

Spaceship Spaceship
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Established Member
I am an owner of the site. We launched in October 2011 and bring in 2,400 visitors daily. For both the name and site, how much should it go for - if I were to sell it?

Registered in 1997 and is incorporated.
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The best name on here in a while. My advice would be to experiment with your monetization thoroughly before selling. Sometimes a few simple tweaks can make a big difference. Also, spend a relatively small amount of money ($200-$300) on a professionally designed logo. Your site looks a little like a content farm, but a good logo instead of the plain serif font will give it credibility. Look for alternatives to the pay-per-click ads you're using at the moment - those ads (the flat tummy ones in particular) are all over the net and are played out. Look at specific products, and write reviews. Lastly, take appraisals from people who signed up here last week with a grain of salt. If you click on their username and select "Find More Posts by [username]" you get to see the kind of crap they're trying to sell... ;)
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i'm sorry but i can't believe you spend 30k on that site, that's insane.

i think some people here are confusing the markets... at a reseller based price low-mid $ for the domain alone, for end user i believe around 100k to 200k
in this case, your explanations are only decreasing the value imo, saying the site doesn't cover for the expenses is like saying "spend 140k to have a lose"
also, valuation of websites are different then domains, those 140k the "seller" is "asking" is for the website and therefor website selling abides different rulings...
Thanks for your input folks, but I understand how valuable this name is, so it will not sell for under $140,000 as I've exhaustively explained. That's my offer for an extremely rare domain name in weight loss niche.

The value is in the name, the site is a bonus.

We're over 3,000 visitors per day now, and 94% of this is organic traffic. This is only expected to go up with time. Again, the site itself is months old and is bringing this kind of traffic now.
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Nice name.
Appraisals are all over the place and should be taken with a pinch of salt.

To maximise resale of the domain and website, I'd definitely improve the monetisation of the business. Affiliates/sponsorship/ads - look into everything. One small change could transform the value.

And definitely get the logo changed...and possibly the whole design of the site - wouldn't take a lot to do :tu:
I appreciate your input, but the design and logo is good as it is.
Here is something to think about:

Maybe you can become the end-user for this domain yourself, perhaps you can develop some kind of a weight loss program (like the ones you see on TV all the time) and sell it through your website to all those targeted visitors that you have, you might be able to make what you think you can get for this domain in a just a few months if your weight loss program becomes popular.

One thing is for sure, there is a very big and lasting market for weight loss programs, there are a lot of people around who don’t mind spending a lot of money on a weight loss program if they feel like it can help them lose their excess weight. Maybe you can use some of your capital to hire a dietitian and exercise coach to help you devise a new weight loss program.

I appreciate your input, but the design and logo is good as it is.

Design and logo are fair to okay, but not good. The overall impact of the site + logo is that there is no IDENTITY or cohesiveness. Elements are organized all over the place, but it looks like the designer didn't concentrate on the why of where each thing is placed. At least, not very successfully.

Like many websites these days without a strong identity, all the elements are tossed like a salad; like entering a city and the roadside billboards are all mixed in with traffic signs and you don't know where to look first, so you just ignore them all.

If you get the right person who can add a more structured cohesiveness to your site's entire design/layout, then have a better logo done to match the site, a logo with some identity and character, you'll make much more of a statement to each visitor, make them start to 'feel something' for your site, make it memorable to them and make their visit more organized and enjoyable.

As to value, I'll mention for domain name only, excluding traffic or site content:
I think LoseWeight, WeightLoss, and a list of diet names could easily, domain name only, sell in the six figure range; but LosingWeight I feel is in the $30 - 60K range.
However, of course traffic and development help add value and I think your asking price, though at the top end of optimistic, is still realistic. Personally I'd predict it selling, with traffic and all, in the $80K range unless you get very very lucky with the right end user.

Good luck, great name!
Definitely a strong domain but the niche is saturated.

When you have a premium domain, its perceived value is paradoxically diminished when the development does not do justice to the caliber of the domain. There is a reason why so many premium domains are left parked and undeveloped.

