
question How long to sell a domain and annual sales with 100 domains?

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
Hello domainers,

I'm new to this, and I'd like to hear your experiences. How long did it take for you to sell a domain?
If you own around 100 easy to remember domains in top TLDs (like xFavorite .com, PrimeLaptops .com, BestSweetSpot .com, LoanStay .com), how many can you typically sell in a year?

I understand there are many factors at play, but I'm just looking for some general insights.
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Depends on pricing and if the domains are good aged or hand regs. If looking for end user prices in the current climate it can take years.

Wholesale to other domainers with average domains maybe a few a year.

Great domains underpriced wholesale your chanches increase. But nobody just starting out has 100 great domains.

Tiny portfolio usually equals tiny results unless the very best high quality names.
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You will sell one name. At a lower xxxx price.
You have a good chance of selling two in case your names are partially aligned towards popular trends.
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From my almost 4 years of exp, I can give you some advice.
Hand regs most of them sell very slow, they must be nurtured and grow over time, drop regs can sell a little bit faster due to past history.
Domaining is not a get rich quick scheme, you have to work hard and have prepared to sacrifice your hard earned money, also be prepared for loses and sleepless nights!
In short don't jump into buying allot of domains, as many old Domainers say, first learn this field of biz then invest, but if you want to learn on your own then do as you feel is right for you, in this way you will gather your own exp, not based on what we advice on this forum.
And yes as many oldies say quality beats quantity, I learned this too late.
You can check one of my topic, I sold 2 domains recently after so much waiting, but I can tell you that I was receiving offers even after 1, 2 and 3 years of Domaining but I declined those, if I would have accepted them then I would have sold in the first year of my domaining journey.
So the best domains in my opinion can be found in auctions, although I never participated into them, only when drop catching had to beat some domains from other participants.
I have think that I will reg about 200 of domains but I ended out with more than 1700 and I would have buy more if I could afford.
You can check the AMA topic of Twiki he have great exp with selling a bunch of domains.
Not forget to chk other of my topic why I got into domaining, this is because like when you know about Bitcoin launch but this is 100x times more important that even AI crap.
P.s. stay away from live Trademarks, you can buy the domain if it has dead TM and still must be precautious. This means if you know about CocaCola product it doesn't mean to buy domains with this product or others.
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I've only just broken the 100 mark. Sell at 3 to 5 names a year for between 200 and 7000 bucks. All names bought in expired auctions for between 11 and 300 bucks.
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A typical domainer with a good portfolio sells 1-2% of their names retail per year, so if you have 100 names you might sell 1 or 2 and it could take 6 months or a year to do so.

These numbers work much better with larger portfolios because of statistical anomalies (and there are a lot of anomalies is domaining). You might sell a domain tomorrow, or 6 months from now. When you do sell a name reinvest and grow your portfolio, then you are more likely to see consistent sales.

Best of luck!
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I really appreciate your detailed insights and the time you took to share your experience. Your advice is invaluable to someone like me who is just starting out in domaining.

I'm curious to know more about how you sell your domains. Do you mostly list them on platforms like, or do you have other preferred platforms? Also, once you list your domains, do you just wait for buyers to come to you, or do you engage in some sort of marketing or outreach to promote your domains? I'm trying to understand the selling process better and would really appreciate any further advice or experiences you can share regarding this aspect.

Thank you once again for your help!
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I've only just broken the 100 mark. Sell at 3 to 5 names a year for between 200 and 7000 bucks. All names bought in expired auctions for between 11 and 300 bucks.
@D Haynes
Thanks for sharing your experience. It's interesting to see your selling range. May I ask, do you primarily sell your domains through listings on platforms like, or do you have marketing? insight would be very helpful for a newbie like me.
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I list my names on Dan, Afternic (which is now automatic if you list on Dan I believe), Sedo, Squadhelp and Dynadot although ALL my sales come from Dan or Afternic.

I have Dan landing pages with BIN prices except for SH premium names which have to be pointed to SH.

Sales are all passive. I've tried a very small amount of "outbound" marketing/emails but with no success.

That's it really.
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@D Haynes
Thank you for sharing.

