
information The State of the Industry 2024: 36 Experts Reflect on the Past Year and Predict What's Ahead For Us Now

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It's here! DNJournal's 20th Annual State of the Industry Cover Story. DNJ was launched on New Year's Day 2003. A year later the domain industry news magazine started the annual State of the Industry Cover Stories with experts from all corners of the industry commenting on what they saw as the highs and lows of the past year, as well as what they were expecting in the year ahead. I wanted this 20th annual edition to be the biggest one we have ever done and that challenge was met thanks to three dozen industry leaders who responded to our interview requests. If you are serious about the domain business, this is one you won't want to miss:
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I bought a non-com domain name for $24 and sold it 6 months later for $200,000

That's all I have to say.
what the name?
say it out loud... or should I called you a faker
While the statement is broad, it is mostly correct.

.com is the gold standard of the domain name hierarchy. While other extensions have worth, they are in many ways inferior to .com

We use copper for wiring and in making pennies and it is the same for tin, aluminum, and other metals, but we don’t use gold for common wiring and no longer mint gold coins for public currency because it is usually stored in a safe deposit box. I don’t believe Fort Knox has silver, copper, or tin stored there.

.com as an extension is the most valuable. I’m not knocking other extensions. Just stating the obvious.

While gold is still valuable, bitcoin is the best performing asset over 10 years. There will be a "bitcoin standard of domain names" which might make .com less valuable in term of use and scarcity.
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