
Discussion Rules FAQ

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Frequently Asked QuestionsEstablished Member
Discussion Rules FAQ
1. What is a discussion?
a. Discussion is replying to a thread in a manner that conforms to all rules and policies of NamePros.
b. Please try to post material that contributes to the conversation in a professional manner in which people may easily read and understand.
c. Remember to post free resource suggestions in the Free Resources forum and not here.
2. What is commercial and non-commercial advertising in discussions?
a. Commercial advertising is any post meant for direct monetary gain in a thread. This includes but is not limited to posting an affiliate link to a product/service, or directly linking to a product/service review or checkout page.
b. Non-commercial advertising is posting a link to your blog or website that expands on a topic. See the Domain News section for examples.
c. Non-commercial advertisements are only allowed in the Domain News section. NamePros reserves the right to remove unnoteworhty news in order to preserve smooth functioning of the curated area. Learn more about the Domain News section here.
3. What is considered a live auction, sales or marketing material?
a. A live auction is any domain name or product currently being auctioned on NamePros or another venue at the time of the post. If an auction has already ended; with its price being reported and is valuable to the topic, you are more than welcome to post a link to it. However, referencing that the sale was made with the price would be best approach.
b. Sales would range anything from hinting that you have a domain name for sale related to the post to a blatant advertisement to an e-book which would be in violation of Rule 1.1 as well.
c. Marketing could be posting your brand in an irrelevant topic without posting value to the thread; as you may use signature space for your services, to multi-level-marketing schemes.
4. Is it spam to post a link to a portfolio inside domain trend threads?
a. No, it is perfectly fine to post your portfolio within a trend thread such as "Showcase Your Cloud Domains" for as long as it consists of cloud related domain names only. You may not post your entire portfolio of all your domain names for members to pick through.
5. How can I access an official thread in the Parking and Discussion forum if I'm its official representative?
a. If you do not already have access, please contact a member of the NamePros staff to help you.
6. Can I share comics from the Break Room?
a. Of course! You are welcome to syndicate the comics on your own websites and blogs.
7. What are examples of what I can post about in the SEO and Search Engines section?
a. You may post about link building techniques, link baiting, how to reindex your site if it was in development, etc.
b. You may not post about items that violate General rule 1.1, 1.9, 1.17 like link spamming or circumventing banned adsense accounts.
c. Do not post directory submission or SEO services in this area per Marketing rule 3.1.
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