
discuss Timely Domains? - Display and explain

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Over the years I've registered a dozen or so what I consider to be "timely domains". Timely domains can come from sports, politics or current news and events.

Most of you know when Caitlin Clark set the all time scoring record for NCAA basketball (for both men and women), i registered a domain in recognition of her special accomplishment. Speaking of "timely", i registered the domain within hours of the occasion.

Listening to the news this am, I heard Nikki Hailey (Republican candidate for President of the United States) say that she was going to vote for her opponent Donald Trump for President. Her reasoning; "Biden has been a catastrophe"

You may be able to guess the 2 word domain I registered that has to do with both Biden and the noun catastrophe. No one ever owned or registered the domain before now:xf.wink:

Thanks Nikki.....youda man:ROFL:

ps. anyone else like to share their timely domains or care to comment.
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Wow, that's like the devil hugging the bible. The world is laughing (and shaking their heads).
Thanks, got your attention didn't it:xf.wink: How's this?

trump american flag.jpg

"Only in America"
Thanks, got your attention didn't it:xf.wink:
The image, yes. Definitely not the domain.

Btw, I wonder if he's about to penetrate that flag with his little mushroom. Is it a crime to rape the flag or does he have presidential immunity for that?
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The image, yes. Definitely not the domain.

Btw, I wonder if he's about to penetrate that flag with his little mushroom. Is it a crime to rape the flag or does he have presidential immunity for that?
Glad you like the image so much. What do you think about this domain;


Unfortunately someone beat me to this one four years ago. Do you believe it! But since you like the image so much here it is again. Enjoy!
trump american flag.jpg
What do you think about this domain;

Even worse. Zero value.

As I said earlier, maybe it's time for you to call it quits? There's no shame in admitting that you don't have what it takes. I'm sure there are other industries where you would stand a better chance to succeed.
Here's one of the ways I intend to monetize my timely domains, and that would be yours truly:xf.cool:Show attachment 257666

Person A: What's AbortHate.com?
Person B: Apparent'y it's a domain name for sale, the domain resolves to a $999 BIN on Atom.com

Person A: What's BlackAndBlueMatter.com
Person B: IDK, the domain doesn't resolve.

Person A: Is he promoting domain names on poster boards, then redirecting the traffic to a for sale page?
Person B: The pickles are spicy today!
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Even worse. Zero value.

As I said earlier, maybe it's time for you to call it quits? There's no shame in admitting that you don't have what it takes. I'm sure there are other industries where you would stand a better chance to succeed.
way too funny....like anything you say will deter me from my mission. btw, i've already succeeded in other industries. Gotta run now.....meeting Jeff Brodie (convicted felon) and friend for lunch. Jeff and i plan to shoot a Youtube video for the domain VoteConvictedFelon.com or another I just bought ConvicetedFelons4Trump.com

Thanks for the advice @DrJacoby You da man:xf.eek:

Hey Rich. Just wanted to hear a bit more about this. How will this sign help to monetize these domains?
Joe, as a voter strategist I'm being compensated more than enough pay for these domains. Another of my domains FlipthatSeat.com will be used to flip Virginia from Blue to Red in November. Having voted for Obama in 2008 and Clinton in 2016 I'm committed to NEVER EVER vote for another Democrat as long as I live.

With just a few exceptions I'm not trying to sell these domains but I do intend for them to buy votes which are like coins in a fountain:xf.wink:

Finally, I'm sure you know that strategists are paid for their work, and domains just so happen to be the tools of my trade.
Joe, as a voter strategist I'm being compensated more than enough pay for these domains. Another of my domains FlipthatSeat.com will be used to flip Virginia from Blue to Red in November. Having voted for Obama in 2008 and Clinton in 2016 I'm committed to NEVER EVER vote for another Democrat as long as I live.

With just a few exceptions I'm not trying to sell these domains but I do intend for them to buy votes which are like coins in a fountain:xf.wink:

Finally, I'm sure you know that strategists are paid for their work, and domains just so happen to be the tools of my trade.
Sounds like an interesting endeavour!

So you're working as a political strategist now. You wear a lot of hats! Are the domains being developed to supplement this work?
Sounds like an interesting endeavour!

So you're working as a political strategist now. You wear a lot of hats! Are the domains being developed to supplement this work?
I actually got started in the 2022 midterm when I created a sign for candidate Jen Kiggans for Congress. My sign that simply said "God - Family - Country" Vote Jen Kiggans for Congress was actually on National TV the night before the election. The governor of Virginia Glen Youngkin gave it a thumbs up when he saw it in the crowd, and a few hours after the powers to be wanted my sign front and center for the TV camera's.

