
discuss .life how's your life? Sensational?

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
I just registered sensational.life Why? Seriously, my life is sensational.

Question for gTLD investors? This was the first .life name I reg'd so I did a little research on who started the .life extension and discovered it's a company called name donuts.domains seen here, https://donuts.domains/
I also see where they started the .today extension and a few others.

Since discovering the company behind the extensions, I've invited the co-founder Paul Stahura and the President and CEO Bruce Jaffe to connect with me on Linkedin. I did this about a week ago, but neither of them have responded? I find this rather peculiar because I let them know I wanted to share some ideas about how better to promote their extensions, of which I own over 400. Maybe one of their employees will see this and reach out because I would think it would be to their advantage to listen to someone who can bring a new a innovative approach to promoting gTLD's.

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Maybe send them an email from one of your .life domains if you want to grab their attention? ;)

I had a .life .. lol .. but not anymore (too much time in front of the PC I guess .. lol)

Seriously though .. it was a nice 3L (with actual meaning in a very strong niche) .. but even then it wasn't enough to justify the holding costs ($24/yr I think?) so I let it drop. I have a cute little dog who keeps me company so I don't need a .life anyways! lol

I'm going to try not jump on you too much today .. lol .. Sensational.life is a clever use of the extension. It's the only type of use for the vast majority of ngTLD's. It's just that it's essentially a really good blog name. Sure some of those sell for a not horrible money .. but the chances and probabilities say that if you ever get offers they will likely be in the low $xxx range. Factor in the standard 2% chance of selling (less for ngTLD's I'm thinking) and it's just not worth the increased holding costs based on the probabilities and math.

Regarding contacting MMX .. I see you doing this a lot. Contacting others in hopes of creating something big. I'm thinking you didn't quite get what I wrote the other day. You need to understand that there have been literally thousands of new domainers like you. Years ago even I bought domains with plans of building a vast network (I'm telling you these things because I know) .. the difference is .. that I actually did have a site that was very successful .. and I did actually have use for some of those other domains .. and *I* did use some of them .. I made the pages in notepad myself and wrote all the content myself! Please do that with at least one of your domains before buying hundreds more hoping someone else will do it for you.

I just don't get why you would buy 400 domains just on the hope you'll get help from other people. 99.9% of the time you'll either get no response .. or much much worse as I think has already happened to you .. you'll get someone who just doesn't want to be rude who will give you some positive feedback but then never really follow through. I feel like I'm being hurtful telling you straight .. I feel bad doing so .. but it's a million times better than everyone else who is stringing you along.

What do you really think will happen the moment MMX hears you have 400 of their domains? They're going to listen to your ideas .. tell you they're great .. encourage you to continue ... and then what? What do you honestly and realistically think will happen?

It's fine to be a dreamer .. I actually encourage it .. but it's very dangerous specifically in domaining as the costs add up fast .. renewals eat into your profits faster than Cookie Monster eats cookies .. I highly suggest you dream for yourself based on your own capabilities .. if you want to buy these domains because you think they will make good sites .. then do so AND you make the sites! Don't spend hundreds and thousands of dollars trying to get others to invest time or money into your dreams. In most industries it's a stretch .. but very specifically in the domaining industry .. the numbers just don't add up.

Good luck with it all the same .. you already have spent the money on the 400 domains .. so definitely *DO* try to contact them with your ideas .. lol .. you don't have anything to lose at this point. But please PLEASE take my advice and base your future domain purchases on YOU and YOU alone .. based on YOUR skills and build out capabilities and YOUR time and energy .. if you do that I think you could have some success if you start and grow *ONE* domain at a time .. (not ONE hundred .. lol). Or if you do have these crazy far out ideas (the world is full of long shot ideas that make people rich), then at the very least develop your gameplan and get potential partners onboard BEFORE investing too much time and money.

Please let us know what happens .. and despite what you think .. I really do hope you get lucky. Which is the real problem .. there *IS* always a longshot possibility of crazy ideas working. Heck .. I buy lottery tickets from time to time when the jackpot is big .. but my interpretation of what you're doing in the equivalent of buying 1000 loto tickets at $10 each ... for a 1 in 10 million shot of winning a million dollars.

