
advice Expired Domain Parking Strategies

Spaceship Spaceship


Tech Founder - InfoSec ProfessionalEstablished Member
Hi everyone,

Was hoping to pick others' brains to see what strategies you've found to be effective, IF ANY, when it comes to registering expired domains for the purpose of generating passive parking income while seeking a buyer for the name.

While I don't invest much in parking, I do average $20-$30 a month from recently expired/deleted domains and as of late, I've been making an extra $1-2 per name per month on recently deleted top indexed and ranked keyword names from @Domain Research Labs.

Would be curious to hear what others have found to work, thanks for looking.
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Parking sucks these days. Pay has gone down and I've basically quit. With whatever traffic domains I have, I'm either dropping them or switching them to sales. Basic rule is if it covers the annual renewal fee and there is resell value, I keep. Otherwise I drop. IMO, not worth the time. ROI on domain sales is way better.

As for using dropped domains for parking income, it works, but the traffic eventually withers away because the website is gone and people stop visiting it. It's different for typos though, they're still effective because it's direct navigation.
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Hi everyone,

Was hoping to pick others' brains to see what strategies you've found to be effective, IF ANY, when it comes to registering expired domains for the purpose of generating passive parking income while seeking a buyer for the name.

While I don't invest much in parking, I do average $20-$30 a month from recently expired/deleted domains and as of late, I've been making an extra $1-2 per name per month on recently deleted top indexed and ranked keyword names from @Domain Research Labs.

Would be curious to hear what others have found to work, thanks for looking.
i will be curious too but i don't think anyone will share here how he is making money to get back just more competitors for their names. Especially now that margins are even more smaller.
i will be curious too but i don't think anyone will share here how he is making money to get back just more competitors for their names. Especially now that margins are even more smaller.
The top dogs in the game are definitely not here sharing their strategies.
The top dogs in the game are definitely not here sharing their strategies.
The concept is the same for others...
would you say here how do you look for expired domains and what to consider first?

for the rest, it's already had been said mostly everything on other threads here.
Basic rule is if it covers the annual renewal fee and there is resell value, I keep. Otherwise I drop.

that has been the standard SOP for the big dogs too.

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