Currently, I purchase domains on GoDaddy, then change the nameserver to Dan. I find Dan convenient as when I list on Dan, it automatically lists on Afternic, including on GoDaddy and Namecheap (although the minimum offer price doesn't sync).

Appreciate your insights!
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I have skinned down my portfolio over the years. I am now holding just over 100 names . This year for me
has been the worst since I started. I must say that Dan is my preferred choice. I'm with Sedo at present and not happy with that company. There is something fishy going on there with their reporting. Stick with Dan.

2021 = 5
2022 = 3
2023 = 2

All are sold at retail BIN prices. I don't sell at wholesale (yet) but might in the future.
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Domains are an open, free market and every sale is unique. There is the industry standard sell-through-rate of 1% per year, but that means nothing. There are people that wait 10 years to sell a domain, and there are others that buy and flip their first domain in a day.

The more you know, the better you are at appraising assets and sales, the larger your network, plus a host of other factors make domaining a very interesting and fun venture.
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If you own around 100 easy to remember domains in top TLDs (like xFavorite .com, PrimeLaptops .com, BestSweetSpot .com, LoanStay .com), how many can you typically sell in a year?

If someone's portfolio had domains like, prime, and I would say the answer is 0.
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If someone's portfolio had domains like, prime, and I would say the answer is 0.
Would domains like or be considered more marketable or easier to sell in your opinion? I appreciate your feedback.
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Thanks for sharing. I will read it 😬
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Hello domainers,

I'm new to this, and I'd like to hear your experiences. How long did it take for you to sell a domain?
If you own around 100 easy to remember domains in top TLDs (like xFavorite .com, PrimeLaptops .com, BestSweetSpot .com, LoanStay .com), how many can you typically sell in a year?

I understand there are many factors at play, but I'm just looking for some general insights.

It takes 7 years in average for me. I hold some domains for 20 years. I don't list my valuable domains at anywhere. I don't trust marketplaces. I list only cheap, ordinary domains at marketplaces.

50 - 100 domains should be the max unless you have a large budget to renew each domain for 7+ years.

Good luck.
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@yutoyasunaga, I recommend you to take the Godaddy Domain Academy course if you want to succeed at domaining. I am not an affiliate of this course, but I have taken it and taken part in the discussion forum with regard to domain valuation feedback requests. The instructors there are veteran domain investors, and they can give you tips and insights on your domain-picking skills. I don't know why but it appears to me that many course participants do not take part in the discussion forum in order to benefit from some mentorship from veteran investors (I was one of the few people who was active in the forum). Up till today, I am still learning from them and improving on my domain-picking skills. My advice is to pick domains with direct commercial intent (such as insurance, law, real estate, rentals, dentistry, etc) instead of purely descriptive words because your buyer who is paying for your domain is likely to start a business with it.

Best of luck!
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My target Long term , I focus on quality and one extension which i see the real value .
I got offers between $xx,xxx - $xxx,xxx .

I invest in like:
1. Single letters [ , , etc.. ]
2. Two letters [ , , etc.. ]
3. One Word [ , , etc.. ]

Wish you all the best .
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@abcuser123 Thank you. I will take a look at that course.
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My target Long term , I focus on quality and one extension which i see the real value .
I got offers between $xx,xxx - $xxx,xxx .

I invest in like:
1. Single letters [ , , etc.. ]
2. Two letters [ , , etc.. ]
3. One Word [ , , etc.. ]

Wish you all the best .
Thank you for sharing your strategy and for your kind wishes. It's insightful to see how you focus on specific types of domains and have a clear vision for long-term value. Your success with receiving substantial offers is inspiring.

I agree that domains with single letters, two letters, or one-word are highly valuable and desirable. However, from what I've observed, most of these prime domains have already been taken :xf.cry:
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Thank you for sharing your strategy and for your kind wishes. It's insightful to see how you focus on specific types of domains and have a clear vision for long-term value. Your success with receiving substantial offers is inspiring.

I agree that domains with single letters, two letters, or one-word are highly valuable and desirable. However, from what I've observed, most of these prime domains have already been taken :xf.cry:

If there's any name like single letter or one word you like it you can follow up until the name drop So for the "New gTLDs " extensions , I recommend to you useing something call Backorder via , It work for me in many times .
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