It's just because KIBS is actually not that commonly known, you can literally ask anyone they will have no clue what you're talking about.
So this domain name will have to penetrate basically a 0% target appeal to sell, barring a mass or minor occurrence factor that suddenly brings it to some sort of spotlight where an entity will have an "AHA" moment, "this is for me". Which is not impossible, but just not worth the current investment hope and whim imo.
Long term, you never know but there's other things to take into consideration like how many years you want to hold it for with carrying costs versus probability of sale. And also, by that time, will dot-ai fall out of favor perhaps?
Looking at related current popular extensions with the name, lets say dot-one, dot-co, dot-io, dot-net, dot-org, and dot-com there is one solid site on dot-com but I have no idea what it's all about and likely nothing to do with your particular purpose.
Looking at previous sales, there are two both in dot-com. One of which is developed into aforementioned and likely bought because certain LLLL's are desirable in that extension. The other, was part of a three-word domain and now available for registration again.
Looking at search results, less than 1M this is paltry.
There is just too much that screams Nah than Yah for this one. To me anyways. You could always try a professional appraisal over at
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