting lawful free speech. This happened in blogs and also here on NamePros. I am not sure about their intention, but whoever was condemning me, ended up making me a lot more popular. In short, my response to being condemned was to engage with authenticity, and to let the crowd conclude for themselves if the manufactured consensus actually held any water. Well, many of you know how that worked out. Much to the chagrin of my harshest critics, Epik has gone from strength to strength as we co-create without care for who makes money or who gets credit.

- Earlier this year, Epik began to make significant inroads as a provider of escrow services for domain investors. The topic was introduced in a thread on NamePros, and within weeks, our friends at dispatched at least 6 state regulators to our doorstep. Although that process was time consuming, and even a bit daunting, we navigated those inquiries. One of the state regulators was kind enough to leak us the complaint. It fingered the instigator as one Jackson Elsegood. At one point when Jackson thought to engage in more of his nonsense, I let him have it, exposing once and for all. Matt Barrie got cute and he got a beatdown too! Our escrow business is booming, by the way and we are just getting started.

This is what I call turning lemons into lemonade. It is all about perspective. What are some principles:

- Be authentic: An early boss at P&G told me this: "First figure out the truth. Then explain truth." If you don't know yourself well enough to explain yourself, go fix that. If you know you screwed up, go deal with that. Acknowledge your faults. Everyone makes mistakes. Live and learn.

- Listen to your critics: Some of them are smart. They can teach you stuff, even if they don't really want to help you. The ones that point out your errors, probably never read Machiavelli who famously says to never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.

- Try to find the upside: Is there some new circumstance that you had not considered before, consider whether you can accomplish something based on your unique situation. Most situations are not nearly as dire as you think they are. And indeed some things happen for a reason! That's providence.

- Find your tribe: Almost everyone loves an underdog. As long as you are not an unrepentant ass, people will come find you and share their wisdom for whatever you are dealing with at the moment. When the student is ready, the teacher appears. Humility is a great foundation for personal growth.

Here are a few simple examples that I know apply to some folks here:

- Spouse cheated on you? Be thankful, you are liberated. Learn from your mistakes. Up your game. Grow in grace. Have confidence that providence has a better spouse out there. Or go back, but on your terms.

- Lost a loved one? Consider setting up a charitable foundation in honor of what that person most cherished. In so doing, know that you are celebrating, preserving and extending their legacy.

- Lost your job? Perhaps that job was not right for you anyway. Assess your strengths and passions. Start a business, or find something that is more perfect for you. If you are diligent, it will work out great!

- Perpetually single? Consider becoming a Digital Nomad. Live anywhere for almost nothing and see the world. You will have way more stories to tell. I am trying to convince @franka46 to set up a Domainer Dojo.

- Sick or injured? Become an expert on personal health. Develop a spiritual practice. Make new friends. Let your light shine. Do you still think your life sucks? Listen to this guy:

The list goes on. I am sure everyone here has had their share of lemons. Curious to hear your story. If it involves domaining, even better!
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
This is bs and you know it.

Come down to hard on him? Go reread the thread you started. It went beyond just helping the hate site out, literally passing along hate memes. I went over there and read the stuff being posted, it's not imaginary stuff.

JB, I will be the first to admit, I stopped reading that topic quite early on and I cannot agree or disagree with your statement. I did not like the direction the topic took so specifically decided to stop reading and participating.

All I can say is Rob has been a straight up guy every time I have engaged with him.
The Namepros lemonade contains a lot of vitamins but also toxic stuff, I suppose Psychadelics. Interesting colorful personalities are acting in this place:

Visionaries who know years ahead of the crowd what will sell for a lot of money: LLL coms, Cloud, CBD.
Leaders who introduce many good things and play with their superiority by making others to marionettes of their subtle provocations.
Heroes of opinion who are never shy or opportunistic to post what they have to say. Freedom of speech is the right to do so, but you have to be brave and eloquent enough to use it.
Warriors who will never ever resist, be it against all odds.

I would be glad if this forum could continue as it is, with all those talented and crazy guys, as a place where you can learn so much and gain from others´ growth but if possible with a dash of less polemic in repeating loops. And I really would be happy to see the counterparts in some threads meet to drink a beer for peace, some not too far day.

Concluding I believe that this is the quote of the day for EVERY fellow member:
I think you should focus on the wars which are occuring in this world still TODAY.
And I am sure this sentence was not written to detract from former wars and crimes.
I must admit, there is a part of me that thinks the 'T''s (hereafter the designation I will assign to those trolling or defined as 'trolls' by the Internationally accepted definition of what a troll is) may be people paid by Rob/Epik to keep the threads involving Rob/Epik moving to the top of the most viewed threads.

