
domain The ABC's of a "great domain name".....or not?

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Is "short", "memorable" and ".com" THE criteria?

  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.
  • 😃 Absolutely! No exceptions.

  • 😝 Only when it's a name I hold.

  • 🤥 It's NOT the criteria. We've all been had.

  • 😡 No co-mingling of characters.

  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.


Established Member
🤨 It's time to have a real discussion by placing the widespread belief many investors have about what makes a "great domain name" under the microscope. There was recently some mind-boggling critique shared on a popular social media platform about a particular domain name that inspired this write-up. Which domain?

👉 abć.com

🤞 Now, hopefully the Namepros mods are gracious enough NOT to move this post to another section of the site because it mentions a domain that's actively for sale. Afterall, many folks express they need to know the domain name in order to grasp the context of what's being covered here in the forum. Continuing on.....

✅ So, abć.com meets the criteria many investors say is necessary to be considered a “great domain". Is it short? Check. Is it memorable? Check. Is it .com? Check. It's worth noting it does EXACTLY what any other domain does by being functional, searchable and resolvable on browsers. However, there were parties who deemed it "deceptive"?

👃Granted, opinions are like nostrils in the sense most people have at least one. So there was no offense taken to the critique. Needless to say, it was odd that "deceptive" was the narrative some people sought to go with despite the post itself using a photo depicting how folks can access special characters on their mobile phones. Reads as transparency right?

🙏 It was following the social media post that it became clear the centralized domain investment space might be in trouble if investors start to contradict the "great domain narrative" they've endorsed for so long. In the handbook of great domain criteria, we haven't seen/heard that great domains only contain English characters. (Thankfully we haven't.)

😤 Many investors loathe any name that doesn't include .com and a centralized element. Yet, some have found issue with the promotion of a name that reflects the value elements they swear by. Some might oppose because it wasn't their registration; or they could feel a name like abć.com reveals a chink in the armor of great domain classification.

♠️ In closing, this would be a great time to call a spade a spade in the domain space. Especially with the cult-like devotion some centralized investors have to the notion things should, and must, go a certain way. If short, memorable and .com is your measure, why cry deceptive when that standard is met and leveraged?

🤔 Unless there's more at play here. Is it?

📣 Share your constructive thoughts.

⚾ @bobhawkes, your insight would be appreciated here.


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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
It's ok. It's worth about a millionth of the one with the 'c'.
It's an IDN.

Internationalized Domain Name: abć.com

There is very limited demand for them.

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It's an IDN.

Internationalized Domain Name: abć.com

There is hardly any demand for them.


🤝 As always, your perspective is valued @bmugford. The thread wasn't necessarily referencing perceived demand/value though. It was pointing to the fact a domain can be typed, and displayed, as abć.com in the browser bar; and thus meets the "short", "memorable" and ".com" criteria.

🥸 To the technical folks, it's a masked IDN similar to how every domain name masks a server address. When a person merely has to hold a single character on their mobile keyboard to change the "c", it means a name like abć.com does in fact meet the criteria regardless of perceived demand.

QUAD Domains


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What keyboard can this domain even be typed on?


If you can't easily type the domain, that certainly makes it less "functional".


📱It can be typed on mobile phone keyboards AND displays in the browser bar. (See attached photos.) With most people browsing the web from their phone nowadays, and not just a desktop like in the 90's, it's more convenient to type in abć.com than some might care to admit.


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📱It can be typed on mobile phone keyboards AND displays in the browser bar. (See attached photos.) With most people browsing the web from their phone nowadays, and not just a desktop like in the 90's, it's more convenient to type in abć.com than some might care to admit.
So with extra effort it can be typed on a mobile device.

Or you can just type in XN--AB-WLA.COM.

That is not as "functional" as a domain like ABC.com...obviously.

There is hardly any demand for domains like that.

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On a side note, this thread is self-promotional.

It's ok. It's worth about a millionth of the one with the 'c'.

😉 Thanks for chiming in @cooljub. Although you believe it's worth a millionth of the one with 'c', it types, reads and resolves. (See attached photos.) The only logical reasoning for some investors not liking it would be language bias. Without going too deep, we could likely agree some investors are against other languages. If nothing else, a domain like abć.com brings the discussion about language bias to the forefront. The domain literally does exactly what abc.com does. It types, reads and resolves. The technical elements are clearly there.


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📱It can be typed on mobile phone keyboards AND displays in the browser bar. (See attached photos.) With most people browsing the web from their phone nowadays, and not just a desktop like in the 90's, it's more convenient to type in abć.com than some might care to admit.
On a side note, this thread is self-promotional.

Show attachment 241543
🙏 Respectfully speaking, it appears you bypassed the part of the thread that countered the "self-promotion" narrative in advance. Self-promotion CLEARLY was NOT the goal. Especially in a forum where users are notorious for asking the name be shared to grasp context. NEVER did the thread involve any form of solicitation/promotion.

🕵️‍♂️ The fact you "sought out the listing page", "posted a screen-grab in the comments" and "asked is this a form of self-promotion" suggests an attempt to exercise rank to get the thread flagged. It's disappointing; and wasn't something expected from a decorated user like yourself. Needless to say, it feels like an unflattering attempt to "control narrative".

🚨 Nudging the mods to remove the thread by painting a narrative that was responsibly, and respectfully, addressed in the earlier part of the thread is questionable to say the least. This is the culture we NEED to get past. It seems you chose to counter with the self-promotion insinuation after simple proof was provided to back the claim abć.com resolves.

🧑‍⚖️ @bmugford, you clearly have rank on this platform and can likely get any user/post removed. Furthermore, you can sway the comments and voting behavior of other users who respect your tenure on this platform. It's not fair; but it's not surprising. If nothing else, it's disappointing. Especially coming from someone I believed was in favor of open dialogue about how domains "work".


