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Got my second domain sale today! New Orleans + 2 keywords .com for $300.00 to end user. I emailed 28 companies and got a call and closed the deal.
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i.Radio.AM sold through for XXX $.

Funny that at the same time I got offer from DAN, I offered it at Namepros Bargain for $5 and no one interested. Luckily the buyer is end user and not been in Namepros, so I managed to delete the Bargain post immediatelly.
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Sold GTAI .io for $750,
but made a stupid newbie mistake by selling it.

First, outbounded to a crypto start-up, whos token is called GTAI.

They did not reply.

Even after discounting price, no replies at all.

I had this before;
nowadays in the web3 / decentralized niche, founders & customers seem to think, a web domain isn't that important; espec. regarding the TLD .

They won't get back at you, but reg. a domain with a totally different TLD they can find and which they think is ok (like .tech, .app, .fyi or whatever...).

Thus, regarding this experience, and not getting any replies, I reduced the price to $988,
keeping it slightly under $1k.

However, I totally forgot that I had 'Make Offer' enabled as well.
In this case, it just does not make sense to reduce the price that low.

Regarding the initial Buy now price, a potential buyer will look forward to get a discount, when making an offer.

And who are you, to insist on the Buy now price, although you enabled the Make offer option?

Buyer won't understand that, and his ego alone will drive him to get a discount.

So, instead of insisting on it and alienate a pot. Buyer, I came towards his Make offer with a slightly higher counter offer, which he accepted.

However, I bet I could have sold the domain to the very same buyer for $1k-$1.2k, if my initial Buy now price would had been $1.5k.

You learn from your mistakes.
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Price: $2750
Venue: DAN
Cost: $3.2 (Hand registered)
Hold time: 3,5 months

This domain was dropped, and I registered it in December 2023, because I saw few companies with this name in Greece (where is the extension)

I set minimum offer $2750 and 3 days ago I received an offer with the minimum amount, but I decided not to negotiate and accept it, because I needed urgently the money and because in the past whenever I negotiated .gr domains I never had an agreement.
For .gr extension is a very good sale!
Domain Name:

Sale venue: Sedo
Sale price: $6,000
Purchase venue: Moniker
Purchase price: $9 registration fee (July 2020)
Hold Time: 3 years + 8 months
Did you do any outbound? ...or just list on Sedo for entire time?....just wondering about general strategy, thanks!
Show attachment 256738
hand reg several years ago,money already received.
pretty fast payment for afternic.
point at and price is a bit lower.
seems a bit worthless for me. was hand reg in 2006 and just sold. Too long for a sale and your sold price was too cheap for the 18 years wait.
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••• was hand reg in 2006 and just sold. Too long for a sale and your sold price was too cheap for the 18 years wait.
in 2006 i never know what is domaining.
i think i hold it just a few years,never holding too long for a name
••• was hand reg in 2006 and just sold. Too long for a sale and your sold price was too cheap for the 18 years wait.
BTW,it is not very polite to type any other's name directly here.
in 2006 i never know what is domaining.
i think i hold it just a few years,never holding too long for a name
Sorry. I thought you hand reg the name in 2006 according to

Whats that? Is it cricket bat sticker? Any reason you felt it get Sold?
Ton is the number 8 biggest crypto coin right now.

It is based on the telegram app, which is the 6th biggest social network worldwide.

Ton is being used as pay system on telegram natively;
Stickers are, next to emojis, what users can send each other
- it's an Art of its own.

So, as Pavel Durov announced that telegram will offer a new & better monetary system for users & creators to participate from,
and that Stickers will be tokenized,
one led to the other and I registered a few ton domains,
Ton Stickers .com being one of them.

I priced some slightly under 1k, some over it, and few over 2k / 3k ....

Ton is the number 8 biggest crypto coin right now.

It is based on the telegram app, which is the 6th biggest social network worldwide.

Ton is being used as pay system on telegram natively;
Stickers are, next to emojis, what users can send each other
- it's an Art of its own.

So, as Pavel Durov announced that telegram will offer a new & better monetary system for users & creators to participate from,
and that Stickers will be tokenized,
one led to the other and I registered a few ton domains,
Ton Stickers .com being one of them.

I priced some slightly under 1k, some over it, and few over 2k / 3k ....

