
New domain search techniques at NameStation

Spaceship Spaceship
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NameStation domain name generator has launched several new features:

  • Alliterative names search. Create names with the same beginning or ending as your word, e.g. PayPal or SoundHound.
  • Overlapping words search. Append words that have overlapping parts with your keyword. Merge two dictionary words to create names like Pinterest (pin+interest).
  • Business name generator. Generate names with words commonly used in compound business names.
  • Name Templates. Find names with specific character patterns like LLLL etc.
  • .COM.AU, .FR, .CO.NZ domain extensions added

NameStation is the #1 domain name generator in Google, it has been featured on TechCrunch, TheNextWeb, SEOmoz. There are now a total of 18 domain name search methods to generate any name type you can think of. Ultra-fast bulk domain search, keyword suggestions, creativity enablers and a unique catalog of over 40K hand-picked available domains are just some of the features waiting to be discovered.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
It sounds more like an advertisement rather than "Industry News"
I took a look at NameStation.

The contests, although a great idea with lots of participation, the winners were all domains I would never have chosen for by the website requesting a name. Most of the choices were really awful, imho. They did nothing for the requesting websites. I could get better names at GoDaddy Auctions & Closeouts, imho.

I haven't looked closely at the 18 Name Generators. On the face of it they appear great. But if they are being used to generate names for the contests, I think they must be way off base. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt until I have more experience with them.

I'd give them an A for effort, but I think the jury is still out on their usefulness.
I do like the contests section, it's filling a need for this industry. I do agree with stub that most the names are random/awful, but none the less memorable .coms
Keep up the good work :)
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