
How to establish a parking service/company?

Spaceship Spaceship


New Member
Hello everyone and thank you in advance for your help.

What interests me is not the technical part of such a goal, but rather the legal/partnership bit. As far as I am aware, Google does not permit AdSense on one-page websites that only hold ads with no additional content, yet so many parked websites have AdSense. How does that relationship work?
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Yes!!! A question I've been meaning to ask too!
I suspect an individual can't do this buy a parking company can? For reasons I don't know?
Say you are a big domain investor with lots of domains and lots of (quality) traffic, then you just contact Google or Yahoo and they will provide you with an advertising feed. Then you work out your part: design parking pages and tune the ads depending on what visitors are looking for or where they are coming from.
I guess that's how many started out...
You will need 1 Million in parking earnings to ask Google for a domain parking feed. If you have that it's easy
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