
discuss If a niche is trending - are you too late?

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It seems that several members look for trending niches for their hand-regs. Judging from some of the names posted, there is a very small potential for profit in most of them, and a greater risk of loss.

So how can we profit from these niche names? The best way is to try to spot the niche before it starts trending, or to attempt to start the trend. :) But that's not easy for most of us. If the niche is going to endure, then I guess it's possible to watch out for names becoming available as disenchanted domainers dump or dispose of them. The NamePros sales threads are obviously the ideal place to hunt for these names.

Has anybody got any other ideas to help late arrivers profit from trending niches?
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I think in terms of niche * if your talking about stuff like chips and stuff, and try to find bulk purchase / that takes into account the down curve / any kind of compounding loss / gain - not very easy considering its all speculation . its like trying to follow a stock that is getting pumped and dumped - you can jump in and get out in time. or jump in look next day and realize somehow what used to sell for 20 each is over night now averaging 5 dollars each. Once they hit these end points the bottom kind of drops out because so many people are willing to just off them - which gets rid of any liquidy.

Its weird, because i feel like these types of names - wont ever be for end users, they are only valueable in terms of other ppl think say they are worth this much, no end user would ever buy stacks of 7number .nets for / but im sure you can find a few high xxx for worthless patterns on namebio
Do a google search "what's new" ......recently the domain "such a nasty woman" was registered, this shows attention to current events and the ability to spot a "trend" whilst not really a trend is sure was topical, read the news and consider that in a world of branding anything is possible, I still remember seeing Bazinga listed as sold on Dnjournal, once again there was an opportunity and someone took it. You can read up on "future trends" via the news and forums. The Chips trend was manufactured if you are to believe some folk, so that was a hard one to pick. Be aware most "trend names" are a long term hold, I have had Hire Robot .Com for ten years now ..... so be prepared and read up .....Emoji Domains ........uummmmmm
Yes, check out the Vr thread and you'll get the idea

"I got Vr-biz-usa.info, what end users should I go after???"
Yes, check out the Vr thread and you'll get the idea

"I got Vr-biz-usa.info, what end users should I go after???"
Joke ??
Pogba - I feel like you could find a few different alternatives - 3 word / double hiphen / .info your really limiting your sell venues ass all three of these bring down your domain value - *my own thoughts* - Granted theres always someone out there that will buy someone.
  • You would be better suited. - without country - usa - Your sectioning off a whole slue of potential buyers.
  • Dashes Atleast to the general public, Why did you need them? Most likely they are going to see that as the original domain was taken - Would you rather visit name-pros.com or namepros.com -
  • Lastly, kind of on the same note as the point above. Why .info, Once you leave the .com realm for whatever reason - you are just 2nd to the first. With the obv exception of .net / .org however they are never as valuable as .com - im sure plenty of people will argue - however if a major site uses .net / .org they usually own the other main extensions to solidify their position.
In theory they are all equal - but since any endusers goals will be traffic - People are trained to like what they like by the actions before them - .com is the name that everyone has adoped, and there are always exceptions but .com is enduser heaven.
If you are referring to emerging tech niches like VR, Cloud, Robotics, Drones etc then usually you are too late for the better names in that specific niche if its "trending". I signup with all the tech websites and get weekly emails on emerging tech stuff and then focus on buying the better names in that niche. If they are taken, I usually try and buy them off the existing owners rather than hand-regging the rubbish that is left.
Pogba - I feel like you could find a few different alternatives - 3 word / double hiphen / .info your really limiting your sell venues ass all three of these bring down your domain value - *my own thoughts* - Granted theres always someone out there that will buy someone.
  • You would be better suited. - without country - usa - Your sectioning off a whole slue of potential buyers.
  • Dashes Atleast to the general public, Why did you need them? Most likely they are going to see that as the original domain was taken - Would you rather visit name-pros.com or namepros.com -
  • Lastly, kind of on the same note as the point above. Why .info, Once you leave the .com realm for whatever reason - you are just 2nd to the first. With the obv exception of .net / .org however they are never as valuable as .com - im sure plenty of people will argue - however if a major site uses .net / .org they usually own the other main extensions to solidify their position.
In theory they are all equal - but since any endusers goals will be traffic - People are trained to like what they like by the actions before them - .com is the name that everyone has adoped, and there are always exceptions but .com is enduser heaven.
While I greatly appreciate the effort, I was being sarcastic
I figured - i tried very hard to not be rude hoping you didnt have a portfolio full of those
I figured - i tried very hard to not be rude hoping you didnt have a portfolio full of those
Hahaha we need more gentle people like you in this world!
If you are referring to emerging tech niches like VR, Cloud, Robotics, Drones etc then usually you are too late for the better names in that specific niche if its "trending". I signup with all the tech websites and get weekly emails on emerging tech stuff and then focus on buying the better names in that niche. If they are taken, I usually try and buy them off the existing owners rather than hand-regging the rubbish that is left.

