
NOT recommend BODIS PARKING >> Absolute waste of Time and Money

Spaceship Spaceship

I come to tell you why I do not recommend BODIS.
NEVER EVER. It is an absolute waste of time and money.

Account created many years ago but with very little movement.
It has been a few years without movement and in the last few weeks I have added a few domains, about 15 domain names to re-testing. Domains with some backlink created in the past that have been registered by hand and some typo domains.

I generated about 15 dollars and today I find that I can't log in to my account.
I try to change the password but nothing changes.

I have sent an e-mail to support with the problem and this is the reply:
Thank you for contacting us. I've just taken a look at your Bodis account and I'm afraid it appears to have been flagged recently after your domain names received a large spike in false ad clicks. It is against our Terms of Service for you to click on our ads.

We regret to inform you that your Bodis account has now been closed and any earnings generated as a result of these low quality ad clicks will need to be withheld.

Unfortunately we will be unable to continue to support your domain names moving forward.

Thank you.

To clarify points:
1- Logically I never clicked on my ads. Once the DNS has been changed, I only enter once to see if ads are shown, but at no time click on any of them.
2- They don't warn me about anything. They just left the account deleted directly and I'm the one who has to realize that I can't log in to my panel and when I send an email to support they tell me that my account is cancelled.

If they believe that any domain names received a large spike in false ad clicks they should have systems in place to detect and stop them. The owner of these domains can do nothing to prevent it if he has not been made by him.
Therefore, they can suspend your account whenever they want. Without proof, without telling you anything, losing your balance and a lot of time.

I am quite upset.
I don't have a single reason to trust them.
I hope this company disappears soon.

Bye, Bye Bodis.
Bodis parking never again
REMEMBER: absolute waste of time and money.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I have been using Bodis for about a year without any issues. I would say they have systems in place to track any suspicious activity either you click on your own ads or tell your friends to click on your ads. I trust Bodis so I would say it's probably your fault.
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I use Bodis for about a year without any issues. I would say they have systems in place to track any suspicious activity either you click on your own ads or tell your friends to click on your ads. I trust Bodis so I would say it's probably your fault.
Yes, some alien's fault.

There are quite a few users with the same problems on this forum. Bodis account banned without doing absolutely nothing.
The systems they have to track any suspicious activity really suck if all they do is cancel the account holder's account without any further action or review.

Bodis parking never again
REMEMBER: absolute waste of time and money.

I come to tell you why I do not recommend BODIS.
NEVER EVER. It is an absolute waste of time and money.

Account created many years ago but with very little movement.
Clearly, a very frustrating experience. Can you reach out to the company, to ask if the account could be restored if the alleged false clicks are eliminated? Or was there so little income from before, that you really prefer not to continue with them anyhow?
Ideally, they would have protections in place, that automatically void multiple clicks that appear in violation of their terms of agreement. Otherwise, domain owners could become victims of someone attempting to get a domain faillisted or even void their parking account.
Good luck in trying to sort this out.
Clearly, a very frustrating experience. Can you reach out to the company, to ask if the account could be restored if the alleged false clicks are eliminated? Or was there so little income from before, that you really prefer not to continue with them anyhow?
Ideally, they would have protections in place, that automatically void multiple clicks that appear in violation of their terms of agreement. Otherwise, domain owners could become victims of someone attempting to get a domain faillisted or even void their parking account.
Good luck in trying to sort this out.
I think it is not necessary to waste more time with this bad company.
If they have not been able to notify me themselves that my account has been cancelled imagine....

They are not interested in me as a customer and that's it. Not going to waste any more time with it.
Because seeing how they act, I am 99% convinced that they are not going to review anything.

Time to move on to another parking.
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bahahah.. meanwhile its the best in universe for 99percent of everyone.
Ditto whatever Alcy said except his % is a little low :xf.wink:. In the last couple of years they have outperformed every other parking co and they win the majority of my traffic @ Above - so your experience is unfortunate and it is clearly frustrating to have your account closed without seeing further explanation for the closure - perhaps they'll reach out to you personally regarding your post. But your experience with 15 domains (the quality of which we are unable to assess) in what you describe (and I'm paraphrasing) as a previously dormant account doesn't make Bodis an "absolute waste of time and money." And it isn't going to change the opinion of a single experienced parking investor to whom Bodis consistently, quickly and smoothly pays thousands of dollars regularly each month. Please be sure to let us know the results after you move this traffic somewhere else for 6-12 months.
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And it isn't going to change the opinion of a single experienced parking investor to whom Bodis consistently, quickly and smoothly pays thousands of dollars regularly each month.


totally agree!

i joined bodis in 2007

I think it is not necessary to waste more time with this bad company.
There are clearly Bodis enthusiasts here, as noted in the above posts, indicating that they have had great experiences with the company.
In the short time I have been with them, their customer service has been exemplary. They respond quickly in their messaging center, implement customization requests promptly, and provide a user-friendly interface to help keep track of the account.
Perhaps it would be best to recognize that you had a bad experience, and find an alternative that works better for you. And, as one other forum member suggested, report back later after you compare other services.
I understand that some people do well with bodishit. Congratulations.
But keep your eyes open because tomorrow, without skipping a single comma of their conditions, they can close your account. No warnings, no analytics, no nothing. Directly closed and without knowing why unless you send an email to support where they will tell you that it was your fault.

