
discuss How popular are Sedo theme auctions? Should we see more bidding by now in the .ai auction?

Spaceship Spaceship


Upgraded Member
Sedo.com has its .ai domain auction going on now and I would have expected more bidding activity to occur by now.

Do these numbers look normal? How many bidders usually take part in themed auctions on Sedo? Do most bidders wait until the last minute to get involved or were my expectations just too high to begin with?

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
were my expectations just too high to begin with?

depends on what you were expecting to happen.

do you have a horse in that race?

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depends on what you were expecting to happen.

do you have a horse in that race?


A few horses. Was thinking I’d see more than a handful of bids for each domain listed there. So far almost all have 5 or less and just a few days left in the 1-week auction.
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A few horses. Was thinking I’d see more than a handful of bids for each domain listed there. So far almost all have 5 or less and just a few days left in the 1-week auction.
I agree, 2/3s don't have any bids and most of the rest are just token bids. Like 1k bid on a 100k reserve... I was surprised too...
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Was thinking I’d see more than a handful of bids for each domain listed there.

only saw a handful of domains, that were worth bidding on.
also noticed quite a few had high reserves that didn't match quality.
i think that may have some effect on number of potential bidders.

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The most common bidding strategies include bidding at the last minute and avoiding auctions with reserve prices. Nothing surprising here.
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The most common bidding strategies include bidding at the last minute and avoiding auctions with reserve prices. Nothing surprising here.
Where do you recommend looking for auctions without reserve prices?
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Sedo.com has its .ai domain auction going on now and I would have expected more bidding activity to occur by now.

Do these numbers look normal? How many bidders usually take part in themed auctions on Sedo? Do most bidders wait until the last minute to get involved or were my expectations just too high to begin with?

A lot of people do wait until the last minute to bid on auctions.

With Sedo, auctions with them used to be a bigger deal back in the day. There used to be threads here with their monthly auctions, used to be big sales. Lots of bad moves on their part changed that. I don't remember the last time I checked on them.

Right now, the AI auction isn't looking good, looks like the biggest bid that hit reserve is $267, then a handful of some smaller ones.
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I think SEDO auctions are about the worst way to sell quality domains. The results are never very impressive.

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With Sedo, auctions with them used to be a bigger deal back in the day. There used to be threads here with their monthly auctions, used to be big sales. Lots of bad moves on their part changed that. I don't remember the last time I checked on them.

What bad moves if I may ask? I've used sedo mainly for parking, not that much for selling (a few transactions every now and then), but I'm curious.
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What bad moves if I may ask? I've used sedo mainly for parking, not that much for selling (a few transactions every now and then), but I'm curious.
I tried searching my posts because it's been so long, don't remember all the reasons. Just talking about the auction part of Sedo. Back in 2015 I said: "And Sedo's auctions have become a bit of a joke that I don't even look at them anymore"

I do remember the quality of names being auctioned went down. Same with the Traffic Conference domains being picked. And I do remember something that people were talking about years ago, when Sedo started using the auctions to auction off their own domain names.

Quality wise, just Googled for some, posting some random Great Domains auction:


Look at some of the names they had in the June 22 Great Domains Auction:

From what I've read, this auction is now every 2 months and this is the best they could come up with? Random 4 character .coms and such. Some misspelling .bio For a Great Domains auction, the quality just isn't there. So I guess people just aren't submitting their good names anymore.
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A lot of people do wait until the last minute to bid on auctions.

With Sedo, auctions with them used to be a bigger deal back in the day. There used to be threads here with their monthly auctions, used to be big sales. Lots of bad moves on their part changed that. I don't remember the last time I checked on them.

Right now, the AI auction isn't looking good, looks like the biggest bid that hit reserve is $267, then a handful of some smaller ones.

Thank you for providing historical context. I’m new to the game and trying to learn the landscape.
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Great points. I missed the COM opportunities but grateful to have been able to grab promising, legible AI ones.