Please, PLEASE trolls, try to combine your posts into concise and complete thoughts (some of you do, but far too often it is difficult to keep up with some posts) is very taxing trying to keep up with the often random and disconnected thoughts put forth by 'T's...I just ain't got time for that. Thank you.
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I must admit, there is a part of me that thinks the 'T''s (hereafter the designation I will assign to those trolling or defined as 'trolls' by the Internationally accepted definition of what a troll is) may be people paid by Rob/Epik to keep the threads involving Rob/Epik moving to the top of the most viewed threads.

Please, PLEASE trolls, try to combine your posts into concise and complete thoughts (some of you do, but far too often it is difficult to keep up some posts) is very taxing trying to keep up with the often random and disconnected thoughts put forth by 'T's...I just ain't got time for that. Thank you.

Thanks Funsky.

As I see it, we all have our role to play. Pharaoh, back in the day, got his ass kicked. He was controlled opposition. God hardened his heart so he could kick his ass. See here:

"But the LORD hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and he did not listen to them " - Exodus 9:12

So, I think God is using Frank to make sure these threads rank in the top so more folks can find them.

There is no other rational explanation that I can think of, other than:

"As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly" - Proverbs 26:11

I guess we'll know in eternity.

Either way, I love Frank.
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Thanks Funsky.

As I see it, we all have our role to play. Pharaoh, back in the day, got his ass kicked. He was controlled opposition. God hardened his heart so he could kick his ass. See here:

"But the LORD hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and he did not listen to them " - Exodus 9:12

So, I think God is using Frank to make sure these thread rank in the top so more folks can find them.

There is no other rational explanation that I can think of, other than:

"As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly" - Proverbs 26:11

I guess we'll know in eternity.

Either way, I love Frank.

It is kind of you to show love to an antagonist (I am not singling anyone out here re: my prior post or this one for that matter). But coming in from a hard day dealing with a variety of frustrating situations, I genuinely wanted to see if anyone else had made a post sharing their 'lemonade' story/situation and I was greeted by so many off topic posts I just glossed over and went to the end. I will go back and see if someone made a post worth reading but really, can't the 'T's focus on just one or two threads and give us all a break on other threads that may have some meaningful info? May I suggest you start another thread for the 'T's so there is a place they can go to attack...possibly starting it with something like "Calling all Rob/Epik trolls...please post here". Clearly you can handle whatever comes your way, but when their obsession interferes with what could be an interesting and helpful thread it really gets my goat (no disrespect to goats intended here...they are fascinating creatures).
It is kind of you to show love to an antagonist (I am not singling anyone out here re: my prior post or this one for that matter). But coming in from a hard day dealing with a variety of frustrating situations, I genuinely wanted to see if anyone else had made a post sharing their 'lemonade' story/situation and I was greeted by so many off topic posts I just glossed over and went to the end. I will go back and see if someone made a post worth reading but really, can't the 'T's focus on just one or two threads and give us all a break on other threads that may have some meaningful info? May I suggest you start another thread for the 'T's so there is a place they can go to attack...possibly starting it with something like "Calling all Rob/Epik trolls...please post here". Clearly you can handle whatever comes your way, but when their obsession interferes with what could be an interesting and helpful thread it really gets my goat (no disrespect to goats intended here...they are fascinating creatures).

Wouldn't it be easier if you just made a fan boy thread? Let me you show you something:

Wow...surprising to see a 'professional' make a post sharing the confidential information you refer to. Just goes to show, even if you make (pay yourself) over a half a mil a year, you can still be void of any class.

Do you believe that? Is it across the board? I don't recall you raising the same objections when Rob takes screenshots of emails and messages and posts them.

I actually find your posts more off topic/trolling because the posts in this thread reference what Rob posted in his first post. So again, if somebody quotes Rob and replies, it's on topic.

Again, I have no idea why Rob keeps going back to all this Gab crap, keeps bringing it up here. It isn't a good look. Whatever success you have now, you probably would have more if you didn't take that route. There is nothing positive about that thread linked in the first post.

Did you have anything constructive to add about overcoming adversity?

Stop making the same mistakes over and over again. Take responsibility for decisions you make, learn from them. See other thread about SEO. You want that stuff to die down, then stop talking/linking to it. Get back to what this forum is for, domaining. We really don't need more pedestal and ladder threads.
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Wouldn't it be easier if you just made a fan boy thread?

I was wondering who, if anyone, would respond to my post thus self-designating himself/herself as a 'troll'....congratulations! You will now be designated 'T number one' (abbreviated as '#1' or simply '1') if, in the future, you feel the need to 'call me out' in this thread or any other.

Do you believe that? Is it across the board? I don't recall you raising the same objections when Rob takes screenshots of emails and messages and posts them.