In my case they are lying to my face and I have pointed it out in this thread.
The sentence: "It is against our Terms of Service for you to click on our ads." it´s complety false in my case because no ads have been clicked for me or from my ip or with any other system. I know how the business works.

I am completely transparent and I have been working for many years in the whitehat zone. I have been generating money with Adsense and other similar platform via CPC and CPM system for years and I know how it works. All my work are complety White and transparent in this platforms and in Bodis the same.

Changing to ParkingCrew for this moment.
All I ask is to be treated a little better than bodis. And any problem in my account that they see suspicious let me know and together we can solve it without having to cancel an account with lies without any basis whatsoever.
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Changing to ParkingCrew for this moment.
All I ask is to be treated a little better than bodis. And any problem in my account that they see suspicious let me know and together we can solve it without having to cancel an account with lies without any basis whatsoever.
Please do consider providing an update, perhaps even within the next month or so. Parking Crew does have some good feedback on this forum. Perhaps they will be a great alternative.

I come to tell you why I do not recommend BODIS.
NEVER EVER. It is an absolute waste of time and money.

Account created many years ago but with very little movement.
It has been a few years without movement and in the last few weeks I have added a few domains, about 15 domain names to re-testing. Domains with some backlink created in the past that have been registered by hand and some typo domains.

I generated about 15 dollars and today I find that I can't log in to my account.
I try to change the password but nothing changes.

I have sent an e-mail to support with the problem and this is the reply:
Thank you for contacting us. I've just taken a look at your Bodis account and I'm afraid it appears to have been flagged recently after your domain names received a large spike in false ad clicks. It is against our Terms of Service for you to click on our ads.

We regret to inform you that your Bodis account has now been closed and any earnings generated as a result of these low quality ad clicks will need to be withheld.

Unfortunately we will be unable to continue to support your domain names moving forward.

Thank you.

To clarify points:
1- Logically I never clicked on my ads. Once the DNS has been changed, I only enter once to see if ads are shown, but at no time click on any of them.
2- They don't warn me about anything. They just left the account deleted directly and I'm the one who has to realize that I can't log in to my panel and when I send an email to support they tell me that my account is cancelled.

If they believe that any domain names received a large spike in false ad clicks they should have systems in place to detect and stop them. The owner of these domains can do nothing to prevent it if he has not been made by him.
Therefore, they can suspend your account whenever they want. Without proof, without telling you anything, losing your balance and a lot of time.

I am quite upset.
I don't have a single reason to trust them.
I hope this company disappears soon.

Bye, Bye Bodis.
Bodis parking never again
REMEMBER: absolute waste of time and money.
Hello @Intop,

We are sorry to hear that you had a bad experience while using our parking services. When this particular email is sent out, it usually means that the associated account was flagged for review on our system and had subsequently failed to pass the majority of our quality checks.

If an account fails these checks, it tends to be because the majority of the ad clicks and/or traffic quality does not meet our minimum quality requirements, e.g. the majority of ad clicks are falsely generated by the domain owner or by a proxy, there is a high volume of inorganic referral traffic present (promoted, incentivised, force redirected, arbitrage, etc.), or that the traffic volume does not align with the domain quality and it cannot be substantiated.

If the account is flagged but the majority of the ad clicks and/or traffic quality meets our minimum quality requirements, it is likely that the account will be unflagged and will continue to function as normal without any disruption, but we may reach out to you for additional clarification.

However, if you @Intop, or any other Bodis user feels that they have had their accounts wrongfully suspended in the past, they are welcome to contact support regarding this matter, where we would be more than happy to work with you to try and re-evaluate the suspended account.

Thank you.
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However, if you @Intop, or any other Bodis user feels that they have had their accounts wrongfully suspended in the past, they are welcome to contact support regarding this matter, where we would be more than happy to work with you to try and re-evaluate the suspended account.

Thank you.

