
Hamas New Ruler of Palestine - Some say it could mean WW3 Eventually

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Many of you know this already, but Hamas, basically a terrorist group (kind of like the KKK, where they just go around and kill people) is the new leader of Palestine.

Now... thoughts on this are crazy. Some think WW3, some think we'll invade Palestine since they pledged to annihilate the Irsraelis which we support - and since they're terrorists (doing car bomb stuff, etc.), which we are at war against, we should go after them and get a REAL government going.

What are your thoughts on this?

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This can prove John Titor is true. Scary, but what other nations support Hamas?
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Middle east nations that support other terrorists, harbor them, etc. I'm not going to name them in case I'm wrong but I would GUESS ... Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia I think...
they were voted in by the people, correct?
if so i see alot of dead people if the us decides to play police again
"Play" police? Do you realize what a mess the world would be in if we didn't go into Vietnam? Iraq? Kuwait? South Korea? (We DID help s. korea, right? lol my history's a bit shaky on that one)

The people voted them in - obviously signaling that they WANT the violence. Israel is a bit unorganized right now since Areal (sp?) Sharone is incapable of leading with his health condition...
well actually i found it funny the way it was on GEO News

In Urdu language

It stated " hamas ki fatah , aur fatah ki shikast "

that means Hamas won , and win lost because Fatah means (to win)

Shikast means (to lost)

it was funny.

I think U.S should stay out of this for the safety our troops :) because they are not harming us
... they never do until they do. Are you willing to take that chance?
It's been known that Hamas would not continue with it's current views once it officially takes power. The US and it's allies wanted democracy in Afghanistan, Iraq, and the Middle East, didn't they? Hamas was elected democratically. The Palestinians, in my view, elected Hamas because they are fed up with getting no where, really. They wanted change.

Also, Hamas can't wipe out Israel; with Israel getting billions of dollars in aid from the US and other countries, it is quite unlikely.

Didn't they get what they wanted in the Mid-East: democracy?

Also, if the goal of the US and Israel is to really make peace, why do they immediately cancel all peace talks with Hamas? It seems they cannot accept the fact.

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I think U.S should stay out of this for the safety our troops because they are not harming us

That depends. Hamas is directly responsible for 30 American deaths in the past few decades.

Didn't they get what they wanted in the Mid-East: democracy?

A terrorist organization in control is not a democracy.
compuXP said:
"Play" police? Do you realize what a mess the world would be in if we didn't go into Vietnam? Iraq? Kuwait? South Korea? (We DID help s. korea, right? lol my history's a bit shaky on that one)

The people voted them in - obviously signaling that they WANT the violence. Israel is a bit unorganized right now since Areal (sp?) Sharone is incapable of leading with his health condition...

to respond to this would be futile....and i know i'd get flamed and labeled an "ameria basher" which is far from the truth....

But admit it....If the major resource of kuwait and iraq was potatoes and not petro, wouldn't give a flipping burger about some dictator with a bad mustache. Which is why you probably WON'T see WWIII out of this.

compux, you seem like a bright person, so i swear this is not a knock on you. It's hard to take a firm stand on this issue because both sides are right, and both sides have done wrong. I have a lot of insights and experiences that lead me to my opinion, as i'm sure you have yours. Personally, I don't think the palestinans want violence. I think they want a government they can trust, not a puppet regime. I think if you really want to understand the mid east situaiton, go down there and live in both sides for a week. I lived in Lebanon in the 80s during the civil war. I've lived in a war state.... Being a child, I had no idea why someone would want to kill me...and now as an adult, i cringe at the mention of war. But that's another issue.

I know it's 'taboo' to side with anything arab these days...but i will be brave enough to say that I don't think that Hamas is equal to the clan on this one...they see themselves as freedom fighters (like say the patriots did during the american revolution) i might be wrong. Both sides have done unspeakable wrong...so i'm not ruling out that they're not racist....as i'm sure there's racists on all sides of this coin...but before you start condeming a people...it would be to your benefit to try to understand the issue from all angles.

But admit it....If the major resource of kuwait and iraq was potatoes and not petro, wouldn't give a flipping burger about some dictator with a bad mustache. Which is why you probably WON'T see WWIII out of this.

I certainly agree the landscape and history would be different in many ways but the idealogical differences would still persist regardless of oil. There'd still be an Israel.

