
Dynadot transactional email blocked

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
Several months ago I stopped receiving transactional email from Dynadot. After much back and forth with both Dynadot and Siteground who was my web and email host at the time, this was the final word from Siteground:

“I passed the information to our System administrators and they confirmed that the whole IP range is blocked due to thousands of malicious and phishing attacks towards our servers. Our system administrators have sent multiple complaints to's official email and have not received response for many of them. Given the fact that's IP addresses are a threat to the sites hosted on our servers, we can not offer to whitelist them and our firewall will continue to block all their requests.”

So since I have hundreds of domains registered with Dynadot and need to be able to receive email from them I left Siteground.

Now it’s happening again with my email coming though Porkbun. I really don’t want to have to keep changing my email hosting, hoping that I will be able to get Dynadot emails.

Is anyone else having these issues with Dynadot? It seems like they should make more of an effort to respond to Siteground and others and keep from being blocked. I wonder how many email providers are blocking them. It’s very unsettling not to be able to count on receiving emails from my registrar about my domains.
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“I passed the information to our System administrators and they confirmed that the whole IP range is blocked due to thousands of malicious and phishing attacks towards our servers.
They're probably speaking about - range which actually is It belongs to EGI hosting. EGI hosting is frequently blocked on firewalls, not only for e-mail. If Dynadot is indeed using their service for outgoing email routing, it would be wise to change this. I'm sure Dynadot techs are aware how to ensure email deliverability, so they must have overlooked this particular situation.
Several months ago I stopped receiving transactional email from Dynadot. After much back and forth with both Dynadot and Siteground who was my web and email host at the time, this was the final word from Siteground:

“I passed the information to our System administrators and they confirmed that the whole IP range is blocked due to thousands of malicious and phishing attacks towards our servers. Our system administrators have sent multiple complaints to's official email and have not received response for many of them. Given the fact that's IP addresses are a threat to the sites hosted on our servers, we can not offer to whitelist them and our firewall will continue to block all their requests.”

So since I have hundreds of domains registered with Dynadot and need to be able to receive email from them I left Siteground.

Now it’s happening again with my email coming though Porkbun. I really don’t want to have to keep changing my email hosting, hoping that I will be able to get Dynadot emails.

Is anyone else having these issues with Dynadot? It seems like they should make more of an effort to respond to Siteground and others and keep from being blocked. I wonder how many email providers are blocking them. It’s very unsettling not to be able to count on receiving emails from my registrar about my domains.
Hello! I'm sorry this has been happening to you, I'll check with our engineers if there's anything we can do to improve email deliverability. Could you also please DM me your username? Thanks!
I sent test emails from Gmail to my Dynadot email (fwd) and they are wasn't delivered.
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