From all that I have seen, Bodis does take customer service very seriously. Every customer counts, and hopefully this one customer, even if he does stop using your services, gains a better understanding of what triggered the problems and how to prevent them. After all, it may become a recurrent issue with even a different parking company, and that would be even more frustrating for him at that point.
OP must be U18 reacting so childish..
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OP must be U18 reacting so childish..
Look, maybe the better way of dealing with this is a constructive suggestion. This individual is feeling hurt. Do you think that making comments like this help?
The bottom line is that it is probably unwise to try to blatantly condemn a very established business like Bodis, based on one personal incident. What may be more helpful is instead asking the forum whether anyone else has had a similar experience or what to do in this circumstance.
The frustration is real to this individual. Customer Support has reached out to address this.
My experience has taught me to really think carefully before making a title comment with potentially negative connotations. Perhaps there needs to be a reminder that Namepros forum that comments can show up on Google. Try to react wisely when posting in the midst of a difficult situation.
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Looks like Bodis is good with many members here. Anyone care to tell me the top 3 Bodis alternatives?
Agreed with the OP.

Bodis likes waiting until the end of month then cancels your account, keeping all your hard-earned profit.

Have moved to ParkingCrew and Above :) now a happy man
Agreed with the OP.

Bodis likes waiting until the end of month then cancels your account, keeping all your hard-earned profit.

Have moved to ParkingCrew and Above :) now a happy man
Hello @CK_Yau,

If you believe that your Bodis account was wrongfully suspended, please forward your account details to me or email [email protected], and we will look further into this matter.

Hello @CK_Yau,

If you believe that your Bodis account was wrongfully suspended, please forward your account details to me or email [email protected], and we will look further into this matter.

waste of time...

I contact with support about my ban... this is your reply:

Thank you for contacting us. I've just taken a look at your Bodis account and I'm afraid it appears to have been flagged recently after your domain names received a large spike in false ad clicks. It is against our Terms of Service for you to click on our ads.

We regret to inform you that your Bodis account has now been closed and any earnings generated as a result of these low quality ad clicks will need to be withheld.

Unfortunately we will be unable to continue to support your domain names moving forward.


My reply: (sorry for my bad english)

To clarify points:
1- Logically I never clicked on my ads. Once the DNS has been changed, I only enter once to see if ads are shown, but at no time click on any of them.
2- You don't warn me about anything. Only just left the account deleted directly and I'm the one who has to realize that I can't log in to my panel and when I send an email to support they tell me that my account is cancelled.

If you believe that any domain names received a large spike in false ad clicks you should have systems in place to detect and stop them. The owner of these domains can do nothing to prevent it if he has not been made by him.
Therefore, you can suspend my account whenever you want. Without proof, without telling me anything, losing my balance and a lot of time.

I am quite upset.

Bodis reply:
I have taken a closer look at your Bodis account it seems that all of your ad clicks were found to be coming from a Cloudflare proxy IP exclusively.

Unfortunately this means that your traffic has now fallen below the minimum quality threshold that we can continue to accept, and therefore we are unable to continue to work with you moving forward.

We are sorry for this bad news.


My reply:

because all my domains working with DNS Cloudflare.
To working with Bodis I select to point the domains via Second option: CNAME. In my Bodis panel have this option and I go with it.
Not understand now your reply about " coming from a Cloudflare proxy IP exclusively”. In your instructions not view any problem with this if i working with Cnames and not change primary DNS in the domain.
Not telling me anything, only cancel the account directly.

FINAL Bodis reply:
Your DNS settings do not correlate with the proxy IP addresses that generated these false ad clicks, as the visitor sessions are tracked independently.

Again, we are sorry for this bad news, but your traffic does not meet the minimum quality requirements of our ad providers.

summary: waste of time
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waste of time...

I contact with support about my ban... this is your reply:

Thank you for contacting us. I've just taken a look at your Bodis account and I'm afraid it appears to have been flagged recently after your domain names received a large spike in false ad clicks. It is against our Terms of Service for you to click on our ads.

We regret to inform you that your Bodis account has now been closed and any earnings generated as a result of these low quality ad clicks will need to be withheld.

Unfortunately we will be unable to continue to support your domain names moving forward.


My reply: (sorry for my bad english)

To clarify points:
1- Logically I never clicked on my ads. Once the DNS has been changed, I only enter once to see if ads are shown, but at no time click on any of them.
2- You don't warn me about anything. Only just left the account deleted directly and I'm the one who has to realize that I can't log in to my panel and when I send an email to support they tell me that my account is cancelled.

If you believe that any domain names received a large spike in false ad clicks you should have systems in place to detect and stop them. The owner of these domains can do nothing to prevent it if he has not been made by him.
Therefore, you can suspend my account whenever you want. Without proof, without telling me anything, losing my balance and a lot of time.