The day of the election I carried my sign....a 2 mile walk to the polls to vote. The kudows I got carrying that sign were pretty special. Then when Jen won, she "flipped that seat", it made my strategy even more valuable.

No time now, but I'll link a copy of the actual sign to this thread tomorrow if I can find it.
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I actually got started in the 2022 midterm when I created a sign for candidate Jen Kiggans for Congress. My sign that simply said "God - Family - Country" Vote Jen Kiggans for Congress was actually on National TV the night before the election. The governor of Virginia Glen Youngkin gave it a thumbs up when he saw it in the crowd, and a few hours after the powers to be wanted my sign front and center for the TV camera's.

The day of the election I carried my sign....a 2 mile walk to the polls to vote. The kudows I got carrying that sign were pretty special. Then when Jen won, she "flipped that seat", it made my strategy even more valuable.

No time now, but I'll link a copy of the actual sign to this thread tomorrow if I can find it.
Very cool. So how are those timely domains (AbortHate and BlackAndBlueMatter) being monetized and used?
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Over the years I've registered a dozen or so what I consider to be "timely domains". Timely domains can come from sports, politics or current news and events.

Most of you know when Caitlin Clark set the all time scoring record for NCAA basketball (for both men and women), i registered a domain in recognition of her special accomplishment. Speaking of "timely", i registered the domain within hours of the occasion.

Listening to the news this am, I heard Nikki Hailey (Republican candidate for President of the United States) say that she was going to vote for her opponent Donald Trump for President. Her reasoning; "Biden has been a catastrophe"

You may be able to guess the 2 word domain I registered that has to do with both Biden and the noun catastrophe. No one ever owned or registered the domain before now:xf.wink:

Thanks Nikki.....youda man:ROFL:

ps. anyone else like to share their timely domains or care to comment.
Your ability to capture domain names at the right moment is impressive, as demonstrated by your example with Caitlin Clark and Nikki Hailey. Share your experiences with timely domains, whether they're clever wordplay or strategic moves based on news.
Going to raise my price for D-Trump .com , as his chances to become president are growing each day.

Just look at this:

Joe Biden not stepping back, and giving space to a new candidate (as he shoud have down 1 year ago already)
is an insult, if you ask me, towards the american voter.

That is not comprehensible.

We all know that he is just a place-holder for Kamala Harris, at this time.
Your ability to capture domain names at the right moment is impressive, as demonstrated by your example with Caitlin Clark and Nikki Hailey. Share your experiences with timely domains, whether they're clever wordplay or strategic moves based on news.
Thanks....they're both clever wordplay and strategic moves based on news. The problem is with monetizing them. Take for example I recently registered the domain TrumpsFirstDay.com that cleverly assumes that Trump will be America's next President, and it pokes fun of the media's crazed rhetoric when Trump vowed to be a Dictator only on 'Day One'

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Very cool. So how are those timely domains (AbortHate and BlackAndBlueMatter) being monetized and used?
Joe....i'm being compensated in several ways for my domain creations especially when they're used on signs to motivate voters. While many of my signs simply have "Slogans", the fact I'm able to turn them into domains just adds value.

Here are a couple of slogan domains I haven't registered yet, but they'd look great on signs;


then there's MostGuysRGuys.com from the "Most Guys" skin care commercial.
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i'm being compensated in several ways for my domain creations
One being a weekly allowance from your wife? The other being your pension?
Joe....i'm being compensated in several ways for my domain creations especially when they're used on signs to motivate voters. While many of my signs simply have "Slogans", the fact I'm able to turn them into domains just adds value.

Here are a couple of slogan domains I haven't registered yet, but they'd look great on signs;


then there's MostGuysRGuys.com from the "Most Guys" skin care commercial.
I'm not well-versed in this type of work. You have clients hiring you to motivate voters?

I'm just trying to understand the business model, and how the domain names factor into the work.
I'm just trying to understand the business model, and how the domain names factor into the work.

“Business model” is a rather grandiose term for what’s happening here.
I guess domains CAN be all about whatever keeps you happy. Maybe as investors most of us only have an eyeball on the bottom line. Just look at how many hobbies/interests out there that end-up costing a small fortune for the participant.

Maybe we (as domain investors) should take a step back from criticising all those that have other values to domaining. Yeah, even I shall find that hard.

I learnt to think of our OP as a collector of posts and responses, nothing wrong with that, he certainly ranks as a attention grabber
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