
Spaceship.com registrar thread.

Spaceship Spaceship


Private InvestorTop Member
I just tried Spaceship.com. They're a NameCheap brand and launched their beta. I think they rightfully deserve a thread on NP to discuss our experiences with their new registrar.

Remember, it's still in beta so do expect some glitches, work to be done... Would be cool in someone from NC would care to chip in :) @tamar
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Regged some names with them, I must say I really like what I'm seeing. Realizing it was a Namecheap product made me a bit hesitant since I have had a love/hate relationship with them, though this feels like a completely different company. Security is top-notch, the design is nice & futuristic and the prices are some of the best, a lot better than NC ironically. I may be moving a lot of my names here and will stay if the prices and quality continues.

Just wish the dashboard had a dark mode option to match the space theme.
Really like them but they still have room to grow. Eager to see how they improve.
Regged some names with them, I must say I really like what I'm seeing. Realizing it was a Namecheap product made me a bit hesitant since I have had a love/hate relationship with them, though this feels like a completely different company. Security is top-notch, the design is nice & futuristic and the prices are some of the best, a lot better than NC ironically. I may be moving a lot of my names here and will stay if the prices and quality continues.

Just wish the dashboard had a dark mode option to match the space theme.
Thanks for giving us a try and glad you like what you've seen so far. In terms of NC, we were kind of held back by our legacy systems so progress was much slower. With Spaceship we've changed all that and things are much different in terms of what we can do and how fast we can build things. You can expect more and better things. I also agree about dark mode, once things open up we'll get a version of that up :)
Also need those 301 redirects!
Testing and it looks great. Any plan to integrate with sedo and afternic and \ or develop minimalistic and simple make offer \ buy now landing pages?
So far everything works well. However, bulk domain management leaves a lot to be desired. Can't search multiple domains at once like in Sav. Can't sort using namesers. There's a lot of stuff they could add to make it easier. But I guess we can always make those suggestions since the platform is relatively new.
Testing and it looks great. Any plan to integrate with sedo and afternic and \ or develop minimalistic and simple make offer \ buy now landing pages?
Hello Antonio, all your suggestions here are being worked on now. Thank you very much for your feedback!
So far everything works well. However, bulk domain management leaves a lot to be desired. Can't search multiple domains at once like in Sav. Can't sort using namesers. There's a lot of stuff they could add to make it easier. But I guess we can always make those suggestions since the platform is relatively new.
Hey William, thanks for your feedback and for giving us a try. Much appreciated. Have you had the chance to use our domain portfolio application https://www.spaceship.com/application/domain-portfolio/ ? You can categorize and sort as you wish. We are also continously building and shipping. Please feel free to leave your feedback on our roadmap page, we monitor it very closely at https://www.spaceship.com/roadmap ("request a new feature" button the right)
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What happened to the promised rapid development? I now have a large portfolio of domains at Spaceship that I can not properly manage because there is no way to sort the name servers column or even search for a group of domains. I transferred my portfolio to you because I trusted you. Please tell us when proper name server management will be available. I need it ASAP.
What happened to the promised rapid development? I now have a large portfolio of domains at Spaceship that I can not properly manage because there is no way to sort the name servers column or even search for a group of domains. I transferred my portfolio to you because I trusted you. Please tell us when proper name server management will be available. I need it ASAP.
Hello Korganian, have you tried doing in this in the Portfolio app? https://www.spaceship.com/application/domain-portfolio/ . As you can see in the attached screenshot you can sort via the filter option as well as view categories of domains.


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You can also easily create categories in bulk for groups of domains to easily manage them.


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I really don't understand what Spaceships going for from a usability standpoint.

Their URL and site structure is overly complicated and bloated

Having both "Library" and "Launchpad" that lead to similar links is redundant.

Why are they calling things "APPS", when it should simply be called "Domain Manager" or "My Domains".

Every page on the site should have a "My Domains" or "Domain Manager" link in the header area, as Spaceship is primarily a domain registrar. I understand they want to upsell services, but their overall navigation is not intuitive.
Can we get an approximate date on when the bait and switch low pricing will end?
I really don't understand what Spaceships going for from a usability standpoint.

Their URL and site structure is overly complicated and bloated

Having both "Library" and "Launchpad" that lead to similar links is redundant.

