
sales Eleven.io Sold For $121,000 USD At SquadHelp

Spaceship Spaceship


DomainRetail.comTop Member
Congrats to James Booth on the sale.

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so who wanna guess why bigger domainers always sell even lesser quality names for big cash and certainly for more than u and me would have ... I wanna know.
There's no way SH valued that name at that amount. Must be a lead brought in which speaks to how well sold it was. Congrats to the seller.
It was priced at above $200k. James has a big portfolio at SH and has flexibility on pricing.
It was priced at above $200k. James has a big portfolio at SH and has flexibility on pricing.
So I was right. I know its just the way of business but seem unfair when it's one rule for one and another for someone else on the same platform. Certainly not taking anything away from James (clearly a top domain seller and more power to anyone making the most of "perks") but Joe average user wouldn't have been able to price that name at that much. Would have been on for 10k at the very most.
Amazing sale, I'm sure a few people will agree this is a average domain, certainly not 6 figure domain (on paper), its a domain many average Joe investors on here could own.

There is no skill selling on SquadHelp, so convinced the Booth Brothers have the midas touch, i know they own some great domains, but have sold some average domains for great prices over the years too (Dan/SquadHelp), some people will hate on that but i just say fair play (y)
Anyone with more than 500 premium domains on SH can uplift price upto 300% of the SH approval rate. SH should restrict it and should not allow user to price more than approval rate.
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I dont get it .. would he be Making those sales and or at those prices on some any other lander etc... or this is all just somehow sh boosted ..and related and all that????
I dont get it .. would he be Making those sales and or at those prices on some any other lander etc... or this is all just somehow sh boosted ..and related and all that????
SH is running ads promoting these domains right now.
Yes. But I think they are now focusing more on ultra premium domains
Despite what some people may think, IMHO eleven.io is a great domain name for .io
Also, SH is doing a lot of promotions, so that must have an impact on the sales! 🤔
This show is absolutely class. How random to see it referenced here. The bottle of ginger sketch kills me every time. Well worth a look (Burnistown). Sorry to go off topic but everyone needs that in their life.
@Fayaz Ahmed - I read what you wrote (in above screenshot), and agree that the price of this thread's domain may be surprisingly high, but there's nothing too weird about it (could be a brilliant seller or an extremely lucky sale, or a combo of both). As to the fact the the acquiring company is still using their old, longer ElevenLabs .io domain (which they probably hand-regged) instead of their .com version or their new one word .io name - that is probably just temporary, amid marketing considerations, and if they keep strong in business we should expect to see them using their new domain...
@Fayaz Ahmed - I read what you wrote (in above screenshot), and agree that the price of this thread's domain may be surprisingly high, but there's nothing too weird about it (could be a brilliant seller or an extremely lucky sale, or a combo of both). As to the fact the the acquiring company is still using their old, longer ElevenLabs .io domain (which they probably hand-regged) instead of their .com version or their new one word .io name - that is probably just temporary, amid marketing considerations, and if they keep strong in business we should expect to see them using their new domain...
May be you're right, in fact I don't doubt at all that you're right.

But I'm a developer too, and in my experience, most people including developers and investors are not concerned about these sort of nuances of domain names. They had this .com for more than a year I think, and technically speaking, there's no reason not to use the .com (either for marketing or anything else).
May be you're right, in fact I don't doubt at all that you're right.

But I'm a developer too, and in my experience, most people including developers and investors are not concerned about these sort of nuances of domain names. They had this .com for more than a year I think, and technically speaking, there's no reason not to use the .com (either for marketing or anything else).
You make good points of course, but remember that changing a company's domain entails tough steps including: Changing all email addresses; possible loss in SEO or recognition; and it'd also be a temporary change to the .com in the case of the company in question, as they likely had plans for this final .io version of just "Elevent" (without "labs").
In addition, for a tech company whose main focus is a technological product, which this company seems to be ("Text to Speech & AI Voice Generator"), that focuses on R&D etc. rather than growing customer base (which they may have been doing, idk), changing the domain's extension temporarily is probably of little importance.
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"Square root of 11 being 121"

so who wanna guess why bigger domainers always sell even lesser quality names for big cash and certainly for more than u and me would have ... I wanna know.
Most io xyz ai etc sales are just promotion, laundering, crypto exchange, marketing .. Nobody will spend xxxxxx on io ai co vc etc sh/t
. Ai domains are joke
Look at the registry website nic.com.ai/

Do not invest in offshore cc tld
one .com 10/10
ten .com 9/10
eleven .com 8/10

wt eleven .io 121k??.
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