*Takes note to buy a lotto ticket for this weekend's draw .. lol*
Maybe send them an email from one of your .life domains if you want to grab their attention? ;)

I had a .life .. lol .. but not anymore (too much time in front of the PC I guess .. lol)

Seriously though .. it was a nice 3L (with actual meaning in a very strong niche) .. but even then it wasn't enough to justify the holding costs ($24/yr I think?) so I let it drop. I have a cute little dog who keeps me company so I don't need a .life anyways! lol

I'm going to try not jump on you too much today .. lol .. Sensational.life is a clever use of the extension. It's the only type of use for the vast majority of ngTLD's. It's just that it's essentially a really good blog name. Sure some of those sell for a not horrible money .. but the chances and probabilities say that if you ever get offers they will likely be in the low $xxx range. Factor in the standard 2% chance of selling (less for ngTLD's I'm thinking) and it's just not worth the increased holding costs based on the probabilities and math.

Regarding contacting MMX .. I see you doing this a lot. Contacting others in hopes of creating something big. I'm thinking you didn't quite get what I wrote the other day. You need to understand that there have been literally thousands of new domainers like you. Years ago even I bought domains with plans of building a vast network (I'm telling you these things because I know) .. the difference is .. that I actually did have a site that was very successful .. and I did actually have use for some of those other domains .. and *I* did use some of them .. I made the pages in notepad myself and wrote all the content myself! Please do that with at least one of your domains before buying hundreds more hoping someone else will do it for you.

I just don't get why you would buy 400 domains just on the hope you'll get help from other people. 99.9% of the time you'll either get no response .. or much much worse as I think has already happened to you .. you'll get someone who just doesn't want to be rude who will give you some positive feedback but then never really follow through. I feel like I'm being hurtful telling you straight .. I feel bad doing so .. but it's a million times better than everyone else who is stringing you along.

What do you really think will happen the moment MMX hears you have 400 of their domains? They're going to listen to your ideas .. tell you they're great .. encourage you to continue ... and then what? What do you honestly and realistically think will happen?

It's fine to be a dreamer .. I actually encourage it .. but it's very dangerous specifically in domaining as the costs add up fast .. renewals eat into your profits faster than Cookie Monster eats cookies .. I highly suggest you dream for yourself based on your own capabilities .. if you want to buy these domains because you think they will make good sites .. then do so AND you make the sites! Don't spend hundreds and thousands of dollars trying to get others to invest time or money into your dreams. In most industries it's a stretch .. but very specifically in the domaining industry .. the numbers just don't add up.

Good luck with it all the same .. you already have spent the money on the 400 domains .. so definitely *DO* try to contact them with your ideas .. lol .. you don't have anything to lose at this point. But please PLEASE take my advice and base your future domain purchases on YOU and YOU alone .. based on YOUR skills and build out capabilities and YOUR time and energy .. if you do that I think you could have some success if you start and grow *ONE* domain at a time .. (not ONE hundred .. lol). Or if you do have these crazy far out ideas (the world is full of long shot ideas that make people rich), then at the very least develop your gameplan and get potential partners onboard BEFORE investing too much time and money.

Please let us know what happens .. and despite what you think .. I really do hope you get lucky. Which is the real problem .. there *IS* always a longshot possibility of crazy ideas working. Heck .. I buy lottery tickets from time to time when the jackpot is big .. but my interpretation of what you're doing in the equivalent of buying 1000 loto tickets at $10 each ... for a 1 in 10 million shot of winning a million dollars.

*Takes note to buy a lotto ticket for this weekend's draw .. lol*

Ateguy...you don't have to hope I get lucky...I was born blessed lucky:xf.grin: Seriously, I believe people make their own luck and I don't waste my money on the lottery. I invest in myself because I've proven to be a much better investment than any lottery. You know the domain I purchased a few days ago, ConfidencePays.com...that speaks for itself.

