
Debating: AI named .com versus .ai extension - a missing factor?

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
While many people think that "AI" will simply evolve to be integrated within many sites, without mention. Like the "i" prefix has, for instance (iphone, etc). Others believe that .ai will grow to dominate. With certain experts looking for a hashing out this year, in 2024. I however see one missing element among the influencing factors...

Those browsers that want the complexities of tech and AI simplified. Whether from the older generation, or non-techsters...AI must to some extent, remain in their .com universe for them to access.

Primarily when it comes to the more practical AI sector topics affecting society and drawing on trust. For example on topic of; legalities, or, determining what's real and what's not -- will the common citizen really favor an .ai rooted domain as an entry point for this? I think not.

Now if AI causes the unfortunate result of dichotomizing society, they may coexist.

But it just seems like everyday users given the new uncertainties will carry a lot of weight.
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AI will be integrated into new and existing products, not the other way around. The iphone is still a phone like any other. It has always been my contention that AI domains will have to, by definition, remain in the field of AI development and specialised, mostly software products . Now for certain keywords, that indeed has a great future imo. But we do have an apparent tidal wave of either dot AI or AI prefix coms. Like all waves this will lose momentum and a small AI coexistence will establish itself. There is no conflict, it's like all new technologies they mostly integrate not differentiate. even Email is really only a much more complex version of the Fax machine. The data transmission speed and simultaneous connectivity are the identifiers of change. The displays and processing software of new technology. And even that is mostly through miniaturization.

AI itself is really just much, much faster processers working on the back of much more complex algorithms and data gathering and processing
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There is NO switch thrown for a process or product to be identified as AI enhanced or controlled (sure we can assign autonomy but that has been around for years in robotics)
I think people lose sight of the fact that is purely the ability to emulate human thought and pragmatic reasoning that has given rise to the AI designate. (less connections than the human brain but faster multi-data processing)
Just think had we all been a tad-smarter with bigger brains AI equivalence would have still been a few more years away yet.. ;)

Although on second thoughts, We would have probably arrived here sooner And No I haven't lost sight of the future progression far beyond that of the human brain. I'm just trying to pigeon hole the AI term, as is, and in domain assignment
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So you believe in a fairly harmonious integration of AI overall? Resulting in a somewhat healthy balance between instances of the prefix and the .ai domains?

In the case of iphone -- the "i" stood for the internet medium. But can AI become more than that, I think is the question.

Can you envisage an AI that's beyond our current models, the realizing of 'Artificial General Intelligence' and far beyond?

As this relates to our prefix keyword versus extension debate -- could AI assume its own personal pronoun alike "YouTube"?
I like your choice of debate Charac, although we have had similar on NP before. We have to remember the iphone term is really just a marketing choice ,I myself had the model 1. The first time I showed it in the Pub and work, the comment was "Nobody is going to carry a Brick like that around". Ah so little did they foresee.

3.30 am here in the UK, look forward to coming back later.
Did not see anything similar before posting... but I could have missed!
.ai extension is the first choice.

It is really brandable in a unique way,
that is why we see big sales there.

Ai at the beginning might be the other option, espec. if this fits the name better.

Name(ai) .com - you need to make a good case here.
Simply saying, openai also has a .com, is not enough I would think.
I guess, start-ups more like to go with .ai as unique branding url.
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For page ranking .com is good.
....But it just seems like everyday users given the new uncertainties will carry a lot of weight.
It is life afterall no?
you might be right -

but why are .ai domains going for 6 digits?!

so, clearly a period of time, where you state that it won't be that important if you have Ai in your name or not, has not come to light yet...

I was referring more to keyword+ai / ai+keyword dotcoms (SLDs, that is).
.ai TLD is a bit different animal.
I was referring more to keyword+ai / ai+keyword dotcoms (SLDs, that is).
.ai TLD is a bit different animal.
Yep, agree on that.

Titanic too carried a board
Don't really get that.

You want to say, that people making money on .ai domains are doomed?!

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Who am I to hate my neighbor for dealing a better card
but why are .ai domains going for 6 digits?!

not long ago, the same was being asked about .xyz

once AI is assumed to be integrated in all things, then the need to segregate it or distinguish it now by using the .ai extension, won't be.

as is, ai + and vice versa are being registered,
so i'd gamble such combo's would have better acceptance and appeal factor than "ai +".

...once AI is assumed to be integrated in all things, then the need to segregate it or distinguish it now by using the .ai extension, won't be...
Yet there's the question, as pointed out by BaileyUK earlier, of emulation. That I agree with (until AI is shown to exhibit truer "creative abilities") .

I think AI may prove blockbuster in the areas of science and tech breakthroughs. Even as applied to social betterment. But many users will come to yearn for the authentically original. Especially as AI floods our everyday lives going beyond its introductory novelty phase.

From what I know, AI depends on scraping, which others have been convicted of. It does lack that original core human element which will probably gain greater importance later. Many of us may not want to live in a computer sim however super impressive and speedy. Could there be a return to values?
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That all supports the notion of needing domain labels of separation and forewarning.
After humans will realize that AI's are their biggest enemy, and they do begin to realize that even today, the AI will be dead and forgotten, also I can predict that human drawn art will increase in demand and in cost, because it will be human drawn by hand, not some cheap AI lazy grabber, which is ready made on a digital plate!

Those who support AI should be caught and *****, ****, ***** yes allot of those bad things, if one does not know the flow of life he is a dumb AI supporter.

The only AI application is in hardworking areas as robots, in the mines, under water, in cold places etc, and as library digital books or archives of knowledge, still everything digital can be manipulated, but a physical book if published you can't modify it.

Also AI should be free, because it grabbed all our info and knowledge, those who build AI tools are there to get rich without realizing what harm they are doing to humanity.
After humans will realize that AI's are their biggest enemy, and they do begin to realize that even today, the AI will be dead and forgotten, also I can predict that human drawn art will increase in demand and in cost, because it will be human drawn by hand, not some cheap AI lazy grabber, which is ready made on a digital plate!

Those who support AI should be caught and *****, ****, ***** yes allot of those bad things, if one does not know the flow of life he is a dumb AI supporter.
DN I take it you're not a huge supporter of Kurzweil's "The Age of Spiritual Machines?"
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