
Comparisons of various landing pages YOUR OWN Afternic Sedo Efty Uniregistry Epik UNDeveloped (DAN)

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XYNames.comTop Member
Perhaps if members could post a screenshot of the various landing pages we could critique them more intelligently. YOUR OWN. Afternic. Sedo. Efty. Uniregistry. Epik. UNDeveloped (DAN). etc.

But let's keep in mind that WHERE you host your landing page has absolutely no effect on landing traffic. None.

I will tell you that a landing page with an immediate buy it now might not work as well for my domains and might even turn some inquirers off. I am very skillful with negotiation and sales talk and I am more interested in getting the buyer's lead off my landing page than trying to herd him into clicking Buy it Now instantly. After all, I'm not selling a twenty dollar item where it is important to convert the landing into an immediate sale, indeed for me, hoping that the person landing on my domain will pay immediately what I want is imprudent, even counterproductive. For some domains it might be best to list the asking price right off the bat, for others, it might not.

The same goes for my real world legal services, whether for face to face clients or internet ones. My first words are not, Give me $$$, they are, what's the problem? The more I engage the potential client the more invested he feels in the process and the more likely that he'll feel like I'm the one he wants to give his money to by the end of the discussion.

How do other landing pages work? Are they geared towards getting the buyer's info for a broker to call him up or email, or towards having him pay immediately?


The top half (darker blue) is what is seen immediately upon landing. The bottom half usually must scroll a bit to see, depending on your screen size and browser.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I am experimenting with different landing pages for different domains. I have my system set up to where I may have the landing go to a different page for each domain, but obviously I am not going to do this for all 1500 domains, just some of the top ones.
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Since I started experimenting with my own landers I've found that a lot of visitors click through to the marketplace sales pages and don't make contact with me through the contact form although the one time I've been contacted through the form it resulted in a sale.
Thanks for sharing.

Well the way you have your landing page set up

those green ovals are before even your own contact us submission form, plus those are just one click while your contact form, like any contact form, requires some typing into more than one field, so it's no wonder most of your landers click what comes up first and is easiest.

Your company VDN Domain Names seems more like an afterthought than anything else, your landing page resembles a letterhead, with the co. name just a little line at the top left corner. This might be okay, might not, but that is the impression it creates. No real info about your company anywhere, no link to learn about your co. either, doesn't make any sort of presentation.

Is a guy who is looking to buy a domain going to care about the company that is selling it to him? Maybe not on the first day when he makes the inquiry, but perhaps later, when it comes to payment time.
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Is a guy who is looking to buy a domain going to care about the company that is selling it to him? Maybe not on the first day when he makes the inquiry, but perhaps later, when it comes to payment time
^^ This. I think you hit upon it exactly @xynames. At the first glance, the only thing that is important is to generate enough interest (by helping them see how the domain name would work for them) to think about it and come back. But ultimately they need trust about who they are dealing with. Your statement about the long time you have been in the domain business (in your sample lander at the top) helps a lot to achieve that (as does in my opinion Afternic now making the GoDaddy association more prominent, and DAN statement re history of successful transfers and stats re how fast they are most of the time).

Thanks for the great idea for this thread. I am going to post a few examples, soonish, and look forward to seeing lots of examples from different people.

Thanks for sharing.

Well the way you have your landing page set up

those green ovals are before even your own contact us submission form, plus those are just one click while your contact form, like any contact form, requires some typing into more than one field, so it's no wonder most of your landers click what comes up first and is easiest.

Your company VDN Domain Names seems more like an afterthought than anything else, your landing page resembles a letterhead, with the co. name just a little line at the top left corner. This might be okay, might not, but that is the impression it creates. No real info about your company anywhere, no link to learn about your co. either, doesn't make any sort of presentation.

Is a guy who is looking to buy a domain going to care about the company that is selling it to him? Maybe not on the first day when he makes the inquiry, but perhaps later, when it comes to payment time.
As I say it is only experimentation at the moment.