Why are they calling things "APPS", when it should simply be called "Domain Manager" or "My Domains".

Every page on the site should have a "My Domains" or "Domain Manager" link in the header area, as Spaceship is primarily a domain registrar. I understand they want to upsell services, but their overall navigation is not intuitive.

We have something called global search that can get you anywhere you want at any time. Much easier than navigating any menu that I've seen out there. I've attached the screenshot here.

Things are called apps because they are in fact applications that allow us to build full flexibility to create tools and products that interface with your domains. We are just scratching the surface of what the platform will be and the tools we will provide customers in this regard so if it was simply about building a typical legacy registrar, then maybe your point would be valid but that's simply not what we are going for.

Spaceship will become what we like to call the operating system for domains. Where we take a static domain and build products and tools to bring them to life and empowering them more than what exists today. We are starting that with Thunderbolt, but that's just one application of many to come https://www.spaceship.com/thunderbolt/.

I understand from the point of view of a domainer you may be set in your ways and expectations but our job is to try expand what is possible via innovation. As I said, more to come.


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@Marina Savina


This is the most valuable advice on your path to developing SpaceShip.com. I hope you will understand the importance of this advice and give it your 100% focus.

I am both a domain name investor, a real estate investor and a long-time stock investor. I own an average investment fund, and manage money for quite a few other investors. So I can confidently tell you that I know what is truly VALUABLE and what is truly trash that needs to be thrown away as soon as possible. So if you follow my short advice, you will succeed, otherwise you will always be behind and fail, despite all your efforts to upgrade and invent new features. is currently being rapidly deployed at SpaceShip.

1. You might think that the low price strategy is good? I ask again, do you really think that's a good strategy? - If you persistently follow that direction, the road ahead of you is abyss. Starting from Namecheap and now going to Spaceship, you still don't realize the problem? You guys and even similar brands like Namesilo are gradually having to increase service prices, right? That proves clearly that if you only focus on the low price strategy, you probably won't go bankrupt. But you guys will NEVER become a successful company. Do your company leaders find it ironic and embarrassing that Godaddy has prices many times higher than yours and has countless scandals in its history and management. They still attract and retain millions of customers, and especially many VIP customers, holding the most expensive domain names and willing to use the accompanying premium services. Including me.

2. If you, the leaders of Spaceship and the smart engineers only diligently focus on building new features and pursuing new technologies. As a long-time investor, I would say that only meets 20% of customers' real needs. You have lost right from the initial stage because you did not meet 80% of customers' needs. customers, and especially the real needs of VIP domain investors, who have important assets. For high-value domain name investors, the price of registering and maintaining a domain name of $10 or $100 is not too big of a difference. What they need is something else, something much more important. Of course it's not a technological feature! As I said, even if you try to reduce prices and upgrade advanced features, 10 years later you will only be able to meet 20% of customer needs. And from the perspective of a financial investment expert like me. That is the end and shows that your company is worthless or low value, does not bring large long-term profits, and the future development trend is downward.
Therefore, in the eyes of management, investment and business vision, your current strategy is very weak and unpersuasive to customers, because customers do not need these features. The functionality is too confusing and complicated like you are trying to build.

So what do customers really need, what can meet 80% of the needs of VIP customers, what will really help Namecheap, Spaceship surpass Godaddy and win them over, and become a supplier? Number 1 in the market as Namecheap's leaders always wish????

3. That is stability and safety! Maybe you already know, but it seems you don't pay proper attention to Godaddy's strongest points compared to other providers. That is their account management and security system, which is extremely advanced and effective. That has been their precious sword for decades to lead the market, not cheap prices and modern, smart features. Even they are terrible in other features and services.
But they give customers absolute peace of mind when they understand that the domain name in Godaddy's account is absolutely safe and cannot be stolen.
I find it strange and confusing that the leaders of Namecheap, Namesilo and now Spaceship companies don't seem to realize this????? It's like a comedy. These companies only follow the low price strategy, and now they are following the strategy of changing the brand and promoting new technology features ???? To the eyes of experts like me, it just looks like the weak resistance of FAILERS. And the biggest failure is not knowing why you failed???