Hmm…based on all of this feedback I’m actually hoping my Sedo auction reserves aren’t met so I can focus on BINs, LTOs, and taking the time to find a well-matched buyer through outreach instead of Sedo feeders.
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I tried searching my posts because it's been so long, don't remember all the reasons. Just talking about the auction part of Sedo. Back in 2015 I said: "And Sedo's auctions have become a bit of a joke that I don't even look at them anymore"

I do remember the quality of names being auctioned went down. Same with the Traffic Conference domains being picked. And I do remember something that people were talking about years ago, when Sedo started using the auctions to auction off their own domain names.

Quality wise, just Googled for some, posting some random Great Domains auction:


Look at some of the names they had in the June 22 Great Domains Auction:

From what I've read, this auction is now every 2 months and this is the best they could come up with? Random 4 character .coms and such. Some misspelling .bio For a Great Domains auction, the quality just isn't there. So I guess people just aren't submitting their good names anymore.

'markt' isn't a misspelling where Sedo is headquartered :xf.smile:

(otherwise spot on)
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Just like all auctions, the real bidding comes in at the last hour.
I had an .ai domain in the SEDO .AI auction in July
With one hr left, it had reached 2 K --- it ended up selling for over 35 K USD

and same w/the expired AI auctions --- I placed a watch on 2 .ai domains in the last auction....
they had zero bids each
in the last hr, I tried to get them for about 1 K each
They ended up selling for over 5 K each

as far as this SEDO .ai auction.
Law.ai is the killer domain... seems the owner is from South Korea
band.ai, predict.ai, album.ai, support.ai are all premium keywords and fit the extension

law.ai could fetch the highest reported .ai sale if it reaches the reserve price ...i clicked on its bid page and lots of people have it on their watchlist
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I think SEDO auctions are about the worst way to sell quality domains. The results are never very impressive.

Is that mostly due to unreasonable reserves Brad? I think so, I remember back in the day a few of the biggest domain players used to always say auctions should be no reserve. But the fact is most don't have the stones to list their names with no reserve no matter how much attention the name gets.

There are plenty of people on principal alone will not bid on an auction with a reserve. The ranges are too wide as well in my opinion.
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Is that mostly due to unreasonable reserves Brad? I think so, I remember back in the day a few of the biggest domain players used to always say auctions should be no reserve. But the fact is most don't have the stones to list their names with no reserve no matter how much attention the name gets.
That certainly plays a role. Many people, myself included, have limited interest in dealing with reserve auctions.

While many of the domains are quality terms, the reserves on some are just ridiculous.

Many of the terms are low quality as well.

If you look at the other sales from recent SEDO auctions, they don't perform well.

The ones with high reserves rarely sell. The ones that do sell are normally in a reseller price range.

There are other venues where you are likely to attract more eyeballs.

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I wouldn't have a problem listing my domains without reserve price in an auction that lasts a week
but way too risky to list a valuable domain at one of those flash auctions they used to hold and sometimes still hold at domain conferences.

domains with low or no reserves do attract more bidders, so your domain could luck into a bidding war
the problem with law.ai is it has a reserve of 250-499 K or maybe more.
so it could sell if one or more already plan to make an offer in that range at the last hour or less
Support.ai is a good domain, but 1 million usd reserve is really high ....i'd be shocked if this one sells
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Just like all auctions, the real bidding comes in at the last hour.
I had an .ai domain in the SEDO .AI auction in July
With one hr left, it had reached 2 K --- it ended up selling for over 35 K USD

and same w/the expired AI auctions --- I placed a watch on 2 .ai domains in the last auction....
they had zero bids each
in the last hr, I tried to get them for about 1 K each
They ended up selling for over 5 K each

as far as this SEDO .ai auction.
Law.ai is the killer domain... seems the owner is from South Korea
band.ai, predict.ai, album.ai, support.ai are all premium keywords and fit the extension

law.ai could fetch the highest reported .ai sale if it reaches the reserve price ...i clicked on its bid page and lots of people have it on their watchlist
That’s good to hear. Agreed, those are all solid domains!
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Haha fair enough! What would you say then in the year 2052 when looking back to 2024 opportunities?
Remind me in 28 years and I'll tell you :D
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Perhaps it was the reserve prices or lack of engaged investor or end user participants, but the resulting sales of the auction were unimpressive and below median market values. Interesting first Sedo reserve auction experience for me. Will need to look into more options for next time!
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