Personally, I don't think the palestinans want violence. I think they want a government they can trust, not a puppet regime. I think if you really want to understand the mid east situaiton, go down there and live in both sides for a week. I lived in Lebanon in the 80s during the civil war. I've lived in a war state.... Being a child, I had no idea why someone would want to kill me...and now as an adult, i cringe at the mention of war. But that's another issue.

With all due respect, I'm not quite so sure about that statement. We have celebrations around here all the time for elections and other functions but I cannot remember a single instance where fully automatic guns were brought and fired off in celebration. Watch the tape from today's demonstrations - I don't quite view them as peace-loving people and this is the party that's "supposed" to be less violent than Hamas.

Another thing is, would you vote the Nazi party here in America into power if the Democrats and Republicans both were off the mark and corrupt?

The problem with the notion that one man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist is that freedom fighters don't kill everyone in sight - right down to women, children, and infants. The moment that you consider a terrorist a freedom fighter is the same moment that you legitimize what they are doing and you've given them a victory. (Please note that all of these you's are a collective you and not Isis you.)

And although I haven't lived there as you have, I've tried to do a lot of research on the articles from many books, to articles, to news stories from various outlets to anything else that can be reasonably trusted.
I guess you'd know more than me then since you've been there, but all I can say is... if all the Palestinians can trust by election are terrorists, something needs to be done. We need to stop just funding the Israelis, let's see where this goes but I think soon we may need to directly intervene... it's a small land area anyway. (in comparison to Iraq)

this is a land mine of an issue. I've lived in the region and know there are good and bad guys on all sides. Isrealies are taught that Palestinians are gonna get them....and Palestinians are taught that Isrealies are gonna get them. Both have deep rooted animosities that you or I cannot begin to understand. Religon and culture plays a big role on BOTH parts and fanatics on BOTH sides have their part (and therefore share the responsibility) in the violence.

I've lived in the region and the people... are all nice people for the most part (all have their individual biases and prejudices...which is normal), though western media does not portray them that way. How can you understand firing of an automatic weapon as a sign of celebration? Maybe they feel empowered for once?

Also, I would like to add that it seems like western media loves to glorify the violent tendencies of one side and not the other. If you are not familiar with a groups cultural tendencies...and then a media reporter spins it to conflict with your cultural tendencies, your natural biases will come out.

Someone once said something along the lines of: "to a deaf man, a dancing man looks insane" In the same lines, to someone that doesn't understand the whos and whys....hamas will be a terrorist organization.

I know the history, I was emersed in the cultures (a great opportunity :D). It's no suprise that the West and isreal will not deal with Hamas. The west has had a HARD time communicating with any middle easter/arab/persian person that hasn't been indoctrinated with western mentality....and same the other way around i guess.

I wouldn't compare hamas with the nazis either. If i believe correctly, nazis believe they were god's chosen race, or the ultimate race, and their racism spewed from that belief. This is a very very tricky subject because religon plays a HUGE factor ON BOTH SIDES, and because of political correctness, you can't really come out and say what the problem is.

like i said, you may think there's a right side and a wrong side...but then the more you look into it, the more sides you start to see.... sad sad situation for the innocent victims on both sides

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Isis said:
How can you understand firing of an automatic weapon as a sign of celebration? Maybe they feel empowered for once?

When people shoot any weapon into the air do they understand that those projectiles fall back down into the people they are celebrating with?

I've heard a few stories in the US about accidents such as that. The last one I heard was on the July 4th, someone fired a bullet into the sky and there was a woman holding a baby...the bullet came down and hit the baby in the skull. The baby died.
Impluo said:
When people shoot any weapon into the air do they understand that those projectiles fall back down into the people they are celebrating with?

I've heard a few stories in the US about accidents such as that. The last one I heard was on the July 4th, someone fired a bullet into the sky and there was a woman holding a baby...the bullet came down and hit the baby in the skull. The baby died.

I know, i live in arizona where they just passed i think it's called "shannon's law". I think what happened was it was a 4th of july and some guy fired a gun in the air.... the bullet landed a mile (i think) a way, killing a girl lying by a swimming pool.

not all pple know the same things we do...some tribes in africa still run around butt nakid :yell: Imagine going to work with nothin but a thong and smile LOL... not meaning to belittle the situation...


Na, I don't think WW3 will start over this... i think trouble lies elsewhere, a place where there is no Western interests or real money, and therefore....nobody cares about... just my opinion
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CrazyTech said:
A terrorist organization in control is not a democracy.

Well can you please define democracy for me ...

Because i dont know what are you talking about and what are your perspective toward democracy.

