
discuss "MY" at the start of a domain name

Spaceship Spaceship
The domain sold for $1,200,000 last week .

Whats the thoughts of NP Members of the value of "MY" at the start of a domain names

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Can be worth some dosh. I like some of them.
It does not work with all keywords.
But makes sense with niche like
MyMoney, MyTravel..
I think myworld was an exception and does not mean much to "my" names. Like buybrand said it makes sense in some niches. I would not go out and start buying "my" names because of the sale.
They are almost impossible to find - let alone get - on the drop. Nearly as rare as good names with the suffix "world" imo.
I think "our" + keyword is better than "my" + keyword.
You have to remember that in domaining is does not matter what you and I think, what matters is the value the end user places on the domain name. It is our job to negotiate a price that meets that value without leaving any money on the table. The domain name is a good two-word domain name that is somewhat rare. However, chance are if I saw it on a close-out list I have moved on. The beauty of domaining is this story can happen with any domain name that you may own. Just keep reaching out to end users and not domainers. You biggest return will come from end users. Like the story on Domainsherpa where they guy bought a domain name for $4K and resold it for $150K. I am sure that the owner did not make enough of an effort to the find right end user. If so, he would be the seller at $150K.
You have to remember that in domaining is does not matter what you and I think, what matters is the value the end user places on the domain name. It is our job to negotiate a price that meets that value without leaving any money on the table. The domain name is a good two-word domain name that is somewhat rare. However, chance are if I saw it on a close-out list I have moved on. The beauty of domaining is this story can happen with any domain name that you may own. Just keep reaching out to end users and not domainers. You biggest return will come from end users. Like the story on Domainsherpa where they guy bought a domain name for $4K and resold it for $150K. I am sure that the owner did not make enough of an effort to the find right end user. If so, he would be the seller at $150K.

Or did he sell it? Whois never changed, forwards to an Amazon page lol. If I paid $150k I sure as hell would do more with it than that.
I think "our" + keyword is better than "my" + keyword.
Two different messages. "My" implies all of us, whereas using "Our" implies them, the business. Yes, it's backwards, but it makes sense if you think about it. "My" is much more inviting.
I own

So maybe is Worth some money ?

Thank for your reply.
MY + keyword .com domains were going bit under the radar for a long time, considering how well they often sell. Too bad vast majority of the good combinations were already owned by very smart people.
IMO the better domains with " my " and " our " suggest a bit personalized and perhaps a bit of a trustworthiness to their respective keywords and subsequent websites.

While I own none, in years past I tried to acquire select " my " names in a few marketplaces but faster and wiser buyers had already scooped 'em up.

Overall like "em, eye-catching and seemingly personalized with a hint of trustworthiness re their subsequent website content.
In the past I sold myscore.ccTLD for $4.5K
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The prefix "My" imparts a sense, to users, that they too "belong" to a business.
So, it can be highly useful in domains where a sense of ownership can be created.
MyShoes, MyCar, MyInsurance, MySchool are just as much valuable as the original words.

As for the sale of "", the domain was valuable but that's not the only factor why it sold for $1.2M. It's just that the broker held out close to his asking price. It could have sold for $50,000 and it still may have looked like a good sale to most.

So, a VERY GOOD SALE = (50%) Domain Value + (50%) Negotiation Skills
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••• is amazing my name of course.
I got,,
I need urgent funds and will let them go cheap! Pm me offers!
"my" as prefix gives a friendly taste at keyword and is very popular
at least in Europe as for example is "24" as suffix
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My is one of the best prefixes you can have next to owning the word
"my" is a valuable prefix

btw, in new gTLDs, domain names with a keyword "my" are almost in all cases (extensions) reserved by registries..and they know why they do so :)
MY prefix is good! I own a few, offers on them lately have not been quite high enough so I am holding.
I have this nice domain
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