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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Much like you, this guy has called the President of the United States, a traitor! He's a disgrace to the United States and doesn't deserve to have a security clearance while Trump is President! You can call it revenge, I call it a very smart business decision!
Brennan just said the truth in this instance... that was treason. Somebody has to say it. Do you have a better word for what happened ?
Other prominent officials have said the same thing in slightly milder, but still harsh terms. For example, Chuck Hagel, Ash Carter, Clapper, Hayden, Albright...
So it's not just one lone critic and you know it. So he's going to have to revoke a lot of clearances.

In fact, the whole of Senate rebuked 45 over the incident:
Senate fires bipartisan Russia warning at Trump
A 98-0 vote.
Even GOP could not endorse that level of treason AND treachery.
The Senate had to step in to make up for 45's lack of spine-bone.

Brennan doesn't work for the current administration, and he does not have to swear allegiance to the president. He is free to speak again. High-ranking officials like those from the intelligence community generally take an oath along these lines: "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic"
(emphasis is mine)

Yes, Trump is a traitor. But in my opinion GWB is a traitor too. Obama too. Nixon too.
But as far as we know none were acting on behalf of Moscow.
Here we are at a completely different level where personal and foreign interests prevail over American interests.

Don't worry, there are people paying attention. Obviously you aren't one of them.
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Yes, Trump is a traitor. But in my opinion GWB is a traitor too. Obama too. Nixon too.

Did you forget Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan or were they OK?
Brennan just said the truth in this instance...

Brennan's a professional liar who spied on Congress and then denied it happened under oath. He was allowed to hand picked the team that investigated the resulting perjury allegations .

Why would a President let a corrupt enemy who leaks information in exchange for money from a Media company keep a security clearance?

The only thing that can happen to restore trust is a complete declassification of all documents and communications of the O'team hustlers from 2016 Until now.
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New Omarosa tapes, Lara Trump offering her a job, after she was fired. They were going to have her work on Trump's 2020 Campaign:

Some tweets:

"Omarosa just released a new secret tape to MSNBC of Lara Trump offering her a $15,000-a-month job on the Trump re-election campaign. The offer was apparently made just days after she was fired from the administration."

"Omarosa secretly recorded her phone call with Lara Trump immediately following her firing in which Lara Trump offers her $15K per month hush money which would be financed via "small donors for the most part." 'Small donors' ==> that's YOU, MAGA fools."

Basically, trying to buy her silence. Using donations from Trump fans to buy people off.

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Trump freaking out about this:

Coast to coast, and in between, local news is standing up to Trump's press attacks

About 350 newspapers all have one thing in common on Thursday: A statement supporting the free press and decrying President Trump's attacks against the media.

him responding:

The Boston Globe, which was sold to the the Failing New York Times for 1.3 BILLION DOLLARS (plus 800 million dollars in losses & investment), or 2.1 BILLION DOLLARS, was then sold by the Times for 1 DOLLAR. Now the Globe is in COLLUSION with other papers on free press. PROVE IT!

There is nothing that I would want more for our Country than true FREEDOM OF THE PRESS. The fact is that the Press is FREE to write and say anything it wants, but much of what it says is FAKE NEWS, pushing a political agenda or just plain trying to hurt people. HONESTY WINS!

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 3h

Somebody talking about honesty, when he's literally the biggest liar we've had in office.
Here's a little common sense re: Brennan.

Trump Was Right To Revoke Former CIA Director Brennan's Security Clearance

"Let's say a company like Apple fired an employee. But, for some reason, Apple lets the now ex-employee keep his access to all internal workings of the company — plans for new products, proprietary numbers on sales, everything.

That'd be insane, right? Should that employee happen to be disgruntled, there's no telling what he could do with such information."

Brennan's a known liar and enemy at the heart of a plan to thwart a presidential election. IMO.
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And what about the other countless critics, including the whole of Senate ? All liars and enemies ?

Past presidents were abundantly criticized but would not brand the press as enemy of the people.
But what we have today is not a real president, but a pathetic, revengeful, spoiled little child. Who is utterly incompetent and unfit for the job, and will never learn what it means to be a real man.
Found this interesting a search engine for conservatives

Wonder (if not already) when the Liberal version will come out!