My thoughts are whether you even need a publicly visible Co if you sell your names through already trusted marketplaces.
I'm guessing the benefit of selling through your own page is to avoid any commission charges from established marketplaces.
Would having a landing page with not links to any Co or homepage have any real effect on whether the individual name the visitor landed on and is interested in sells or not?
My thought process was to give potential buys a choice of established venues to carry out a transaction which would hopfully instill trust.
IMO it's not a good idea because showing buyers it's for sale at 4 or 5 different places may give the buyer an impression you are desperate for a sale and thinking it may not be good enough to sell using one place so it needs more venues for a better chance of a sale.
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Okay I see what you mean, his landing page refers to that the domain is available for the buyer's offer at more than one place. But a buyer who lands on the domain might just think that this means that he may make an offer via various platforms, at least, that is the way that I mention it on my landing page.

But difference is, he has it right on top prominently, whereas I mention it lower right hand corner, as an afterthought for the buyer who might wish to remain anonymous, also I make it clear that these listed URLs are where
"You may make an anonymous offer"
whereas he makes no such distinction and just says "Buy at" - subtle but perhaps big distinction.

Also his, buttons to whisk you away, mine URLs with no hyperlink.

But still, I have occasionally thought about reducing the number of "alternative" buyer options in the lower right hand corner.
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My thought process was to give potential buys a choice of established venues to carry out a transaction which would hopfully instill trust.
If I am understanding what you are suggesting, have a landing you manage, but on that have links where they can close the deal at various options - like Sedo or Afternic or DAN etc. I used to do exactly that. I have decided it just added confusion, so I am at the moment modifying my site so that I give only two choices - one that is a transaction directly with me and the other a transaction through a third party site (and depending on the name that is different third party sides, but I no longer state where it is).
I like the fact that @xynames lander covers these aspects
1/ Take a look at namebio buydomains etc.. for comparables - informing the buyer, getting rid of confusion.
2/ You can make an anonymous offers through brokers - assistance with negotiations, getting rid of buyer insecurity.
3/ We have many high value domains, we know our business, don't waste our time and yours - engaging the buyer, call to action.

Much of these can be added to DAN landers in description.
Thank you.
Also when you visit a blank DAN lander with no description, buyer might be tempted to think that you wont be renewing the domain when it expires in 9 months.
Letting them know that you have been domaining since 2002 kinda makes things clear.
''It takes money to make money'' are good call to actions.

Here is my page.

My thinking is minimalistic.
* Directly to a contact form where you can ask questions or give offers.
* Short information on the left side together with links to my portfolios at three popular marketplaces.
* A couple of showcases at the bottom (more if you scroll down on the page)
* Socials and Search function up right.
* Site Navigation on the left.(Which I will work adding content to).

Two pictures attached. One with sidebar not shown and one with sidebar shown.

Happy for Feedback.




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Hmm, so you created this yourself or it is a template that is out there others have used too?

Minimalistic is fine. I think the links on the left to Sedo and such might be a bit confusing - if you insist on them what about changing to something like
View my Entire Portfolio on Afternic
View my Entire Portfolio on Sedo
View my Entire Portfolio on DAN

with the entire sentence being the URL.

Also why are these URLs there? Just for them to view the portfolio or to make an offer, in which case maybe something like

View my Entire Portfolio and make an offer on Afternic
View my Entire Portfolio and make an offer on Sedo
View my Entire Portfolio and make an offer on DAN

Having a link somewhere on your landing page that goes to the rest of your domains is not a bad idea, I have that too, but making it so prominent and repeated three ways might not be the greatest idea. After all, didn't whoever landed there come only because of the single name, single URL? so is he going to be all that interested in searching all your domains? Do you want to focus him on what he came there for, or offer him options right off the bat?

Also what is the basis of the "some of my domains include" below, are these coming up calculated to include the same keyword(s) as the landing page domain URL? For example the domain is caranddriver and then the list at the bottom is some other auto or driving names. If so, possibly a good idea, but if just offering up a random list of other domains you own, not relevant to the keywords that brought the inquirer to your landing page to begin with, maybe not the best idea.