This is exactly what I was thinking. To have a chance you need to either be ahead of the trend and predict one day it will be big or very early on otherwise it is a losing proposition. You just need to check the VR thread to see all the huge amounts of hand regs that are not selling and I imagine almost everyone on that thread is in negative ROI. I have some vr and virtual names but all were bought from others and most are aged and have a good number of potential end users.

I only occasionally try and invest in emerging trends and have done so with 4d and 5d printing names and am prepared to hold the better ones for a while. Generally speaking I keep well away from this due to the above.
If you are referring to emerging tech niches like VR, Cloud, Robotics, Drones etc then usually you are too late for the better names in that specific niche if its "trending". I signup with all the tech websites and get weekly emails on emerging tech stuff and then focus on buying the better names in that niche. If they are taken, I usually try and buy them off the existing owners rather than hand-regging the rubbish that is left.

With vision and creativity you can find good names in most tech niches .

Nothing is black and white.
Some domainers dont like to take risks so they try to reg only the top top keywords. another group is those who are taking more risks by regging names with potential but with a less predicted future.
And the third group is those domainers who reg all kinds of names with no research or knowledge, trusting their gut hoping that something will happen .
You decide who you wanna be .

Good luck !
Yeah, once it's on NP :-/:'(:-$
Okay, I say that; But look at some of the short solid VR names. They were regged years (and sold) before the VR thread was built here...

Albeit, by investors, but the initial investors won on this IMO.
I agree, totally. But I still believe keyword is more agreeable to the rationale minded.

I've sold more keyword than brandable, not premium one word, cause I don't have the funds for that, but two word. VR is good if it's short and cute; just like any other futurist domaining, you're still going to get lower scale pyramid buyers.
I have made a profit in:

iot xxxx
4D xxxx
Programmatic xxx
Hydrogen xxx
Other future domains: xxxx

I had a total of hige xxxx offers on other future tech names. ( phygital, internetof, 3d, AR, VR, iot, beacons)
"I have made a profit in:
iot xxxx
4D xxxx
Programmatic xxx
Hydrogen xxx
Other future domains: xxxx

I had a total of hige xxxx offers on other future tech names. ( phygital, internetof, 3d, AR, VR, iot, beacons)"

I know there is not much profit in futurist domains, as it's speculative. But the futurist knows better right?

It's a tough one being on the curve when many are not. So you will not benefit in the short run.

Congrats on your profits though. Where did you sell them here?
I have made a profit in:

iot xxxx
4D xxxx
Programmatic xxx
Hydrogen xxx
Other future domains: xxxx

I had a total of hige xxxx offers on other future tech names. ( phygital, internetof, 3d, AR, VR, iot, beacons)
See above, quote didn't extract. :-D
Sold it to Endusers and domainers.
email contact, inbound and outbound.
I have a niche in my portfolio, it's "5G" I must admit I'm alittie late to the trough, however I manage to hand reg. some pretty good names imo, and will not sell cheap. Have a look at some of my wares..5GAA.DE 5GBREITBAND.DE, 5GCA.COM, 5GDOT.COM, 5GMOBILFUNKNETZ.DE, 5GMODEMBOX.COM, 5GFLASH.COM, 5GHT.COM, 5GOPTICFIBER.COM, 5GPS.DE, 5GPAINT.COM, 5GREGULATION.COM, 5GSICHERHEIT.DE, 5GSMARTBATTERY.COM, 5GROADSENSORS.COM, A5GTELCO.COM, 5GWIRELESS.KR, A5GCOMPANY.COM, 5GSOLAR.COM, 5GWEARABLE.COM, 5GTELCO.COM, 5GZA.COM, 5GSURGEON.COM, APARATOS.MX, TELEFONOMOVIL5G.COM, NOK5G.COM, REDMOVIL5G.COM, 5GBROADCASTNETWORK.COM... also have a small "3D" niche; a small
"VR" niche; And a CLOUD niche I that are pretty good imo.
"5G" is technology that is being developed all around the world, so imo established companies as well as startups will be useing the term "5G" to brand.
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