4. So I wrote this post, hoping it will reach the ears of the leaders of these companies. And making them focus on what matters most to customers is a more efficient, intelligent and secure account management system. And don't follow the same path anymore, go plunging further into the abyss. This is the most important precious sword that decides the important factors of the battle:
Ah, do you attract a large number of customers?
B, do you keep customers around better than Godaddy?
C, do you generate more profit per customer than godaddy?

Currently, Godaddy has a number of features that help access and recover accounts very well and effectively:
1. Feature that allows multiple accounts to access each other
2. Log in with many accounts and social networks
And Namecheap currently has a feature that many domain investors love:
1. Domain names can delegate management to many different accounts at the same time. This means multiple accounts can access and manage a single domain name.

--- Ability to access accounts and domains flexibly. That is the factor that makes customers and investors feel secure and at ease, creating great trust and confidence in any domain name registration company.
I'm really surprised and don't understand why most other domain registrars seem to ignore this, and only Godaddy has a large investment in account management and creation utilities. The most convenient access to your account. As a backup in case the main account is accessed illegally or stolen, they still have many different options to help them access the stolen account and recover it again????

And finally, the thing that made me exclaim and write this post is because when I visited Spaceship's account management page and I laughed out loud because of their meager investment of almost nothing for Account management and recovery features. Looking at Spaceship's account admin page, I secretly thought that they would have a very dark and unclear future. Because right now they are going seriously wrong. Changing the brand from Namecheap to Spaceship and pursuing a strategy of steep discounts and developing new technological features is expensive and time-consuming - just BIG MISTAKES AFTER BIGGER MISTAKES.

And most importantly, it is no coincidence that I introduced from the beginning that I am an investor with many years of experience in many fields. Because I have observed and am sure, if Spaceship does not focus on enhancing account management features to attract the most important investors and customers who hold many important domain assets. Then they can only be on the downhill path of failure. It's sad when they don't see that and are still engrossed in following wrong strategies.
The last thing I can say is that, if they hadn't followed my advice, they probably wouldn't have gone bankrupt. But forever they will only be a small, unremarkable registered company and that is a form of CLINICAL DEATH as we investors often say.

And their desire to surpass Godaddy and develop at the speed of spacecraft like their name Spaceship is something that only happens in fiction movies. BECAUSE THEY SIMPLY DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE RULES OF THE GAME THEN THEY WILL NEVER PLAY WELL AND WIN THE GAME.
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1. You might think that the low price strategy is good? I ask again, do you really think that's a good strategy? - If you persistently follow that direction, the road ahead of you is abyss. Starting from Namecheap and now going to Spaceship, you still don't realize the problem? You guys and even similar brands like Namesilo are gradually having to increase service prices, right? That proves clearly that if you only focus on the low price strategy, you probably won't go bankrupt. But you guys will NEVER become a successful company. Do your company leaders find it ironic and embarrassing that Godaddy has prices many times higher than yours and has countless scandals in its history and management. They still attract and retain millions of customers, and especially many VIP customers, holding the most expensive domain names and willing to use the accompanying premium services. Including me.
Precisely Godaddy has gained all their millions of customers thanks to being the first company with the cheapest prices than all the rest by far.
It's just when they have gained all the millions of customers and have become the world leader in number of customers, when they have increased their prices.

If you think that you are gonna teach something to Spaceship.com or whatever other registrar company out there, you should first learn how this business works.
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Precisely Godaddy has gained all their millions of customers thanks to being the first company with the cheapest prices than all the rest by far.
It's just when they have gained all the millions of customers and have become the world leader in number of customers, when they have increased their prices.

If you think that you are gonna teach something to Spaceship.com or whatever other registrar company out there, you should first learn how this business works.
So can you explain to me how Godaddy even after the highest increase in the market, they still explode and lead in terms of market share growth rate, visit duration, and customer retention time? always at the top among domain name registration companies.
Namecheap was born not too long after Godaddy. But have they ever been Godaddy's competitors?
Although they always pursue the cheapest price strategy. And currently on the market today, there are many companies with much cheaper registration prices than Godaddy. Why hasn't there been an explosion in the customer market share of those companies? While Godaddy, with its high prices and not-so-great service, still has high growth indicators? I don't think Godaddy is imprisoning customers and not letting them move, even their number of customers is always increasing sharply.