Perhaps the domain could be performing better by being more focused, that actually could mean selling just one product range either as a producer or as an affiliate. Not saying information is worthless but I don't see what makes your site unique vs the countless competitors. The domain is powerful and gives you more credibility but that's it. I haven't bookmarked your site, as I didn't see a compelling reason to do so. I am one more bouncing visitor.
I am not saying this is easy. Perhaps you picked the wrong industry. There are plenty of domains that are of lower quality but easier to monetize.

We all agree there is more value in the domain than the development that goes with it. This is the bad news.

I have to echo the comments above, I can't understand how you spent so much money to end up with a site that is quite average to be honest, and cannot be considered authoritative.

3K visitors, SEO, is all good but what ultimately matters is conversion and revenue. Bot traffic and bouncing visitors are not valuable, they just drain your bandwidth.

Since you didn't mention about revenue I am assuming it's low or at least not in line with your monetary investment. Or perhaps you prefer to disclose the figures to potential buyers only.

We don't have all the facts but in my view your current price expectations are too high. The actual value of the domain + site is not always 'at least what you invested'. You did admit you made unnecessary expenses (effectively wasted money).
The name belongs in the five figure range imo, but more is not impossible.

I would suggest that you contact a broker, advertise the fact that the domain on sale, start taking offers and possibly drive end users into a bidding war.

Good luck :)
One more option is to simply hold on to it. You can drastically lower you new content costs.

I work at a marketing company for my day job, and see clients charged ~$100/hr all the time.

I understand how a website I build for myself can go for $4000, whereas a similar website my day job might build would be $30-40k.

You can get quality work for much less, but you sacrifice some overall convenience and assurance it will get done right. To continue adding new content regularly could get as low as a couple hundred per month.

I think you should focus on lowering your expenses drastically, so you can afford to nourish the site. In a couple years things may change a lot value wise, or you may realize that you want to hold on it it.

My 2c
Definitely a strong domain but the niche is saturated.

When you have a premium domain, its perceived value is paradoxically diminished when the development does not do justice to the caliber of the domain. There is a reason why so many premium domains are left parked and undeveloped.

Perhaps the domain could be performing better by being more focused, that actually could mean selling just one product range either as a producer or as an affiliate. Not saying information is worthless but I don't see what makes your site unique vs the countless competitors. The domain is powerful and gives you more credibility but that's it. I haven't bookmarked your site, as I didn't see a compelling reason to do so. I am one more bouncing visitor.
I am not saying this is easy. Perhaps you picked the wrong industry. There are plenty of domains that are of lower quality but easier to monetize.

We all agree there is more value in the domain than the development that goes with it. This is the bad news.

I have to echo the comments above, I can't understand how you spent so much money to end up with a site that is quite average to be honest, and cannot be considered authoritative.

3K visitors, SEO, is all good but what ultimately matters is conversion and revenue. Bot traffic and bouncing visitors are not valuable, they just drain your bandwidth.

Since you didn't mention about revenue I am assuming it's low or at least not in line with your monetary investment. Or perhaps you prefer to disclose the figures to potential buyers only.

We don't have all the facts but in my view your current price expectations are too high. The actual value of the domain + site is not always 'at least what you invested'. You did admit you made unnecessary expenses (effectively wasted money).
The name belongs in the five figure range imo, but more is not impossible.

I would suggest that you contact a broker, advertise the fact that the domain on sale, start taking offers and possibly drive end users into a bidding war.

Good luck :)

Glad to see the OP is still interested in this thread.

I'd like to say that you pretty much summed up everything nicely.
There is no question in my mind that the site/name is worth what I'm asking. Some people are just as convinced that the name is worth 4 digits while some are just as convinced that it's worth 5 or 6 digits.

Opinions are all over the place here, and many of them are not helpful, so I'm ending the discussion, because what's the point of talking about this anymore? I am sticking to my guns, and that's it.

I will continue developing my site (which is only months old) and see how I'm doing 1 year from now. Maybe it will sell, maybe it won't. I anticipate that it won't sell because of the price (because it's a lot of money no matter what you're selling) but I do anticipate growth in traffic/revenue/development. Every month since February = increase in traffic, and not a dime was spent on advertising. I can always work on converting that to customers.

In the end, I know my odds are success with this site are higher, because I'm not squatting the name. Some may disagree, but the site before was just sitting around for years and earning nothing. Putting in an effort is better than no effort at all.
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