
alert Namebright 2FA not working, unable to login for 4th day now... support not responding...

Spaceship Spaceship


Don't say Huh? too much; pretend you understand.Top Member
Few days ago, suddenly when I went to log in at Namebright, there was 2-factor authentication set up. (I did not enable this myself, so I'm assuming it's something they rolled out themselves for every account.)

I give my username and password, then I am taken to the page that says a code has been sent to my email, and to input that code on this sign in page.

But no code has been emailed to me. Yes, I was looking at the correct email addy I have with them. Yes, I have tried multiple times to click the 'resend code' button, with multiple browsers (nothing happens). Yes, I have tried clearing cache. Yes, I have checked spam folder. The email with the login code is simply not being sent to my email address.

Four days and four support tickets later, and they are still not replying. This is unusual, as all support tickets in the past were responded to pretty quickly.

Anyone else having this issue with Namebright? Did 2FA automatically appear on your login page? Are you being sent the email with the login code?

Is there any Namebright member here on the forum I can approach about this?

Thanks for any help.
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I have logged in and received the code to my email no problem two days ago. I transferred domains out no problem.

You need to contact them. If you allready had two factor on it might work differently. Also are you 100% sure you didn’t use a different email?
Yes, I need to contact them... but they aren't responding to my tickets (4 days now). If they continue to not respond, then later today or tomorrow I'll bite the bullet and phone their number (and hope they answer that).

Been with them 8 years now, always the same email addy, no change.

I did not initiate the 2 factor; it 'just showed up' a few days ago when I tried to log in, so I was assuming they rolled this out automatically for all accounts now. If you already had 2FA, then you wouldn't see a difference. But I'm wondering if other people who did not have 2FA enabled suddenly see this in their login page now? And if they are actually receiving their emails with the login code?
I never iniiated any 2 factor process in my account.

I just logged in with no problem
wondering if other people who did not have 2FA enabled suddenly see this in their login page now? And if they are actually receiving their emails with the login code?

Yes, this is a new step for me but so far no snags.

Do you have privacy enabled? Unsure if that affects 2FA at NB.
I hope they reply soon. I usually get a reply sooner than 4 days. I was a bit worried I would have problems when I logged in because you are not the first person to mention this. Hopefully others chime in.
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I hope they reply soon. I usually get a reply sooner than 4 days. I was a bit worried I would have problems when I logged in because you are not the first person to mention this. Hopefully others chime in.

That's a deplorable response "time"!
Okay, just phoned support, they answered, and were helpful:

- The 2 factor authentication was rolled out to ALL Namebright accounts a few days ago, not just mine. It was done automatically by them, so you didn't have to initiate it yourself.

- For some reason, their emails are suddenly not being delivered to my email addy on my account there. We cannot figure out why. Maybe the initiation of this new 2FA caused an email glitch between them and me, because before that I always received emails from them.

- You can override the email code system, by going into your 'Settings' and the 'Security', and selecting the 'SMS'. When you do that, it will get rid of the email system and now send the login code to whichever cell phone number you determine. Once I made that change, I was able to log in.

Glitchy, and I don't know why my email addy suddenly receives no emails from Namebright (the support person tried it a few different ways, but none were delivered). I even added them as a 'trusted sender' to my email program, but it made no difference, still no delivery.

Anyway, glitch not solved (not getting emails from them), but problem solved (figured how to log in, using SMS instead of email to send me the login code).

Thanks for checking in. Hope none of you got the same glitch I did.
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Yes, this is a new step for me but so far no snags.

Do you have privacy enabled? Unsure if that affects 2FA at NB.
We discussed this but the support agent said Privacy would not affect their 2FA.
That's a deplorable response "time"!
Actually - I just thought of this - since I'm not receiving emails from them due to some sudden glitch... they may have responded quickly and I didn't receive any emails. Of course. I didn't even think to mention to the person I spoke to on phone - to ask him to check whether they'd emailed any responses to my support ticket.

So, we can maybe strike my comment about 'not responding'; they may have, but emails not getting through to me :)
Oh, I'll mention this in case anyone has the same problem:

Since I could not get into my account, I needed assistance to get in. The agent I spoke to had to temporarily remove the 2 factor authentication from my account.

After he did that manually, I was able to login 'normally' (without the 2FA). Once I was logged in, then I went to my Settings, to Security, and changed the mode of 2FA over to 'SMS', instead of the code being sent via email.

But I couldn't have done that without the agent first removing the 2FA. He said they can do that manually for any account, but it only lasts for 2 days, then automatically gets applied again. So you have a short window to log in and figure out the switch to SMS.
The agent I spoke to had to temporarily remove the 2 factor authentication from my account.
Interesting. How did you authenticate during that phone call?
Interesting. How did you authenticate during that phone call?

**Note that the agent did not provide me with any information or access to my account.

In other words, he just temporarily lifted the 2FA so I could 'log in normally' the way I always have (before this weekend.) I still had to log in using my username and password.

He never mentioned my username or password or phone number. But we checked many things, through email and phone and IP address, so he knew for sure I was legit. After about 15 mins of trying things that didn't work, then he removed the 2FA and we walked through setting up the SMS until it checked out.

In other words: he didn't 'formally' authenticate with me, but we tried so many avenues to fix this issue that, through them, he knew I was the legit account holder before he removed the 2FA.
**Note that the agent did not provide me with any information or access to my account.

In other words, he just temporarily lifted the 2FA so I could 'log in normally' the way I always have (before this weekend.) I still had to log in using my username and password.

He never mentioned my username or password or phone number. But we checked many things, through email and phone and IP address, so he knew for sure I was legit. After about 15 mins of trying things that didn't work, then he removed the 2FA and we walked through setting up the SMS until it checked out.

In other words: he didn't 'formally' authenticate with me, but we tried so many avenues to fix this issue that, through them, he knew I was the legit account holder before he removed the 2FA.
Thanks for the clarification.

I was afraid that it was very easy to have 2fa turned off that way.
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