This is amazing. It shows the power of someone doing their homework in a niche. Others, me included, had no understanding whatsoever of what this name represented. yet the seller understood and priced it to move within that industry. Fantastic sale - and this is how domainers find a niche to play in 30 years after domaining began. Kudos!!
Yep, Mike Mann's sales are generally confusing, they might be real, it's just that he probably does not follow the usual path domainers follow, but works with some branding / marketing agency that inflates the prices for average looking names.

not sure if true but I remember reading somewhere once that swetha also did a lot of out bound work and marketing to get sales and actually had a bunch of people working for her to do this. well ain't bad idea especially in her country where it cost less to pay someone than usa etc
well I went small .vc reg spree few month ago. say 20 total. decentstuff off expired.. ganja... Spain ... etc... not much luck selling but got one done at 250usd on np . sorry cant share name out of respect for np membership.. frankly they are such hard sales that I'd not recommend. 25usd to reg is not cheap too
This is amazing. It shows the power of someone doing their homework in a niche. Others, me included, had no understanding whatsoever of what this name represented. yet the seller understood and priced it to move within that industry. Fantastic sale - and this is how domainers find a niche to play in 30 years after domaining began. Kudos!!

Yes, the buyer really knew what he is buying.

He hit the buy button, as he knew that $1289 is not really much, for having the 2 most important terms in the domain:
Ton, for the crypto
and Stickers, for yeah, Stickers (telegram emojis, if you like).

There are Sticker artists, that made a lot of money with creating stickers explicitly for telegram, already in the past.

So, it is clear that this is a market already,
now getting much more attractive with having those stickers tokenized on the ton blockchain.

So my guess is, that the buyer must be someone from the crypto industry, most likely from the telegram / ton ecosystem.

And as this is the case, my price was a great deal for him.

If there would have been any namebio history for ton or stickers, I may would have priced it higher.

But there is none really, so that was ok.

Next good ton domains may become more expensive, or at least in a good price range.

Another one and I'll come with more soon:

Show attachment 258798

This has been negotiated by Afternic reps, we were stuck at $950 so I said them get it sold.

Hold time 2.5 years, drop reg. Didn't want to have to renew it third time.

Not a bad name, not great ( just 3.6 Roentgen ).

@twiki, thanks for sharing the sales. Can you please elaborate why you downsized to 2.5k from near 10k, if I am not mistaken?

And why the phobia of 3rd year renewals? I mean, with 1% STR which makes total economic sense, the average holding time for a portfolio would be around 50 years. I happily hold many names for way longer and actually the longer held ones have improved odds of selling.
@twiki, thanks for sharing the sales. Can you please elaborate why you downsized to 2.5k from near 10k, if I am not mistaken?

And why the phobia of 3rd year renewals? I mean, with 1% STR which makes total economic sense, the average holding time for a portfolio would be around 50 years. I happily hold many names for way longer and actually the longer held ones have improved odds of selling.

Hi @Recons.Com ,

Sorry - I didn't notice your question for whatever reason ( I don't get all notifications lately, perhaps that is the root cause ).

May I observe that just knowing some details might lead to the wrong conclusion.

Can you please elaborate why you downsized to 2.5k from near 10k, if I am not mistaken?

There are multiple reasons behind it, it was kind of mandatory. A few of them:

- Main issue: I have a declining business (different line) so I needed to urgently cover some losses there. As a result, $ for inventory has reduced much. I had to cull a big part of the portfolio for this reason.

- A big part of the proceeds go into supporting the other biz line (can't let it down for various reasons)

- Many of the second tier domains do not sell anymore so I am letting them go. However I still have many "renew forever" domains as well.

- I can currently source better domains than the ones I let go. Got better experience.

- Also kind of specializing lately into certain things that worked more consistently for me.

- Last but not least, I can hardly manage 2.5k names today due to the amount of work I need to put elsewhere.

Overall, my stock is much more efficient today and it will allow me to make money now and hold for future as well. I am much happier about it today than in the past. ROI has increased even if stock has decreased, but overall my bottom line is best this way.


And why the phobia of 3rd year renewals? I mean, with 1% STR which makes total economic sense, the average holding time for a portfolio would be around 50 years. I happily hold many names for way longer and actually the longer held ones have improved odds of selling.

I'm not sure where you got that from, probably just your interpretaton. There is no such phobia.

I'm constantly adjusting my portfolio and I also have left some niches, based on future planning. Also I am more fond of certain names than other obviously, and due to trends and stuff things change. Everyone has their ideas as to what has a future and what doesn't anymore. Good or bad, in domaining we live by our projections.

Given my limited budget nowadays, I have to let some go before renewal.
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