I did not/am not addressing anything in this thread other than the fact it has been derailed by trollish behavior that undermines the intent of the original title/post. Rob (or even you) are welcome to screen shot whatever you's irrelevant to me.

I actually find your posts more off topic/trolling because the posts in this thread reference what Rob posted in his first post. So again, if somebody quotes Rob and replies, it's on topic.

Why not make your life easier and less troubling, since you are finding my posts off topic, by taking advantage of the ignore feature and include me in your 'ignored members' list (if you do not have one started already, please allow me to be the first).
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I was wondering who, if anyone, would respond to my post thus self-designating himself/herself as a 'troll'....congratulations! You will now be designated 'T number one' (abbreviated as '#1' or simply '1') if, in the future, you feel the need to 'call me out' in this thread or any other.

I did not/am not addressing anything in this thread other than the fact it has been derailed by trollish behavior that undermines the intent of the original title/post. Rob (or even you) are welcome to screen shot whatever you's irrelevant to me.

Why not make your life easier and less troubling, since you are finding my posts off topic, by taking advantage of the ignore feature and include me in your 'ignored members' list (if you do not have one started already, please allow me to be the first).

Yes, if you want to call somebody a troll, don't be a coward about it, just do it directly.

"I did not/am not addressing anything in this thread"

Well of course not. That would mean you would actually be on topic. Stay with the blind allegiance type posting. I didn't expect you to have the same standards across the board, it would require you to call out Rob when he doesn't meet them. If you really believe something, you should be consistent with it, across the board. And feel free to use that Ignore feature yourself, my feelings won't be hurt if you do. I've never used it, if I don't want to read something from somebody, I simply don't read it.
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Yes, if you want to call somebody a troll, don't be a coward about it, just do it directly

LOL, I did...are you having issues with the English language?

To stay on topic, maybe you could share a 'lemon to lemonade' story of your own
LOL, I did...are you having issues with the English language?

To stay on topic, maybe you could share a 'lemon to lemonade' story of your own

Apparently, you're have a reading issue. You were dancing around it with your first 2 posts, not mentioning names. It was a general, I love Rob, I won't actually touch anything specific/on topic type of posting.
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Apparently, you're have a reading issue. You were dancing around it with your first 2 posts, not mentioning names. It was a general, I love Rob, I won't actually touch anything specific/on topic type of posting.

Based on your obtuse response quoted above, I can only assume English is not your first language so please accept my apology for being insensitive to that fact.

Out of respect for Rob and this thread, I will move our tit for tat exchange to another thread where I can continue to take the lemons you cast and turn them to lemonade (see what I did there?). Maybe the mods will do the right thing and remove my posts, your posts and any other persons posts that don't stay true to the intent of the thread.

I will be shutting down for the night because I have an early meeting so I won't be responding much longer...we will pick things up later if you wish.
Based on your obtuse response quoted above, I can only assume English is not your first language so please accept my apology for being insensitive to that fact.

Out of respect for Rob and this thread, I will move our tit for tat exchange to another thread where I can continue to take the lemons you cast and turn them to lemonade (see what I did there?). Maybe the mods will do the right thing and remove my posts, your posts and any other persons posts that don't stay true to the intent of the thread.

I will be shutting down for the night because I have an early meeting so I won't be responding much longer...we will pick things up later if you wish.

Why in the world would you lie about it, when people can just literally read your first 2 posts? Again, you mention 0 names in those posts, but then say you're being direct? You also forgot your own post, let me bold it for you and put it in the biggest text NP has:

It is kind of you to show love to an antagonist (I am not singling anyone out here re: my prior post or this one for that matter).

JB, you are a clown

JB, you are a clown...lets see how you hold up under a microscope...didn't you promise to go away once upon a time? Do us all a favor and make it so.

Use Ignore Feature. Don't cry about something you have control over.
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EDIT: Not going to get on your level
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Sigh .. this has really drifted off topic .. FYI people, just a few hours before Rob posted this, in an email exchange, I had mentioned that I will likely be losing my job of 23 years because of my knee issues and now after several weeks, my work insurance has decided I won't be getting any of that pay from that time because they've labelled my condition as chronic (even though the worst pains by far have been almost entirely limited to the specific movements I do at work).

What I've also mentioned on my blog and likely here and in preceding emails with Rob regarding things at Epik, is that I've also had multiple floodings, conflicts with my condo association/neighbours, uncooperative insurance, both my mom and dog have had serious health issues in the last two years (both doing better now thankfully), I had a non-domain import/export side-business lose a ton of money because our middle-man died overseas in the middle of our biggest transaction .. and then my side-business partner had a depression and left the country leaving me to pay and to handle everything .. on top of that .. the government thinks we actually made money and is after me for taxes .. and the paperwork I need was effectively lost when the middleman died in a country where there is no chance of getting it all resolved without paying more than what it would cost me to do nothing (and some other paper work was lost in my flooding).

