
question Is this an appraisal scam?

Spaceship Spaceship


New Member
Hi all,

I am writing on this chat to get some help regarding a potential domain sale.
Someone has contacted me and said they were interested in buying one of my domains, but said they would need a "certificate of appraised value" first . And of course, from a "source he knows and trusts"... This sounds very dodgy to me, is it a scam? These days one has to be extra careful, plus it seems like a quite costly procedure (50-100usd depending on websites). Anyone has had to do that before?

Thanks a lot for your help !!
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usually these come all dressed with the apparaisal link right in there.. and they get you good like that!
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Hi all,

I am writing on this chat to get some help regarding a potential domain sale.
Someone has contacted me and said they were interested in buying one of my domains, but said they would need a "certificate of appraised value" first . And of course, from a "source he knows and trusts"... This sounds very dodgy to me, is it a scam? These days one has to be extra careful, plus it seems like a quite costly procedure (50-100usd depending on websites). Anyone has had to do that before?

Thanks a lot for your help !!

As fake as Pamela Anderson's knockers...
Hi all,

I am writing on this chat to get some help regarding a potential domain sale.
Someone has contacted me and said they were interested in buying one of my domains, but said they would need a "certificate of appraised value" first . And of course, from a "source he knows and trusts"... This sounds very dodgy to me, is it a scam? These days one has to be extra careful, plus it seems like a quite costly procedure (50-100usd depending on websites). Anyone has had to do that before?

Thanks a lot for your help !!

Don't waste time replying. Scam. Ignore.
Thanks guys - Interesting scam !
Thanks guys - Interesting scam !

Known as 'the appraisal scam'..as you can see they lure you in with the hopes that you get a sale. In the end, you are out of pocket $100 and you never hear from them again.

Good that you followed your gut feeling and asked on here. :)
This scam has been around for more than a decade, but guess the price and effort of mass mailing still makes it an attractive approach with new domainers spotting a quick sale and profit.
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