Simple suggestions too:

Just one line for Name, one box - separating into First and Last name is basically insisting that the person fully identify himself might turn some inquirers off.

I'd change Subject to something like "Domain name" after all isn't this a submission form in which to make an offer? Which by the way you even made the offer optional on your form...making it optional on your FormMail submission software is one thing, but stating it just like that "Optional" in the form might be going too far.
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Hmm, so you created this yourself or it is a template that is out there others have used too?

Minimalistic is fine. I think the links on the left to Sedo and such might be a bit confusing - if you insist on them what about changing to something like
View my Entire Portfolio on Afternic
View my Entire Portfolio on Sedo
View my Entire Portfolio on DAN

with the entire sentence being the URL.

Also why are these URLs there? Just for them to view the portfolio or to make an offer, in which case maybe something like

View my Entire Portfolio and make an offer on Afternic
View my Entire Portfolio and make an offer on Sedo
View my Entire Portfolio and make an offer on DAN

Having a link somewhere on your landing page that goes to the rest of your domains is not a bad idea, I have that too, but making it so prominent and repeated three ways might not be the greatest idea. After all, didn't whoever landed there come only because of the single name, single URL? so is he going to be all that interested in searching all your domains? Do you want to focus him on what he came there for, or offer him options right off the bat?

Also what is the basis of the "some of my domains include" below, are these coming up calculated to include the same keyword(s) as the landing page domain URL? For example the domain is caranddriver and then the list at the bottom is some other auto or driving names. If so, possibly a good idea, but if just offering up a random list of other domains you own, not relevant to the keywords that brought the inquirer to your landing page to begin with, maybe not the best idea.

Simple suggestions too:

Just one line for Name, one box - separating into First and Last name is basically insisting that the person fully identify himself might turn some inquirers off.

I'd change Subject to something like "Domain name" after all isn't this a submission form in which to make an offer? Which by the way you even made the offer optional on your form...making it optional on your FormMail submission software is one thing, but stating it just like that "Optional" in the form might be going too far.

Wow, awesome input @xynames.
Im using one of Squarespaces templates, but I have stripped it down to a bare minimum to keep it clean and simple. They have a lot of templates to choose from, I havent seen anyone else using this particular one.

The thing about the name being divided was very clever. I have changed that along with a couple of other things you recommended (I did a tiny bit of compromise with my links). I have a pretty good understanding how to communicate with people due to my background in social media and the newspaper-industry. But those sell-techniques that you are offering here is pretty usable. So big thanks.

There are currently no logic for choosing which domain names to show at the bottom, my portfolio is still pretty small so I tried to showcase some of the ones I have in different categories (Hard to make soup on the head of a nail). And I stole the small commenting on the domains from your page. That was a neat idea I think.

Thank you again for your insightful input.

Best Regards



The top half (darker blue) is what is seen immediately upon landing. The bottom half usually must scroll a bit to see, depending on your screen size and browser.

not responsive for me... how does it look on your mobile?



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Another thing is
this is technically not a landing page:
when I type one of your domain names (just a random one)
in the browser I land on a different page, e.g.


which is THE landing page (my Ublock stripped the ads off sorry)

Only after I click on "[Domain] is for sale!" link
I get brought to the page you posted.
The contact form page.

What I don't like about it is that there's no domain name
that I'm interested in on it at all.
And I even need to type the name in the form manually.

Ideally it should already say what domain
I'm contacting you about is and that domain form field
should be filled automatically.
Which is quite easy to implement on the server side.



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I have experimented with a lot of different landing pages
over the last years

undeveloped got me faster inquiries and sales

but it all depends on the name and the buyer
in the end
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Perhaps if members could post a screenshot of the various landing pages we could critique them more intelligently. YOUR OWN. Afternic. Sedo. Efty. Uniregistry. Epik. UNDeveloped (DAN). etc.

But let's keep in mind that WHERE you host your landing page has absolutely no effect on landing traffic. None.