But thankfully, aside from my grandfather who had a full life into his 90's, I haven't lost a loved one lately, nor did my ex cheat on me (as far as I know .. lol .. and while I am single, it's not an issue for me as I have too many other things to worry about for a while) .. and domains have been good to me in 2019 (unfortunately not well enough just yet for me to be ok with losing my job .. although I actually was envisioning leaving in another year or two) .. so I'm guessing he had other people in mind as well with his post and not just me, or maybe just didn't want to make me (or anyone else) feel singled out by the post so he added those other things? Either way, given the timing, I can say that this post was started with genuine on-topic intent (even if I don't have any lemons in my fridge).

As for the rest .. let me just say that sometimes in an argument .. both sides can be right .. and both sides can be wrong ..

Honestly @frank-germany .. the way you post it is extremely difficult to understand you. You often post 4-5 posts in a row .. sometimes with what looks like contradicting statements (although I guess sometimes that's a result of attempted sarcasm). I really suggest that until someone else posts after one of your posts, that you keep all your posts combined, and write in unbroken lines and sentences. Because while you often say good and relevant things, you really can't blame anyone for taking you out of context the way you write sometimes.

That being said .. you do have a right to be upset for having your information posted, and Rob definitely owes you an apology for that. But at the same time, you can't be taking that out of context either .. I'm just seeing what's linked above, but given the very likely context, he was using it in a way to say that neither of you are nazies, and not that he's trying to label you as one.

@frank-germany .. I really doubt you're a bad guy at all .. and I actually don't blame you for taking some of the things Rob has posted as being questionable. I too had my doubts about him, but have since had multiple exchanges which has let me come to understand him a bit more (even if we don't always agree). Ironically enough it was some of the posts by his former employee @Slanted that made me try to understand Rob a bit better (I was a bit invested in needing to come to a decision either way as I had started transferring domains to Epik the year before, when I had no clue about anything related to Rob in any way).

I really advise you to pick up the phone and call Rob. I'm not saying you should forgive him for anything .. but all this back and forth is really getting to be a bit much. Just try to listen to each other .. try to understand the other person's perspective .. and apologise to each other if there was any wrong doing by either or both parties. I'm not even saying either of you needs to accept the other's apology .. but for the sake of all future topics in NamePros, please take it off NamePros, or start a new topic and keep it focused there.

It's a little tough judging Rob, because there are two levels at play here. As a registrar operator, I respect his "I don't agree with what you say, but will fight for your right to say it" .. it's very clear that this is an established ingrained value of his far preceding anything to do with Gab or even Epik. So, whether you agree with his decision or not, I don't think it's fair for anyone to say any related decisions is just being an opportunist and wanting more business/money.

Also on that topic .. is that again .. there are two levels at play. Gab is clearly a hate-focused site. And while I 100% agree with Rob, in that the theory of Free Speech is foundationally important for a free democratic society .. at the same time it's an unfortunate reality that most of the internet is not about free speech.

"Free Speech" only works when harmful ideas (like racism, climate-change-denial and other forms of blind hate/ignorance) is openly and fairly challenged and debated (and ideally eventually proven to be wrong). Free Speech without confrontation, open/fair dialog and debate can indeed actually be harmful. In a self-contained, self-reinforcing tribe-like site like the Gabs of the world, while technically being open for all to participate, actually has the reality of mostly only containing one self-reinforcing side of a disgusting argument .. where there is no real debate .. no dialog .. it's just hate justifying and re-enforcing more hate.

But from a registrar stand-point .. it's about creating rules that apply to everyone without prejudice, and as long as Gab is technically open to all, then it's not really breaking the rules when nobody comes for the other side in a debate (although there certainly could indeed be hate speech/crimes which are indeed illegal in certain jurisdictions). So while it's an easy choice to personally hate sites like Gab, I can appreciate the challenge when it comes to global rules. But hate speech can't be ignored either ... but for that individual hate speech I mentioned, that I feel is more something for the courts, as I actually wouldn't feel comfortable with random registrar employees, inexperienced, and more importantly, untrained in such legal matters, to be deciding EITHER WAY whether something is appropriate or is not appropriate .. even if when at times it can and is obvious.