According to the wikipedia

Democracy (from Greek δημοκρατία (demokratia), δημος (demos) the people + κρατειν (kratein) to rule + the suffix ία (ia), literally "the people rule") is a system where the population of a society controls the government.

I guess the point is clear there
Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives.

Looks like they have a democracy to me.
Just because people don't agree with them doesn't make it any less of a democracy.

Many people in the Middle East consider George Bush and Americans to be terrorists. Does that mean that the United States isn't a democracy?
My thought on this is issue is that the US has to stop sending money to Israel. We send them billions of dollars when we could use it to fix this country up. They dont do anything for us. I also dont like the fact that the US is like Israels big brother, if anyone messes with them the US will be invloved.
terrorism, state run terrorism through military force...suicide bomber, jet bomber. If Hamas organises an army an declares war on it's vision of 'terrorism' will only THEN they become *l e g i t*? imagine Hamas tearing a page out of our play book, sad irony. In fact....let's consider what Hamas would be like if THEY started policing the world as the US has, but i guess you can't play cop if you don't have $$$...without $$$ you're just a terrorist, or commy, or some other 'name' that sounds bad and neglects the real issue...

My guess is that if Katrina's any indication as to what might happen further down the road, I think our involvement in the mid east might not last too long. Big bucks are sent over seas, and majority national spending goes to special interests. One real big hit, and who knows, we may pull out in a snap. JMO :/
Well can you please define democracy for me ...

Sure can, a government that doesn't make it a habit to target and kill women and children just because of what they are.
CrazyTech said:
doesn't make it a habit to target and kill women and children just because of what they are.

I guess Israel is not a democracy then :| .

I think that hamas would be a threat in near the future for america since his association with terrorist groups.And may also be eliminated from the throne of a leader. so it's all up to if he stays a leader but i would'nt be wont him as our leader.
Isis said:
...without $$$ you're just a terrorist, or commy, or some other 'name' that sounds bad and neglects the real issue... :/

Bin Laden has more money than every Namepro member put together and then some and he is a terrorist. Terrorist leaders are not poor people, the people that they send out are usually the poor ones who do the dirty work as a result of being brainwashed. Not to say all those who do terrorist attacks are brainwashed but the majority are.

This is abouth Hamas doing the right thing and using the new found power to end the fight against Israel. The Israel people want peace and do not want any kind of conflict, on the otherside of the scale is the Palestines (Hamas) who do not recognize that Israel is a country and want them to leave Jerusalem for good and some are extreme enough to want to eradicate all the people from Israel. The US gives money to both sides of this one sided affair and will stop doing so to Palestines if Hamas continues his "old" ways and does not break his ties with terrorist groups. Israel has given up land to try and end this long battle over land, they want peace and are tired of the Palestine trying to push them out of their land. I do not believe that with Hamas in power that we will see WWIII, in my opinion the real threat of WWIII will be when Iran takes control of the weapons of mass destruction that Saddam sent to Syria and then uses them on Israel but that is another topic for another thread.
I guess Israel is not a democracy then .

If Israel were to indiscriminately kill civilians then they wouldn't be. However, I haven't seen too many Israeli suicide bombers going into Palestinian market places. The difference is Israelis target those who have already made the alliance with terrorism in various form. The people who support those who kill Israeli women and children for what they are.
CrazyTech said:
If Israel were to indiscriminately kill civilians then they wouldn't be. However, I haven't seen too many Israeli suicide bombers going into Palestinian market places. The difference is Israelis target those who have already made the alliance with terrorism in various form. The people who support those who kill Israeli women and children for what they are.

They have killed randomly several times.


705 Palestinian children killed;
“The majority of these [Palestinian] children were killed and injured while going about normal daily activities, such as going to school, playing, shopping, or simply being in their homes. Sixty-four percent of children killed during the first six months of 2003 died as a result of Israeli air and ground attacks, or from indiscriminate fire from Israeli soldiers.”

- Catherine Cook

I am not denying the fact that Israelis have also been killed; but 123 Israeli children compared to 705 Palestinian children; thats 6X as much almost.

Those aren't the only ones; there are many reports of tanks rolling over kids or shooting at them; why? They were throwing pebbles at huge metal tanks :o .

Furthermore, I have seen pictures on the internet of Israeli soldiers pointing guns at mothers and their children as they go to school. Why does a child need to go through a checkpoint to go to school? Why does the mom have to wait in line to go to the hospital?

I think the bigger problem is infact with the Israeli goverment.

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