I will tell you that a landing page with an immediate buy it now might not work as well for my domains and might even turn some inquirers off. I am very skillful with negotiation and sales talk and I am more interested in getting the buyer's lead off my landing page than trying to herd him into clicking Buy it Now instantly. After all, I'm not selling a twenty dollar item where it is important to convert the landing into an immediate sale, indeed for me, hoping that the person landing on my domain will pay immediately what I want is imprudent, even counterproductive. For some domains it might be best to list the asking price right off the bat, for others, it might not.

The same goes for my real world legal services, whether for face to face clients or internet ones. My first words are not, Give me $$$, they are, what's the problem? The more I engage the potential client the more invested he feels in the process and the more likely that he'll feel like I'm the one he wants to give his money to by the end of the discussion.

How do other landing pages work? Are they geared towards getting the buyer's info for a broker to call him up or email, or towards having him pay immediately?


The top half (darker blue) is what is seen immediately upon landing. The bottom half usually must scroll a bit to see, depending on your screen size and browser.

I like your approach
and a lot is good

but to me it's overcrowded
the right-hand squares look like ads

as for banner blindness,
leave blank space
or exchange them for graphics

the general consensus for backgrounds
as far as I know is
dark ones convert less
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to me that's a great landing page:

Weird stuff. Has been using my landing page for a couple of days now.

But know when I type in that I get redirected ro my old one at Dan. Its deleted there and I dont have their Nameservers on my domain.

Anyone has had this happened to them?
Try clearing cache on your browser. Also sometimes nameservers take a short time to update.
Try clearing cache on your browser. Also sometimes nameservers take a short time to update.

Not going to hijack the thread. Just want to say that Dans nameservers where removed a couple of days ago and the website have been working fine ever since. If you go in to Do you get my page or Dans? Cache is cleared.
Only after I click on "[Domain] is for sale!" link
I get brought to the page you posted
Right those are my ppc links that bring in even these days still a few hundred a month. Then clicking the for sale links bring you to my contact us form landing page I posted above.
Perhaps if members could post a screenshot of the various landing pages we could critique them more intelligently. YOUR OWN. Afternic. Sedo. Efty. Uniregistry. Epik. UNDeveloped (DAN). etc.

But let's keep in mind that WHERE you host your landing page has absolutely no effect on landing traffic. None.

I will tell you that a landing page with an immediate buy it now might not work as well for my domains and might even turn some inquirers off. I am very skillful with negotiation and sales talk and I am more interested in getting the buyer's lead off my landing page than trying to herd him into clicking Buy it Now instantly. After all, I'm not selling a twenty dollar item where it is important to convert the landing into an immediate sale, indeed for me, hoping that the person landing on my domain will pay immediately what I want is imprudent, even counterproductive. For some domains it might be best to list the asking price right off the bat, for others, it might not.

The same goes for my real world legal services, whether for face to face clients or internet ones. My first words are not, Give me $$$, they are, what's the problem? The more I engage the potential client the more invested he feels in the process and the more likely that he'll feel like I'm the one he wants to give his money to by the end of the discussion.

How do other landing pages work? Are they geared towards getting the buyer's info for a broker to call him up or email, or towards having him pay immediately?


The top half (darker blue) is what is seen immediately upon landing. The bottom half usually must scroll a bit to see, depending on your screen size and browser.
1/ Do you use afternic fast transfer BINs?
2/ Why would you link them to with their extensive inventory of alternatives?
3/ Why not link for example?
4/ What's the logic behind linking shortnames? Education about technical aspects?

For example if you had a domain like
Linking to Buydomains or DomainMarket would be quite an issue as a simple search with ''toll free'' would yield many good alternatives.
Hi, I dunno I guess I just have confidence in that my names are the best. :xf.grin: I play a game of chess with my buyers where I assume that they will make the best possible move, not that they are dumb and will not find out or will not already know about the competition.

I'll take a look at and consider it, thanks!

As I explained above, I list all my names at Afternic with Make Offer only. Only after a price inquiry comes in will I then set a BIN/Floor and in most cases, after I have done that, the domain sells, so the end result is that most of my domains are not Afternic premium listed, at least not for very long because they sell.
  • The sidebar remains visible by scrolling at a speed relative to the page’s height.