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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Why didn't he lead with this instead of pointing and yelling at breakfast.
BREAKING NEWS: Germany fixes soaring migrant crime rate in under 6 months.
Muslim party leader in the Netherlands tells Dutch to leave their country if they don’t like diversity...
Not what he said.

Actually he did say that. At the one minute mark in this video. Within the context of the discussion, it's not an outrageous thing to say. It it a wise idea to call someone a global foe and a threat to your survival, and then put yourself in a position where they can turn your lights off?
Yes it is. Abortion clinics are not birth control clinics. Many abortions are done by irresponsible, dumb people. Less fortunate does not equal ignorant. The free education opportunities the US provides is incredible. I travel the developing world and interact with the less fortunate daily. Most live happier lives that Americans. With much less “stuff”. The spoiled Americans most have no idea how the rest of the world really lives. Immigrants have an idea about how fortunate they are compared to where they migrated from.

Where did you get abortion clinics in context of “nanny state?” Taxpayer money does NOT fund abortions. Thats not what I was talking about when I commented on that term.

Statistics on “irresponsible dumb people?” Is there a peer reviewed study on this? Unless you can show me some facts, I’m just going to take that as your opinion.

I am glad you said “people” and not “women” though - the guy is equally responsible, if not the one bearing (pun intended) the brunt of the consequences.

Education opportunities in the US are very good - I agree with that. We fall behind the rest of the “developed world” in ensuring the health of our own. There are many other “first world” countries where people don’t die or go bankrupt because they can’t afford medical care.

There seems to be a growth in the attitude “I’ve got mine, F you” both nationally and globally. That’s sad, and in the end doesn’t really benefit anyone.
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60 Million Americans Who Had No Rights...

Here in Europe the dumb Governments tell us we need immigration, to replace the millions that are killed by abortions. Ironic, isn't it?
So, You Think You're Tolerant?
The LEFT is foaming at the mouth about separation of kids from parents over immigration.....and yet are ALL IN FAVOR OF MURDERING BABIES through ABORTION, including LATE TERM ABORTION, in which babies are literally ripped out of the womb....part by part!!!

WATCH The Left Celebrate Killing Babies

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Failing attention whore will be back to writing for others next season.
Now you know why journalist have decided to go after Senator Gowdy.

He's words, indignation don't line up with the facts.

Despite D's best attempts to protect Strzok, Gowdy's examination was damming. This guy should not have been given a position of authority in either investigation of Trump or Clinton.
@GILSAN Have you seen this? I have a contact who periodically sends me info since he keeps up with what is going on.

Incredible how our so called leaders are helping destroy Europe with their suicidal policies against the native population....

Here's another video, which is more specific about the once beautiful and super peaceful country called Sweden...

Testing Tolerance: Swedes are saying ‘enough’, to immigrants, no-go zones, sharia law & gang rapes
This Gowdy guy just repeating stuff.

Valid point was nobody leaked Trump Campaign was under criminal investigation during the campaign, but Comey talked about looking into Clinton's emails again that actually hurt her. And you have Dems, Repubs, Indys in the FBI.

Hillary’s Benghazi Investigation -
72 months of investigation
0 Indictments
0 guilty pleas
11 hrs of Hillary’s testimony

Trump’s Russia Investigation
14 months of investigation
23 indictments
5 guilty pleas
0 hrs of Trump’s testimony


Saw all this trending, apparently he's already getting threatened with lawsuits. If you've ever seen Borat and some other things he's done.

Sacha Baron Cohen Teases ‘Trump-Themed’ TV Show

Sarah Palin Admits She Was ‘Duped’ by Sacha Baron Cohen
“Yup - we were duped. Ya’ got me, Sacha. Feel better now?” the former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate wrote on Facebook. “I join a long list of American public personalities who have fallen victim to the evil, exploitive, sick ‘humor’ of the British ‘comedian’ Sacha Baron Cohen, enabled and sponsored by CBS/Showtime.”

Roy Moore Threatens Lawsuit Against Sacha Baron Cohen
"former Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore has come out with a similar preemptive statement about his unwitting involvement in the project. According to Moore, he was invited in February of this year to receive an award in Washington, D.C. for his “strong support” of Israel and did not realize the series was intended to “embarrass, humiliate and mock not only Israel” but also figures like him, Palin, Dick Cheney and former GOP Rep. Joe Walsh, whose involvement in the show had not yet been officially confirmed."


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Trump states to May no “soft” Brexit. Great news. Hard Brexit, respect the voters, drain the UK swamp.

Rand Paul speaks on increasing the size of NATO.


“To understand what NATO expansion does to our relations with Russia, one must at least be aware of Russia’s perspective. Such awareness does not mean we agree with their point of view, but rather that we are aware our actions lead to reactions, and that NATO expansion does not occur in a vacuum,” the Kentucky senator wrote.
Cohen Democrat praises Peter Strozk and stated he deserves a Purple Heart. Wow. What a huge insult to war veterans who fought and served. I am shocked at the Swamp, give a purple heart to a national disgraced employee who was demoted.

Maxine is needed back in the news for entertainment. She seems to be in hiding. Time Magazine is saying top influential of 2018.


Auntie Maxine, adored. Influential. 41 years in Govt, Queen of the Swamp.
Cohen Democrat praises Peter Strozk and stated he deserves a Purple Heart. Wow. What a huge insult to war veterans who fought and served.

But not the draft dodger that disrespected POWs?

And then his own Purple Heart moment.

Just listened to this nut Karen Handel and she's getting it now. Said something about extramarital affair to be used as blackmail, as if she has no clue who's President.
https://twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q="Karen Handel"&src=tren&lang=en

Poor showing for the Republicans.
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Pretty simple. The cameras are on, so these pathetic, groveling, sycophantic, beta males do their best to impress their serial conman boss and his ignorant brainwashed base. I'm sorry, did I mince my words :)
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