  • Screenshot_20230629-001405.png
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🙏 Respectfully speaking, it appears you bypassed the part of the thread that countered the "self-promotion" narrative in advance. Self-promotion CLEARLY was NOT the goal. Especially in a forum where users are notorious for asking the name be shared to grasp context. NEVER did the thread involve any form of solicitation/promotion.

🕵️‍♂️ The fact you "sought out the listing page", "posted a screen-grab in the comments" and "asked is this a form of self-promotion" suggests an attempt to exercise rank to get the thread flagged. It's disappointing; and wasn't something expected from a decorated user like yourself. Needless to say, it feels like an unflattering attempt to "control narrative".

🚨 Nudging the mods to remove the thread by painting a narrative that was responsibly, and respectfully, addressed in the earlier part of the thread is questionable to say the least. This is the culture we NEED to get past. It seems you chose to counter with the self-promotion insinuation after simple proof was provided to back the claim abć.com resolves.
Respectfully, you write like some AI bot.

Your original post is essentially a sales pitch for your domain, without disclosing you own it.

The appraisal section is probably more appropriate for this type of thread.

🧑‍⚖️ @bmugford, you clearly have rank on this platform and can likely get any user/post removed. Furthermore, you can sway the comments and voting behavior of other users who respect your tenure on this platform. It's not fair; but it's not surprising. If nothing else, it's disappointing. Especially coming from someone I believed was in favor of open dialogue about how domains "work".
I have the same power as everyone else.

I am not a mod.
I can't issue infractions.
I can't move threads.

I don't have any superpowers. Every NamePros member has the same abilities as I do.

This is an open dialogue. You might be looking for an echo chamber.

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Respectfully, you write like some AI bot.

Your original post is essentially a sales pitch for your domain, without disclosing you own it.

The appraisal section is probably more appropriate for this type of thread.

I have the same power as everyone else.

I am not a mod.
I can't issue infractions.
I can't move threads.

I don't have any superpowers. Every NamePros member has the same abilities as I do.

This is an open dialogue. You might be looking for an echo chamber.

⚖️ There's a major difference between "your interpretation" and what's "reality". The fact you say this thread is more appropriate in appraisals suggests you're attempting to exercise covert influence. There was no talk of value in this thread. Absolutely none. The thread pointed to the "standard" many investors have about what constitutes a "great name". I knew for a fact the thread, and name, would draw criticism. That was the point. Strike up the discussion.

🚫 There are some users on this platform who praise the supreme standard of short, memorable and .com; but then covertly facilitate censorship of any perspective that counters this narrative. You're leading with the tone of assumption here; and not because you have to. You stated every Namepros user has the same power; but I'd have to disagree. The badges and tenure count for something on this platform. As for whether they should, that's a different topic.

🤝 Let's agree a domain is a domain. Regardless of whether you like how it reads or view it as undesirable.
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🤝 Let's agree a domain is a domain. Regardless of whether you like how it reads or view it as undesirable.
I don't think anyone would disagree that this is a domain name. It is an IDN.

Interesting. Other Dan landers mention when the domain in question is an IDN, but minimalistic doesn't.
I don't think anyone would disagree that this is a domain name. It is an IDN.

✅ It's in fact an IDN.....that does what any other domain does. I understand that it's convenient for you to sidestep the original basis for the thread. In neither of your responses have you acknowledged that it types, reads and resolves as abć.com even though it's classified as an IDN. This is the most questionable, and unreasonable, aspect of our entire exchange. Mobile-keyboard references and screen-grabs of the browser bar were included in my responses to remove any speculation about what was being stated here. But then again, it's what you have NOT acknowledged that speaks volumes about your intent/motive. Nevertheless, it's your strategy/approach.

👏 To your satisfaction, the thread post has been moved and classified as advertising/promotion by the Mods. I guess badges and insinuation does the job. Needless to say, I forecasted this in my earlier comments. It worked @bmugford. It worked. Kudos. This all supports the point being made about the Namepros culture. Being trapped in the 90s and avoiding the facts of change and evolution are NOT going to serve many domain investors well; but time is the best revealer of such a revelation. This is why the ability to create your own websites/platforms is so important/valuable. They allow you to bypass attempts by others to distort narratives. Even in the case of abć.com and other domains/IDNs.

➕ @NamePros has its pluses and minuses; but it does NOT appear to be evolving into a place where future generations can gather. This is most concerning. It's functioning as a silo for "approved thoughts" and "favorable viewpoints". It's a culture endorsed by folks like you @bmugford. Many of your views shared on Namepros are appreciated; but all it takes is one exchange to shift the tide of perception. Our recent exchange has shifted the tide. It likely doesn't matter; but I expected more from you. Yes, you've made progress in the domain investment space; but this wasn't the best display of forward-thinking dialogue. As elders, we have to do better; unless the goal is to keep censoring others until we censor ourselves.

⌛ It has been a long time since the early days of domain investing where the computers were bulky and internet connections were dial-up. You, like many of us here on Namepros, did decently for yourself. However, time is passing and mortality is setting in; which means we have to choose how we proceed in passing the torch. This anti-everything-new attitude doesn't cut it; and only pulls back the curtain on archaic views held by us old guys. Kudos to those who'd rather have the discussion about evolution regardless of whether it makes them uncomfortable. The domain investment space is already slow and lackluster in many respects; so exchanges like ours pushes it further into irrelevance.

☕ Get some coffee and take a walk @bmugford. This entire thing was a reach on your part. A truly disappointing reach. Enjoy your day as best you can.

@bobhawkes @cooljub
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