It's like the lawyer representing a criminal .. you want to hate them .. but without lawyers and a legally fair defence, the criminal in turn does not get a fair trial .. and in turn the entire justice system fails. While Free Speech differs quite a bit (Epik isn't actually the lawyer in this case .. they are actually the enabling of the right for people to talk) .. and you are free to agree or disagree .. but Epik is about making sure everyone has a right to speak .. while at the same time realising that there are some who will abuse the privilege .. but ultimately it's not up to them to make that judgement .. and that .. REGARDLESS as to if they agree or disagree with said content.

Again .. I'm not saying you have to agree or disagree with that .. I'm just trying to show how there can be a different perspective .. also please don't respond to this either way whether you do agree or not .. I actually understand and respect both sides of the coin here .. it is not as simple as most people would like it to be .. and I'm just trying to end the continuous back and forth that goes nowhere and does nothing but take discussions off-topic .. that being said .. if you do have something to say on the matter .. please do feel free to say it .. but PLEASE start a new topic!

*Going to take little Steamie for a nice long late-night walk .. where we will discuss his right to chase squirrels*
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Thought break room is where we relax?

Yet Rob is faced with all these relentless attacks,

Easy there... you dont play fair,..
(offtopic narratives brought to stir it up)

act like you care... when all u do is tear
into Rob Monster!!!

lemons->lemonade isnt “free for all roast”
I believe in Rob, grateful for his posts!
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My lemons into lemonade —> expose their agenda.!!

Always same people... wonder why..? Go Rob!!

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Troll Jokes

How do you stop an Internet troll?
Seize their memes of production.

What is the difference between a Nerd and a Troll.
Trolls were once Nerds but they went over to the Dork side.

How many trolls does it take to change a light bulb?
None; Trolls never see the light anyway.

And finally...

How many lemons does it take to light up a light bulb?
It takes at least 4 lemons to light a small light bulb. Hey, maybe a Troll could use this to see the light???
Sigh .. this has really drifted off topic .. FYI people, just a few hours before Rob posted this, in an email exchange, I had mentioned that I will likely be losing my job of 23 years because of my knee issues and now after several weeks, my work insurance has decided I won't be getting any of that pay from that time because they've labelled my condition as chronic (even though the worst pains by far have been almost entirely limited to the specific movements I do at work).

What I've also mentioned on my blog and likely here and in preceding emails with Rob regarding things at Epik, is that I've also had multiple floodings, conflicts with my condo association/neighbours, uncooperative insurance, both my mom and dog have had serious health issues in the last two years (both doing better now thankfully), I had a non-domain import/export side-business lose a ton of money because our middle-man died overseas in the middle of our biggest transaction .. and then my side-business partner had a depression and left the country leaving me to pay and to handle everything .. on top of that .. the government thinks we actually made money and is after me for taxes .. and the paperwork I need was effectively lost when the middleman died in a country where there is no chance of getting it all resolved without paying more than what it would cost me to do nothing (and some other paper work was lost in my flooding).

But thankfully, aside from my grandfather who had a full life into his 90's, I haven't lost a loved one lately, nor did my ex cheat on me (as far as I know .. lol .. and while I am single, it's not an issue for me as I have too many other things to worry about for a while) .. and domains have been good to me in 2019 (unfortunately not well enough just yet for me to be ok with losing my job .. although I actually was envisioning leaving in another year or two) .. so I'm guessing he had other people in mind as well with his post and not just me, or maybe just didn't want to make me (or anyone else) feel singled out by the post so he added those other things? Either way, given the timing, I can say that this post was started with genuine on-topic intent (even if I don't have any lemons in my fridge).

As for the rest .. let me just say that sometimes in an argument .. both sides can be right .. and both sides can be wrong ..

Honestly @frank-germany .. the way you post it is extremely difficult to understand you. You often post 4-5 posts in a row .. sometimes with what looks like contradicting statements (although I guess sometimes that's a result of attempted sarcasm). I really suggest that until someone else posts after one of your posts, that you keep all your posts combined, and write in unbroken lines and sentences. Because while you often say good and relevant things, you really can't blame anyone for taking you out of context the way you write sometimes.

That being said .. you do have a right to be upset for having your information posted, and Rob definitely owes you an apology for that. But at the same time, you can't be taking that out of context either .. I'm just seeing what's linked above, but given the very likely context, he was using it in a way to say that neither of you are nazies, and not that he's trying to label you as one.

@frank-germany .. I really doubt you're a bad guy at all .. and I actually don't blame you for taking some of the things Rob has posted as being questionable. I too had my doubts about him, but have since had multiple exchanges which has let me come to understand him a bit more (even if we don't always agree). Ironically enough it was some of the posts by his former employee @Slanted that made me try to understand Rob a bit better (I was a bit invested in needing to come to a decision either way as I had started transferring domains to Epik the year before, when I had no clue about anything related to Rob in any way).

