
I am about to buy a high traffic Chinese domain, where can I park it?

Spaceship Spaceship
I mean, i know i can make money from adsense, but i dont think i ll get good cpc rates since traffic is non US.
I also know that dopa.com lets you park your chinese domains but once i applied for a domain i had that made about 60.000 per month i never got any reply from them.

Is there any other way to make money from this???

I can buy also the content but since i dont know any chinese i cant update it.
The website is about young online community, something like myspace.
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Makis, IMO, Chinese domains are very tough to monetize. Secondly, the CPC is pretty low because credit card usage in China is just taking off. That is one major reason why advertisers pay lower CPC for traffic from China. I have a few chinese domains and have almost given up on them.

There is also the language barrier. If you were fluent with Mandarin/Cantonese you could have probably given it a shot.

I would think twice before buying the site, even if it has thousands of hits a month. I'd rather put my money elsewhere.
Develop in English. let their google and software do the translating.
how much money are you asked for that?
money is on my side...

i said to them up to $2000 but i want someone to translate stats i just got.
He gave me access to the stats but i cant understand what they say there.
If only someone knew Chinese here, i d send a screenshot and he could help me.
Just make sure you are getting a good deal. 2k is no small amount. Stats can be inflated by getting free traffic driving software. Get a chinese translator to help you out.
yeah i know,
i emailed this guy after i saw the website.
He wasnt selling it or anything.

I was just looking for backlinks that my other chinese domain had and i fell into them.
I emailed if he is selling or not and he replied that he is.
I said that i can pay up to $2000, but i need to transalte stats.

My other chinese domain had about 60.000 per month
and i made about $25 per day when i used the whopark.com services.

All of my old site traffic was from China and despite that i got great cpc rate but poor ctr rate.

I am looking for a guy thatcan read Chinese :D
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