
advice Tips for newbies: Stay away from new gTLDs

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
For those starting out in the domaining space, here is a small advice for you all:

Initially when searching for a domain name, you may see that all the good extensions like .COM, .NET, .ORG may have been already registered.
If some of them are offered for sale, prices may be in multiple thousands of dollars and it may not make sense for you to go for them.

At the same time, the registrars show other extensions that are available for that particular keyword :
For example, as I type "afflliates", which is an excellent keyword, you see that is already taken, but what is available are other extensions like, etc etc which may not be valuable at all.

Screen Shot 2018-06-14 at 11.10.50 AM.png

Before buying or investing in any new gTLD, just head over to and check for that particular extension and sales in that. That gives a realistic picture of the scenario.

While some of the new gTLDs may have some sales, investing in them is seen from 2-5 years point of view.
Until that time, you might be discouraged and leave this business thinking that it didn't work for you while in reality, you did not try it properly in the first shot itself.

So, what I suggest you to do is, go for .COM or some other popular extension that sells well. Try and experiment to see what is working.
Read and research properly. And then invest.

Overall, invest in new gTLDs only when you have a cash flow from domaining and then, you wish to invest for 2-5 years in a name that might sell well.

Have you already bought new gTLDs as a noob? How has it been till now?
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Anyone willing to share their experience?
Just one more thread to advertise NameBio or what???
And regarding sales...
I sold 7 nTLDs as of today... ~$640 per domain on average.
6/7 were from 1 to ~60 days old, just the only one was 1 year old.
All inbound.
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And all are Non-Premium domains.
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Regarding conversion overall...
Worse than .PRO/.com/.net/.org but better than .info/.biz
Just one more thread to advertise NameBio or what???
Haha I don't advertise anything. Just some research things that has worked for me and might work for someone else too.
You can use if you want to! Any case, you need to be updated with the daily sales so that you are with the trend.
And regarding sales...
I sold 7 nTLDs as of today... ~$640 per domain on average.
6/7 were from 1 to ~60 days old, just the only one was 1 year old.
All inbound.
That's cool. Do you mind sharing the names?
Have you sold any .COMs too?
How many new gTLDs do you own so we have idea of the conversion rate?
This could be a good example and we might start looking at things in this light as well. Totally for education purpose.
I own many...
I don't practice micro- or minidomaining at all.
And about conversion - I already replied above.

All my 2017/2018 sales via Sedo are absent there for unknown reason... regardless of TLD (legacy or new).
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Do you mind sharing the names?
1word domains, standard fee.
Non-English and English / short / brandable / Personal Names.
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Any case, you need to be updated with the daily sales so that you are with the trend.
My own portfolio - the best information source for me.
I don't use any 3rd-party services.
Those sold 7:
4 .life
1 .TOP/.work/.one
My own portfolio - the best information source for me.
I don't use any 3rd-party services.
Well good for you. While a majority of the domineers would disagree not knowing about what's going on since it might make your good sales better. Just a thought!
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