"Interesting" doesn't mean that I endorse it, just though it was interesting ../
And what about the other countless critics, including the whole of Senate ? All liars and enemies ?
Elected officials have security clearance based on their needs. They are not ex-employees.

Past presidents were abundantly criticized but would not brand the press as enemy of the people.
But what we have today is not a real president, but a pathetic, revengeful, spoiled little child. Who is utterly incompetent and unfit for the job, and will never learn what it means to be a real man.
Yeah.. the press is just as corrupt and petulant as Trump. I have no sympathy for them.
"Let's say a company like Apple fired an employee. But, for some reason, Apple lets the now ex-employee keep his access to all internal workings of the company — plans for new products, proprietary numbers on sales, everything.
Very disingenuous argument. First of all, Brennan was not fired. And government does not work like corporations (but of course for 45 there is strictly no difference).
And your comparison doesn't make sense. As far as I know Brennan is retired or semi-retired. He does not enjoy access to "all internal workings" of the State apparatus, just by virtue of holding a security clearance.

He has been commenting on public events that everybody could see on live TV or twitter, that is the erratic conduct of the Potus. Not on some privileged information that only cleared people have access to.

Again, not a fan of the guy, but he's not just one isolated critic. Plenty of people are speaking up, and for good reason.
haha, if this is true:

Furious Trump told advisers that he wants Jeff Sessions to arrest Omarosa over her book: report

"Two former White House officials also tell Sherman that Omarosa has been masterful in the roll out of her book, as it seems her every move is designed purposefully to make Trump explode with rage.

“She is doing everything perfect if her ultimate goal is to troll Trump,” one official explained.

Trump this week has furiously attacked his former aide after she accused him of being racist and in “mental decline” in her book, “Unhinged: An Insider’s Account of the Trump White House.”

She's a snake but she's a snake with audio recordings. She's not the type to stop, kind of like a female Trump.

“Death Spiral”: Why Omarosa Totally Triggered Trump
The perceived betrayal of a longtime female ally, and her perfectly executed Trumpian tactics, made the feud too personal to ignore.

just found this funny, Roger Stone having a Nixon tattoo on his back:

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Very disingenuous argument. First of all, Brennan was not fired. And government does not work like corporations (but of course for 45 there is strictly no difference).
And your comparison doesn't make sense.

A ) Ex Apple employee with clearance can talk to current employees about classified projects.

B ) Ex CIA employee with clearance can talk to current employees about classified projects.

How many people need security clearances? No-one in the Gov should be asking Brennan what he thinks about anything.

As far as I know Brennan is retired or semi-retired. He does not enjoy access to "all internal workings" of the State apparatus, just by virtue of holding a security clearance.
Then why does he need one?

He has been commenting on public events that everybody could see on live TV or twitter, that is the erratic conduct of the Potus. Not on some privileged information that only cleared people have access to.

Again, not a fan of the guy, but he's not just one isolated critic. Plenty of people are speaking up, and for good reason.

You don't think Brennan is erratic because you agree with him. Nothing is stopping Brennan from speaking out about anything. A security clearance is a privilege.

** you have no idea what information Brennan shared with media off the record.
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Just a reminder that we used to have Presidents who could speak in whole sentences and who used words to honor and uplift others, not to mock and tear them apart.
@Kate if John Brennan had information about Donald Trump being compromised by Russia or anyone, he should say it. Make it public and let the chips fall.

If Brennan is a patriot and exposed Trump as a traitor, he'd be a national hero. Even if he was charged with a crime, a democrat President would pardon him.

John Brennan is an opportunist trying to cover his own ass. IMO.
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Wonder (if not already) when the Liberal version will come out!

It's already out, it's called GOOGLE! You should check it out sometime! :xf.wink:
Brennan was replaced. Not his choice.
Indeed. But he was not 'fired' like you suggest, as if he were some sort of rogue employee who had to be terminated for breach of trust. Worthless comparison.

A ) Ex Apple employee with clearance can talk to current employees about classified projects....
Can be prosecuted too, for insider dealing or breach of NDA. Or be denied future employment opportunities.

How many people need security clearances? No-one in the Gov should be asking Brennan what he thinks about anything.
In the US, millions of people have security clearances, at different accreditation levels. A lot of people really.

Then why does he need one?
He simply retained his own, that he obtained a long time ago, like so many other people who have performed in a public capacity. The question is why revoke it now ? Of course it is politically-motivated.