Give me a more convincing explanation? If you think Godaddy has relied entirely on the discount strategy?
So can you explain to me how Godaddy even after the highest increase in the market, they still explode and lead in terms of market share growth rate, visit duration, and customer retention time? always at the top among domain name registration companies.
Because after years of having the cheapest prices among all companies, they have gained millions of customers and gained the most part of the market share by now.

Add it to spending millions in marketing ads during last years, (some quite sexy!) and there you have it.

Now their customer base is the average people. Many people out there just know Godaddy as a registrar, or they just believe in them more than in others, because when people see a TV ad, that's like passing the "trust" step.
Once they know you and once they trust you, you can put whatever price on it.

Knowledgeable people can search for other options and choose the best. But the average Joe doesn't have time for that, and just register a domain where they have seen a TV sexy ad with a sexy chick with a green hat.
Because after years of having the cheapest prices among all companies, they have gained millions of customers and gained the most part of the market share by now.

Add it to spending millions in marketing ads during last years, (some quite sexy!) and there you have it.

Now their customer base is the average people. Many people out there just know Godaddy as a registrar, or they just believe in them more than in others, because when people see a TV ad, that's like passing the "trust" step.
Once they know you and once they trust you, you can put whatever price on it.

Knowledgeable people can search for other options and choose the best. But the average Joe doesn't have time for that, and just register a domain where they have seen a TV sexy ad with a sexy chick with a green hat.
I got it. You're thinking that the tens of millions of account holders on Godaddy are mostly idiots and ignorant, right? LoL

And you think you and the experts here like SpaceShip are smarter than Godaddy? :) I'll give you another thought, Namecheap is also a long-standing company. And money doesn't lie, the company reaps huge profits and market share, you can't call them idiots and failures.

Based on all criteria, the remaining companies are inferior to Godaddy in every aspect. That's why even though Godaddy raises prices dramatically, customers still don't leave, not because they're stupid and have too much money. Because what they really need is not CHEAP PRICE.

You can defend the position of companies like Namecheap. But from a financial and business perspective. Numbers don't lie. And using the reasons for starting early to explain your weakness sounds ridiculous. Google, Facebook, ChatGPT they are all latecomers, remember that.
So can you explain to me how Godaddy even after the highest increase in the market, they still explode and lead in terms of market share growth rate, visit duration, and customer retention time? always at the top among domain name registration companies.
Namecheap was born not too long after Godaddy. But have they ever been Godaddy's competitors?
Although they always pursue the cheapest price strategy. And currently on the market today, there are many companies with much cheaper registration prices than Godaddy. Why hasn't there been an explosion in the customer market share of those companies? While Godaddy, with its high prices and not-so-great service, still has high growth indicators? I don't think Godaddy is imprisoning customers and not letting them move, even their number of customers is always increasing sharply.

Give me a more convincing explanation? If you think Godaddy has relied entirely on the discount strategy?

Thanks for the business advice. Godaddy started out with an 80 million dollar budget while I started Namecheap with a negative balance on my parent's credit card that I borrowed while working support on my own 24/7 the first few years. Quite the difference. In any case, we're set to do around 330 million dollars in revenue for 2023 with close to 20% year over year growth(higher than GD). Not too bad I guess for a "failing" and "bankrupt" company. FYI, we also have millions of customers.

Lastly we are entirely self funded with zero outside investment and remain a privately owned company. That being said we can make business decisions in favor of our customers rather than stock holders or because we are chasing quarterly numbers to pump up our stock value.

Regarding our business strategy it's about bringing value to our customers. We've done ok with that in the past and we'll continue to follow that path, thank you.
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Lot of bla bla bla...

I mean... C'mon on. Like or hate namecheap. They are kicking ass and one of the better registrars around. Their growth and numbers are impressive in this very competitive business.


Anyway, @enetwork , did you start NC? If so, well done. Very impressive.
The UI/UX are confusing and could be streamlined a bit.

Spaceship has decent pricing though so I guess I'll continue to use them.
Be carefully when you are working with this company. They can close your account and they can delete your domains in 1 hour. I used their namepros coupon and they suspend my account.

Edit they unlocked my account now.

They definitely do not allow a second account for your customers or yourself. Be carefully. Never use coupons they can take all your domains. I don't think I will work with this company anymore.
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