What's really funny is you giving advice to a guy who has way more practical and actual business experience than you'll ever gain in your lifetime:xf.frown: I just hand reg'd 5 domains at a total cost of $22.45, and they all have to do with Parades.

BoatParade.today *this is a sentimental reg on behalf of my sister-in-law

Ateguy...besides everyone loves a parade, in case you haven't noticed, the vernacular "Parade" has been the news lately. That's what got me to thinking about parade domains. Nothing complicated:xf.wink:

Finally, I have a book under the seat of my car titled, "The Art of the Comeback" signed to me and my wife from a trip to NYC in December 1998. It's because I had a chance to talk to him about his golf game, that there's the number "4" circled next to his signature indicating his golf handicap which is far better than mine ever will be:xf.frown: btw, I "was" a "Never Trumper" who voted for Hillary Clinton, but I wish I could take my vote back.....I'm one of the few who are in that camp, but more and more Americans from the left are starting to move to the right.

That's all I got Ateguy, but if you don't think I can get into the heads of some of the top domain executives in the world, you certainly don't know me. Good Luck to you...I sincerely believe you need it. But if luck doesn't find you...there's always a parade:xf.grin:

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Ateguy...you don't have to hope I get lucky...I was born blessed lucky:xf.grin: Seriously, I believe people make their own luck and I don't waste my money on the lottery. I invest in myself because I've proven to be a much better investment than any lottery. You know the domain I purchased a few days ago, ConfidencePays.com...that speaks for itself.

What's really funny is you giving advice to a guy who has way more practical and actual business experience than you'll ever gain in your lifetime:xf.frown: I just hand reg'd 5 domains at a total cost of $22.45, and they all have to do with Parades.

BoatParade.today *this is a sentimental reg on behalf of my sister-in-law

Ateguy...besides everyone loves a parade, in case you haven't noticed, the vernacular "Parade" has been the news lately. That's what got me to thinking about parade domains. Nothing complicated:xf.wink:

Finally, I have a book under the seat of my car titled, "The Art of the Comeback" signed to me and my wife from a trip to NYC in December 1998. It's because I had a chance to talk to him about his golf game, that there's the number "4" circled next to his signature indicating his golf handicap which is far better than mine ever will be:xf.frown: btw, I "was" a "Never Trumper" who voted for Hillary Clinton, but I wish I could take my vote back.....I'm one of the few who are in that camp, but more and more Americans from the left are starting to move to the right.

That's all I got Ateguy, but if you don't think I can get into the heads of some of the top domain executives in the world, you certainly don't know me. Good Luck to you...I sincerely believe you need it. But if luck doesn't find you...there's always a parade:xf.grin:


All you seem to do is reg bad domains, talk about how great you are, and reject any reasonable advice.
If you are so great then why are you here? You clearly have nothing to learn.

I mean the bottom line is why would Donuts want or even care about your advice or ideas? All you are doing is talking. Make something happen first then people might actually care.

You might be 70 but it is clear via your words and actions that you are really more of a noob when it comes to domains.

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All you seem to do is reg bad domains, talk about how great you are, and reject any reasonable advice.
If you are so great then why are you here? You clearly have nothing to learn.

I mean the bottom line is why would Donuts want or even care about your advice or ideas? All you are doing is talking. Make something happen first then people might actually care.

You might be 70 but it is clear via your words and actions that you are really more of a noob when it comes to domains.


"I mean the bottom line is why would Donuts want or even care about your advice or ideas?"

Oh...so the folks at Donuts understand why all their gTLD's aren't nearly as successful as they thought they might be? btw, what's a noob? I can only guess it's like a nobody. I could probably google it, but it would only prove how narrow minded you are?

Like Ateguy, you sir are CLUELESS:xf.frown:
I am getting awfully sick of having posts removed by NamePros staff. It wasn't just my posts, it was post by many others as well.

"Reason: Responding to a deleted post / Cleaning up thread / Thank you for understanding"

It has happened multiple times now in various threads. I am done wasting my time on this nonsense.


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