I am quite upset.

Bodis reply:
I have taken a closer look at your Bodis account it seems that all of your ad clicks were found to be coming from a Cloudflare proxy IP exclusively.

Unfortunately this means that your traffic has now fallen below the minimum quality threshold that we can continue to accept, and therefore we are unable to continue to work with you moving forward.

We are sorry for this bad news.


My reply:

because all my domains working with DNS Cloudflare.
To working with Bodis I select to point the domains via Second option: CNAME. In my Bodis panel have this option and I go with it.
Not understand now your reply about " coming from a Cloudflare proxy IP exclusively”. In your instructions not view any problem with this if i working with Cnames and not change primary DNS in the domain.
Not telling me anything, only cancel the account directly.

FINAL Bodis reply:
Your DNS settings do not correlate with the proxy IP addresses that generated these false ad clicks, as the visitor sessions are tracked independently.

Again, we are sorry for this bad news, but your traffic does not meet the minimum quality requirements of our ad providers.

summary: waste of time
Hello @Intop,

As outlined in the accompanying email, your Bodis account was flagged after we detected that 100% of your ad clicks were falsely generated using your own proxy IPs.

We were subsequently forced to close your account after a thorough review of your traffic, due to the excessive amount of click spam which was taking place at the time.

Thank you.
Hello @Intop,

As outlined in the accompanying email, your Bodis account was flagged after we detected that 100% of your ad clicks were falsely generated using your own proxy IPs.

We were subsequently forced to close your account after a thorough review of your traffic, due to the excessive amount of click spam which was taking place at the time.

Thank you.
Sorry but.... your text " clicks were falsely generated using your own proxy IPs." is absolute FALSE.
As I said in the reply, I not have any system to do clicks, in my domains, and not have any proxy, only working with one or your option: via Cname with Cloudflare. Simply, NO MORE.

If you have detected a problem, I think the logical thing to do would have been to talk to the user about the problem, in this case me. We could have tried changing the connection method directly with your DNS to see if the problem was solved.

But no, his manners were pitiful. Directly banned my account without saying anything at all, until I realized that I could not enter my Bodis account.

Not even a call, not even an email. It was ME who had to contact you to find out what had happened.

I'm sorry but I think it's a pitiful action on your part.
Some years ago, when I first started using Cloudflare for my Wordpress blog, all the new comments on my site were having Cloudflare's IP addresses, instead of users' real IP addresses.

Maybe that's the case here? Real people clicking on ads and because OP is using Cloudflare's DNS, it will show up like they are all clicking from Cloudflare's IPs?

I've attached a print screen showing some comments of different people, from my blog, all having Cloudflare's IPs.


  • Different people all having Cloudflare IPs because Cloudflare is a proxy.jpg
    Different people all having Cloudflare IPs because Cloudflare is a proxy.jpg
    31.5 KB · Views: 162
Some years ago, when I first started using Cloudflare for my Wordpress blog, all the new comments on my site were having Cloudflare's IP addresses, instead of users' real IP addresses.

Maybe that's the case here? Real people clicking on ads and because OP is using Cloudflare's DNS, it will show up like they are all clicking from Cloudflare's IPs?

I've attached a print screen showing some comments of different people, from my blog, all having Cloudflare's IPs.
Hello @Alex270,

Thank you for providing these insights. However, a number of Bodis users are utilizing Cloudflare DNS without the issues that were described here. Also, all ad clicks are tracked in real-time (no IP caching).

Some years ago, when I first started using Cloudflare for my Wordpress blog, all the new comments on my site were having Cloudflare's IP addresses, instead of users' real IP addresses.

Maybe that's the case here? Real people clicking on ads and because OP is using Cloudflare's DNS, it will show up like they are all clicking from Cloudflare's IPs?

I've attached a print screen showing some comments of different people, from my blog, all having Cloudflare's IPs.
Thanks for this tip.
Yes, maybe this is the problem. I am not a network professional, but remember that in all my domains pointed to Bodis via Cname, have this configuration in Cloudflare (Check screenshot) and the proxy stay active by default. With this configuration I view that my domains working with the bodis landing and not touch any more in cloudflare.

Captura de Pantalla 2022-08-07 a las 1.31.32.png

If this would be true, In my opinion, I still think, Bodis acted very badly towards me.

Instead of banning my account without any warning, we would have solved it with a simple contact indicating the problem they saw. We would have disabled the default proxy or change to their primary DNS to view if all is done with new configuration.

But noooo, it is much simpler to ban a user, and stay completely silent.
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Thanks @Intop for the sharing.

Do you remember when you got banned? And how was your monthly revenue before that happened?
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