A security clearance is a privilege.
Not a privilege. it has to be earned. It is needed to work in sensitive positions.

Note that the president of the United States does not hold a security clearance himself, and is not subject to screening. If the president were subject to the same rules, then Trump would never qualify for a security clearance ever, especially in light of what we already know, that is only the tip of the iceberg. And you know it too.
Just think what his SF-86 would look like.
Compulsive, deluded liar, would melt down in front of the polygraph.
It's already out, it's called GOOGLE! You should check it out sometime! :xf.wink:

Well was hoping that it might inspire someone to design and profit from the opposing point of view...maybe a thread lurker that can code seen it!
Indeed. But he was not 'fired' like you suggest, as if he were some sort of rogue employee who had to be terminated for breach of trust. Worthless comparison.

McConnell tried to "replace" him the first day of Trump's administration. He was booted out the door.

Can be prosecuted too, for insider dealing or breach of NDA. Or be denied future employment opportunities.

In the US, millions of people have security clearances, at different accreditation levels. A lot of people really.
None of those are arguments to let JB keep a security clearance.

He simply retained his own, that he obtained a long time ago, like so many other people who have performed in a public capacity. The question is why revoke it now ? Of course it is politically-motivated.

Not a privilege. it has to be earned. It is needed to work in sensitive positions.

Just like a drivers license has to be earned. Playing word games doesn't change anything. Yes, revoking his clearance was politically motivated. It was also the right thing to do.

Note that the president of the United States does not hold a security clearance himself, and is not subject to screening. If the president were subject to the same rules, then Trump would never qualify for a security clearance ever, especially in light of what we already know, that is only the tip of the iceberg. And you know it too.
Just think what his SF-86 would look like.
Compulsive, deluded liar, would melt down in front of the polygraph.
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Senators call for CIA chief’s resignation
By Julian Hattem - 07/31/14 05:26 PM EDT

Pressure is building on CIA Director John Brennan to resign following the agency’s admission Thursday that it spied on the computers of Senate staffers.

CIA chief’s confirmation delayed amid partisan wrangling on Inauguration Day
Partisan wrangling over the CIA post just hours after Trump took the oath of office showed how politicized the agency has become.
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UT chancellor, commander who led bin Laden raid tells Trump: 'Revoke my security clearance, too'

ISIS remains a regional and global threat despite battlefield losses, Pentagon says
"ISIS very much remains a threat and is "well positioned" to rebuild, despite being driven to only a few small towns on the banks of the Euphrates River in Syria, the Pentagon said Wednesday."

It's going to grow again under Trump, after all the progress made under Obama.

This doesn't help:
"President Donald Trump has trumpeted his administration's success in ejecting ISIS from most of Syria and Iraq, asserting earlier this year that the US would "be coming out of Syria like very soon."
Exclusive: Omarosa's publisher tells Trump campaign: We 'will not be intimidated'

"While your letter generally claims that excerpts from the book contain 'disparaging statements,' it is quite telling that at no point do you claim that any specific statement in the book is false. Your client does not have a viable legal claim merely because unspecified truthful statements in the Book may embarrass the president or his associates. At base, your letter is nothing more than an obvious attempt to silence legitimate criticism of the president."

Put simply, the book's purpose is to inform the public. Private contracts like the NDA may not be used to censor former or current government officials from speaking about non-classified information learned during the course of their public employment.............

My clients will not be intimidated by hollow legal threats and have proceeded with publication of the Book as schedule," it added. "Should you pursue litigation against S&S, we are confident that documents related to the contents of the Book in the possession of President Trump, his family members, his businesses, the Trump Campaign, and his administration will prove particularly relevant to our defense."

Big boy lawyers, haha. Bring it on, we'll be happy to see you in court and go thru your documents.
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Just saw this, what a dummy:

Donald J. Trump Retweeted GOP

Thank you for the kind words Omarosa!
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 4h4 hours ago

So this shows, she's successfully baiting him, bringing more attention to her. He thinks posting old video of her while she was working for him, somehow negates what she's saying now, leaked audio etc.

4 videos last 5 days. Recordings before she was fired, recordings of her actually getting fired, recordings after she got fired. Which tells me, she's been recording this whole time. Not good for Trump.
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