

Spaceship Spaceship

Garrett L Mullins

New Member
Hey, Fortworth is the eighth fastest growing city in America according to google, I feel I should probably add that on.

Just looking for a good price estimate, and how long it might take to sell.
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i do wish we could schedule when someone will buy our domains.. as for its value, the .com is for sale as well so you have competition. Once the com sells and is used i cannot see another car dealer in fort worth wanting someone else's domain, the com will get their traffic..

That is just my opinion though.. good name.. might do good somewhere like GD premium listings? Maybe someone else will step in with a good starting price for you.. gl with it
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I actually haven't bought it yet, just thinking of how to use this formula. You know, (fast growing city)(popular word).com/net/org.

So in your opinion it's not worth going after the .net's or .org's for this strategy?

Thanks by the way, I appreciate the advice.

Oh, and when you say it might do good, what do you think a good starting price would be? Low to mid xx's is what I assumed. At is cost like, 10 bucks to buy the name if I add on LLC protection.
yea sure.. low to mid xx but you have to ask yourself why it hasn't been registered yet and is it worth the shot at low to mid xx?
I should add I do think its worth it but im from Ft. Worth :) Part of why i said its a good name and I just like the net used its like saying Fort Worth Cars on the internet..
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I actually haven't bought it yet

You really shouldn't post about a domain that you haven't registered yet. While I agree with Tank that this domain isn't worth much, if it was a good domain and you posted about it, someone else will register it in no time.

But like I mentioned, I agree with Tank. For something like this, stick with .com.
if the .com is not even beng used by an end user,than whos gonna want he .net ,I say let it expire
I agree with Tank. Without owning the .com version of it, there is little reason to have it.
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