
domain DrupalChat.com is worth it?

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New Member
Hi there,
I'm new here and would like to know your opinion about this domain

Can you please help me to rate this domain DrupalChat(.)com ?

any comments or advice are much appreciated

Thanks in advance
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Drupal is a popular CMS with 1-2% of the market. That means a well crafter Drupal support website could do good business. DrupalChat is hence valuable. Additinally, it could be used to create a youtube channel for Drupal users and a podcast. I would go for a 1 to 1.5k minimum. And if you build before you sell, much more.
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Drupal is a popular CMS with 1-2% of the market. That means a well crafter Drupal support website could do good business. DrupalChat is hence valuable. Additinally, it could be used to create a youtube channel for Drupal users and a podcast. I would go for a 1 to 1.5k minimum. And if you build before you sell, much more.
tnx very much bro it's really helpful for me
$0 to $10 = Reseller Value Speculation (NOT an end user speculation)
Potential TM issues
Drupal is a popular CMS with 1-2% of the market. That means a well crafter Drupal support website could do good business. DrupalChat is hence valuable. Additinally, it could be used to create a youtube channel for Drupal users and a podcast. I would go for a 1 to 1.5k minimum. And if you build before you sell, much more.

Drupal is a trademark. Better you drop this domain. Building a community around someone else's product without their affliation is pointless excercise financially. Legally, however good your intentions are, the odds that you can be sued for 'registered in bad faith' is very high.
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