I really advise you to pick up the phone and call Rob. I'm not saying you should forgive him for anything .. but all this back and forth is really getting to be a bit much. Just try to listen to each other .. try to understand the other person's perspective .. and apologise to each other if there was any wrong doing by either or both parties. I'm not even saying either of you needs to accept the other's apology .. but for the sake of all future topics in NamePros, please take it off NamePros, or start a new topic and keep it focused there.

It's a little tough judging Rob, because there are two levels at play here. As a registrar operator, I respect his "I don't agree with what you say, but will fight for your right to say it" .. it's very clear that this is an established ingrained value of his far preceding anything to do with Gab or even Epik. So, whether you agree with his decision or not, I don't think it's fair for anyone to say any related decisions is just being an opportunist and wanting more business/money.

Also on that topic .. is that again .. there are two levels at play. Gab is clearly a hate-focused site. And while I 100% agree with Rob, in that the theory of Free Speech is foundationally important for a free democratic society .. at the same time it's an unfortunate reality that most of the internet is not about free speech.

"Free Speech" only works when harmful ideas (like racism, climate-change-denial and other forms of blind hate/ignorance) is openly and fairly challenged and debated (and ideally eventually proven to be wrong). Free Speech without confrontation, open/fair dialog and debate can indeed actually be harmful. In a self-contained, self-reinforcing tribe-like site like the Gabs of the world, while technically being open for all to participate, actually has the reality of mostly only containing one self-reinforcing side of a disgusting argument .. where there is no real debate .. no dialog .. it's just hate justifying and re-enforcing more hate.

But from a registrar stand-point .. it's about creating rules that apply to everyone without prejudice, and as long as Gab is technically open to all, then it's not really breaking the rules when nobody comes for the other side in a debate (although there certainly could indeed be hate speech/crimes which are indeed illegal in certain jurisdictions). So while it's an easy choice to personally hate sites like Gab, I can appreciate the challenge when it comes to global rules. But hate speech can't be ignored either ... but for that individual hate speech I mentioned, that I feel is more something for the courts, as I actually wouldn't feel comfortable with random registrar employees, inexperienced, and more importantly, untrained in such legal matters, to be deciding EITHER WAY whether something is appropriate or is not appropriate .. even if when at times it can and is obvious.

It's like the lawyer representing a criminal .. you want to hate them .. but without lawyers and a legally fair defence, the criminal in turn does not get a fair trial .. and in turn the entire justice system fails. While Free Speech differs quite a bit (Epik isn't actually the lawyer in this case .. they are actually the enabling of the right for people to talk) .. and you are free to agree or disagree .. but Epik is about making sure everyone has a right to speak .. while at the same time realising that there are some who will abuse the privilege .. but ultimately it's not up to them to make that judgement .. and that .. REGARDLESS as to if they agree or disagree with said content.

Again .. I'm not saying you have to agree or disagree with that .. I'm just trying to show how there can be a different perspective .. also please don't respond to this either way whether you do agree or not .. I actually understand and respect both sides of the coin here .. it is not as simple as most people would like it to be .. and I'm just trying to end the continuous back and forth that goes nowhere and does nothing but take discussions off-topic .. that being said .. if you do have something to say on the matter .. please do feel free to say it .. but PLEASE start a new topic!

*Going to take little Steamie for a nice long late-night walk .. where we will discuss his right to chase squirrels*

It is rarely possible to do justice to an mega-post so I won't try, but short thoughts:

- This thread was supposed to encourage folks. The folks who rated this thread as being stupid are certainly allowed to do that but indeed this is in the break room and you guys are on the official #PartyPooper list but it is not too late to change your vote before it is memorialized.

- I appreciate that shares some of his own challenges. ICYMI, the man loves to walk his dog Steamie but now has a bad knee. That sucks, but on the other hand, he is now perhaps forced to develop new hobbies or maybe investigate more about the meaning of life.

- The Gab thing is a somewhat frustrating part of my legacy. What some folks don't get is that I took a risk in drawing a line on lawful free speech. I engaged on that site, in part to make sure that they stayed on the right side of the line. I am not active there. I did meet some smart Christian Libertarians there.

As for the onward path of this thread, I think this is a suitable thread to just look for some encouragement from people who have stared into the abyss and went on to find out what was on the other side of that valley of adversity. Stay positive, keep learning, and believe the best is yet to come. I do.

The same people follow, troll and make off topic comments in every single thread started by @Rob Monster. It’s tiresome and childish. If you don’t like him don’t read or post. Simple.

As far as the tired ass Escrow argument: Afternic, Dynadot,NameSilo, all the brandable marketplaces, GoDaddy, NameBright, DAN, etc to ad nauseum, act as financial intermediaries in the sale of domain names without any escrow license. Note,only Epik was targeted and reported. That tells me all I need to know about that situation.

