
discuss Education Gap...How many non domainers know about nTLD's?

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
An educated guess might be 5% based on polling.

It's just been nine months since I reg'd my first nTLD. Since then I've reg'd literally hundreds more while polling hundreds of non domainers who have never heard of the new domain extensions.

I don't just ask someone if they ever heard of new domain extensions like; .golf, .loans, .app, .live, .boats etc., but I also make it my business to educate them on how they work just like .com's, and how easy they are to buy, use and develop. Most of the reactions I get are, Wow!, I didn't know that.

I knew within the first 45 days I got into this, the onus would be on me to educate end users if I were to be successful. Collectively registries, registrars and domainers like you and me need to work together educate end users and the public.

Finally, I've acknowledged all along that .com is, and "may" always be "king", but there's a lot of room to close the huge gap that exists between the two:)
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Google is the key to ngtlds. If they do as they said back in 2015 and rank these in exactly the same way they do with .com then I see a bright future for some of the good extensions. People will see domains ranking next to .com in searches and thus educating the masses.

I like your passion @Bulloney and I hope it produces some good results.

Thanks Ollie....i've been tracking the Google search results for the two highest priced ngTLD's: Home.Loans and Vacation.Rentals and they consistently show up on either the first or second page on Google when you do a search on "Home Loans" or "Vacation Rentals". For the naysayers, they need to check it out for themselves. I agree with you that until such time the masses see ngTLD's ranking next to equivalent .coms they'll be slow to compete. That said however, much to the chagrin of my critics, I'll be using examples of Home.Loans and Vacation.Rentals to help promote some of my "good extensions". When I'm able to show a potential buyer that these two domains sold for 500K each, and show their google ranking, I may actually sell a few of my ngTLD's for a couple thousand dollars.

Thanks again for your comments Ollie.
Thanks for the advice brother:xf.wink: JB, I'm playing in a golf tournament the next two days at BBCC where I'm a lifetime member. Ever hear of Harrier Golf? HarrierGolf .com? Harrier.Golf?, Hash House Harriers? I'm sure you'll miss me over the next few days, but I'd suggest you spend some time researching my next project that ties directly into my .golf portfolio that appraisers for over a quarter of a million dollars. Hears a link that may give you and Brad a hint to what I'm up to: Cheers:xf.grin:
374, member: 985974"]Rich, I get the impression you're one of those people who, when offered a choice between a handful of money and a haystack with a gold coin inside, would choose the haystack. You like the challenge, not the path of least resistance. And there's value in that! Every industry needs someone to push the boundaries.

I'm an easy money guy, but I respect your zeal. Also rooting for you and looking forward to seeing some results.

Good to know, I'll bump this thread in about a week so you can share the .golf domains you've sold at BBCC.

The site you mentioned, I'm getting:

Hmm. We’re having trouble finding that site.

We can’t connect to the server at

Good to know, I'll bump this thread in about a week so you can share the .golf domains you've sold at BBCC.

The site you mentioned, I'm getting:

Hmm. We’re having trouble finding that site.

We can’t connect to the server at[/QUOTE]

Suggest you try to connect again brother. It works for me:xf.wink: btw, several of my investors have come out of BBCC, and there are more to come. Stay tuned brother....btw, who is "We" and "We're"?....inquiring minds would like to know:xf.wink:

Now back on topic....what do you think of my use of Google and SEO findings for ngTLD's like Home.Loans and Vacation.Rentals? you know I plan on using this sort o information to my advantage. Who knows, after you read this, you and Brad may want to be investors...

Fore!...gotta run like a harrier for my practice round. Enjoying your banter JB:ROFL:
Who knows, after you read this, you and Brad may want to be investors...

"Sponsored by Radix" That's an ad you just linked to.

There are enough suckers out there.
Suggest you try to connect again brother. It works for me:xf.wink: btw, several of my investors have come out of BBCC, and there are more to come. Stay tuned brother....btw, who is "We" and "We're"?....inquiring minds would like to know:xf.wink:

We = message I got when trying to access site, now it works.

Better question is who are these "investors" you keep talking about. You said you never sold a domain yourself, then I think you mentioned a 1 time sale of 4 domains. Is that to these "investors" ? And they gave you money based on some plan you gave them for new gtlds?
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Thanks Ollie....i've been tracking the Google search results for the two highest priced ngTLD's: Home.Loans and Vacation.Rentals and they consistently show up on either the first or second page on Google when you do a search on "Home Loans" or "Vacation Rentals".
I don't know if it's a geographical issue, but when I search these terms (both with and without quotes), I don't even see the sites on the first four pages... Maybe more? I stopped looking after that.
I am starting to question the very idea that end users need to be 'educated'. Maybe they just know better what's good for their business ?
Domainers on the other hand :)
I am starting to question the very idea that end users need to be 'educated'. Maybe they just know better what's good for their business ?
Spot on. Perhaps businesses (end-users) know how cost prohibitive it is to educate the real end-users (product/service consumers), along with several other ngtld issues.
I don't know if it's a geographical issue, but when I search these terms (both with and without quotes), I don't even see the sites on the first four pages... Maybe more? I stopped looking after that.
Joe...since you're in Canada, your Google research results will vary from mine. After searching "Home Loans" without quotes from my area, Home.Loans shows up in the first position on the second page, and a search for "Vacation Rentals" shows Vacation.Rentals in the seventh position on the first page of Google. Here's the explanation Joe:

Also, here are the websites for these fine ngTLD's; and

Both of these companies have head quarters in the US. one in Florida and the other in Missouri? I also happen to know the owners of these companies monitor SEO results like hawks. As such, they make good reference domains for me to show potential ngTLD customers. I just wouldn't be showing them results from your computer in Canada:xf.wink:
Joe...since you're in Canada, your Google research results will vary from mine. After searching "Home Loans" without quotes from my area, Home.Loans shows up in the first position on the second page, and a search for "Vacation Rentals" shows Vacation.Rentals in the seventh position on the first page of Google. Here's the explanation Joe:

Also, here are the websites for these fine ngTLD's; and

Both of these companies have head quarters in the US. one in Florida and the other in Missouri? I also happen to know the owners of these companies monitor SEO results like hawks. As such, they make good reference domains for me to show potential ngTLD customers. I just wouldn't be showing them results from your computer in Canada:xf.wink:
Good luck, Rich! Looking forward to hearing how the .golf pitch goes.
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