
question How much time do YOU spend on NamePros?

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
We would all agree that NP is a fantastic resource for all domainers whether you are newbie to the industry, or an experienced domainer who has been in the industry for a while. Most days, I find myself regulary checking the NP threads, and commenting where I can to help others.

How much time do you spend on NP on an average day? (the NP page on my tab is never closed! :xf.grin:) Is there a day that goes by where you don't NP?
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I usually keep a browser window open while I am working on other things and check it when I take a break.

I don't always comment though.

Only if I am in the mood and not too busy working on other things. :xf.smile:
Was just about to take a break and then I seen this thread..so decided to post

And probably after I post this reply, I will get a "alert" which I will have too checkout. ...lol
Much like a daily meal to me.
Too much time :roll:

Probably at least 30 minutes per day. This is definitely one of my "distraction" sites, so I've had to add it to my StayFocusd plugin during work hours.
At least 2 hours once I arrive home.. And it's my homepage on my mobile, it is always open. I don't want to miss nothing.. need to improve and gain experience in this industry, meanwhile I also improve my English (y)
I've got it down to 5 minutes at night around 12am.

I look at the top posts of the day in lurk mode, and then close the window.
One tab on my phone's browser is of NP - always.

Average refresh of the tab from my end goes around every 10 minutes :)

Not counting the constant new alerts between those 10 minutes ;)
Somewhere between, too much and way too much. ... :)
I devote more time to NP than I do with my kids. It's that bad? (Kidding, obviously)
Its always open. I must be averaging more than an hour here.
Not less than too much but not more than too little.
2hr max on day. but not continue I'm visiting in different time whenever m free.
30 minutes which I feel is still too much. Most of the time is spent in going though post titles on one side, waiting for pages to load on the other side.

I wish there were better pre-filters/search-system to be able to focus more on things that interest me.

NP is globally extremely slow. Not as much as google keyword tool, but still slow. I regret the goog time of yahoo fast load time 20 years ago.
I used to spend a lot of time here. (hours) now I barely spend more then a few mins.
Not enough. Wish I could spend more, there's always so much to learn here.

Then again, it's with me even when I'm not here. The other day I was trying to log into my registrar, and it kept giving me failed login due to "incorrect username/password". About third try I realized it was because I kept typing my NP username..
We would all agree that NP is a fantastic resource for all domainers whether you are newbie to the industry, or an experienced domainer who has been in the industry for a while. Most days, I find myself regulary checking the NP threads, and commenting where I can to help others.

How much time do you spend on NP on an average day? (the NP page on my tab is never closed! :xf.grin:) Is there a day that goes by where you don't NP?

About 1hr-2hrs a day, sometimes more. I usually keep the browser open and sometime check back whole aday.
Not as much these days. When I first joined, i literally use to spend every waking moment on NP, learnt a great deal about the industry.
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A minimum of 30-45 minutes a day perusing the site and up to two hours a day if topics of
personal domain related interests are sprouting wings.

Although have had domains since 1996, this is the first domain forum I've joined and still enjoy reading the multi-faceted exchange of ideas on a variety of topics.
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