At the time of the controversies, I thought Rob should back down and stop posting. I was wrong. Obviously that is not in his nature and exactly what his critics here and elsewhere wanted. You can say what you like but I would trust he has domainers backs way more than any of the super big boys in this industry who should but don’t .

That desire to build not just his own but domainers wallets up and innovate is the lemonade in this year long battle to discredit him and Epik IMO.
That desire to build not just his own but domainers wallets up and innovate is the lemonade in this year long battle to discredit him and Epik IMO.

Nope, sorry. I actually said in the other thread that he should just stick to business. He's an active CEO, that's good. When problems come up, they get handled, that's good etc. Do that good stuff. That advice would be good for business right? But when you post videos and in them talking about Gab or start threads like this, again talking about Gab. He keeps on bringing the crap over, at the same time dressing it up, pretending it was something else. Then you open it up to response. If somebody quotes him and responds it's on topic. All these fan boy posts are off topic, they're basically empty posts.

And in the first post, if you truly want to mentor people, then actually walk your posts. Saying you let somebody have it, or beat them down, comes across like some junior high stuff.

Try it and you'll see, you would have less of this stuff. Less promotional posts would probably help as well. Where threads are started with the main goal of pushing a product. A recent example, dropping promotions in literally 3 different posts, it really is Captain Obvious type stuff. True discussion of course is always welcome.
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And correct me if I’m wrong, isnt this personal issue settled? (In appropriate thread) we get you hurt...

quit trying bringing it up every window, opportunity!!
The personal stuff should be kept personal, frankly i domain to get away from politics. Save for political, or the “bash Rob” thread you’re avoiding caspiciously

Rob said he would fight all the vitriol, anger, hatred head-on in that thread, which he’s done admirably for 100 pages, defin

Nope, sorry. I actually said in the other thread that he should just stick to business. He's an active CEO, that's good. When problems come up, they get handled, that's good etc. Do that good stuff. But when you post videos and in them talking about Gab or start threads like this, again talking about Gab. He keeps on bringing the crap over, at the same time dressing it up, pretending it was something else. Then you open it up to response. If somebody quotes him and responds it's on topic. All these fan boy posts are off topic, they're basically empty posts.

And in the first post, if you truly want to mentor people, then actually walk your posts. Saying you let somebody have it, or beat them down, comes across like some junior high stuff.

Try it and you'll see, you would have less of this stuff. Less promotional posts would probably help as well. Where threads are started with the main goal of pushing a product. A recent example, dropping promotions in literally 3 different posts, it really is Captain Obvious type stuff. True discussion of course is always welcome.

I doubt anything i say change ur Rob misconception, u keep trying project...

"Fanboy"? Careful... sensing another "deplorable" ...

i dont know who work for, but i bet u, i dont know ur CEO looks like...

That's the difference.

And correct me if I’m wrong, isnt this personal issue settled? (In appropriate thread) we get you hurt...

quit trying bringing it up every window, opportunity!!
The personal stuff should be kept personal, frankly i domain to get away from politics. Save for political, or the “bash Rob” thread you’re avoiding caspiciously

Rob said he would fight all the vitriol, anger, hatred head-on in that thread, which he’s done admirably for 100 pages, defin


I doubt anything i say change ur Rob misconception, u keep trying project...

"Fanboy"? Careful... sensing another "deplorable" ...

i dont know who work for, but i bet u, i dont know ur CEO looks like...

That's the difference.


You really need to learn to read. I don't start these threads referencing Gab. Not sure what part of quote and reply you're not getting.

Look at my very post in this thread, it was reply to this:

"Personal attacks and belittling of others are not tolerated."

And I said that should be for everybody. So you either agree with that or not. If you agree with it, then it goes for Rob as well. And I quoted where he did that and just touched on it again in my last post "let somebody have it, or beat them down". You're not touching that part, you're just doing rah rah posting.

So if you want some lemons into lemonade stuff, learn from this thread. Gab has been talked to death already, do we really need more of it? This is part of the problem:

I engaged on that site, in part to make sure that they stayed on the right side of the line.

Now see my earlier post to see if that is accurate.
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The folks who rated this thread as being stupid are certainly allowed to do that but indeed this is in the break room and you guys are on the official #PartyPooper list but it is not too late to change your vote before it is memorialized.

Yeah .. but maybe they voted "this thread is stupid" exactly because they weren't taking it too seriously!? lol ... Anyhow .. you know my opinion of pools .. and true to form .. I actually not only didn't look at the results of this one .. I forgot it was even a poll .. depending on the poll, I almost always just look at the discussions and actual content. That's the problem with the internet .. everyone just votes something quick or makes a quick undeveloped comment .. and then things get taken out of context .. or more importantly .. people just jump to take sides instead everyone communicating, sharing their own thoughts and opinion *AND* listening and considering the differing thoughts and opinions of others.

People often tell me to post shorter .. but to me it's important that the things I say be very clear and not be taken out of context. Most of us are lucky to live in countries where indeed we do have free speech .. but too many people take that right for granted .. and more importantly that the foundation of free speech is the sharing and discussing of ideas *AND* being open to the ideas of others (even if you most certainly also have the right not to agree .. and should give detailed reasons why not if that's indeed the case .. THAT is the reason for having Free Speech in the first place).

- The Gab thing is a somewhat frustrating part of my legacy. What some folks don't get is that I took a risk in drawing a line on lawful free speech. I engaged on that site, in part to make sure that they stayed on the right side of the line. I am not active there. I did meet some smart Christian Libertarians there.

You see .. that's what I saw .. and because of that, I was able to respect your intentions even if I didn't agree with what you did .. but that comprehension was only because I had talked with you directly .. I can't blame some people for being upset .. because that one little detail that were unaware of makes a big difference. In all fairness to you though .. by that time, most people weren't willing to listen or try to understand your perspective. Which again .. is part of the problem as to why free speech on the internet is a non-existent fallacy .. because most people only yell out their point of view without trying to understand the other point of view.

ICYMI, the man loves to walk his dog Steamie but now has a bad knee.
Actually .. with the exception of the last month, my knee issues were pretty much only at work (because of the very specific movements I do there), the doctors and specialists actually have said walking is one of the best things I can do .. so little Steamie is happy .. although we've always walked tons ever since I adopted him! We just got back from a nice 3 hour midnight walk (ironically enough I twisted my ankle .. not on an empty container of lemonade .. lol)! :)

- I appreciate that shares some of his own challenges
I don't really hide much because I mention a lot of that sort of stuff on my blog from time to time .. so it's not really secret. Plus I do know it's encouraging to others to see despite everything else going wrong .. at least domaining is going well for me. I think overall despite the fact I've only been actively domaining 3 years, that most of my advice is pretty good.

That sucks, but on the other hand, he is now perhaps forced to develop new hobbies or maybe investigate more about the meaning of life.
I've already got a pretty good grasp of it all (including the meaning of life .. the answer is 42 right?) ... things were actually slowly but surely coming back on track for me .. life was actually getting better (I was never one to be too depressed to begin with) .. I was even looking forward to slowly moving away from my job and indeed focusing more on domains and maybe finding something complimentary in the domain industry (my current job couldn't be any further away from domains .. lol) .. it's just that with this new added issue of the worsening of my knees at work and effectively not being able to go back to work to get paid and the recent news that insurance would not be covering my time off .. that has really thrown a monkey-wrench in my short / medium term plans. I'm in my 40s, but now am forced to figure out what I want to do when I grow up! ;)
At the time of the controversies, I thought Rob should back down and stop posting. I was wrong. Obviously that is not in his nature and exactly what his critics here and elsewhere wanted. You can say what you like but I would trust he has domainers backs way more than any of the super big boys in this industry who should but don’t .
Nope, sorry. I actually said in the other thread that he should just stick to business. He's an active CEO, that's good. When problems come up, they get handled, that's good etc. Do that good stuff. But when you post videos and in them talking about Gab or start threads like this, again talking about Gab. He keeps on bringing the crap over, at the same time dressing it up, pretending it was something else. Then you open it up to response. If somebody quotes him and responds it's on topic. All these fan boy posts are off topic, they're basically empty posts.
And in the first post, if you truly want to mentor people, then actually walk your posts. Saying you let somebody have it, or beat them down, comes across like some junior high stuff.

I hope you guys realise that both your points are valid. It most definitely would be great and helpful/informative if all registrar CEOs were even half as active in the community as Rob .. because there's no denying we learn a lot of insightful things from him .. but at the same time .. maybe Rob might go a little too far for what some people (for whom he holds the keys to their domains at Epik) are comfortable with .. because while he is indeed gaining more and more customers .. there is also no denying that there are also people who specifically do not go there because of him.

More importantly .. he is a person and entitled to his views and opinions .. and he is also a CEO of a company that is holding thousands of our domains. So where's the line? (Please don't answer that .. it's a rhetorical question with no absolute answer .. lol)

In a world where most people don't really care about much .. it's very important to stick to your morals .. but at the same time .. sometimes you got to get the work done because morals don't pay the bills!

It's all about balance .. and maybe if I had a little more, I wouldn't have twisted my ankle on my way back home with Steamie a bit earlier! :-/ lol
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