
Club drop goes auction style

Spaceship Spaceship
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I'm still trying to figure out their new system with these bidding points.
okey, going to check it out and try to learn it..

hope the system doesnt suck :/
So for the $99/mo fee, you get 99 "points" to use for bidding? Am I reading this right? :red:
It says:

How much does it cost?
99 eNom Points per 25 domain names per 30 days.

and then it says:

New - How much can I bid?
You may bid as few as 15 eNom points or as many as 5,000 eNom Points. All bids are over and above your regular domain registration fee.

To me it sounds like if you have a $6.95 reseller account, the minimum bid would now end up costing you $21.95 for one domain :(
"99 eNom Points per 25 domain names"

"minimum bid 15 eNom points"

Don't those contradict each other?
Yes they do.... it sounds like they just want you to buy more points or something!
Points is just a stupid new term they are using in place of DOLLARS. It is meant to make you think you are not spending real money. It's like calling a duck a squirrel, but it's still a duck.

The $15-$5000 bids only come in to play on contested domains (in other words, every domain that is worth anything at all). Then those who have put that name on their lists will have to bid for it, starting at $15 over reg fee and going as high as 5K. Even worse it will be BLIND bidding. You may bid $200 when the guy under you only bid $15. In other systems you would have gotten it for $16.

Looks goofy to me. I won't be using it.
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I preferred the round robin system - at least everyone had a chance. Now it's back to whoever has the most $ (ahem "points")..

now you have to PAY for to even try to win names auction style. No other auction service makes you pay money to be a member. GoDaddy and SnapNames are the only hope left for people without tons of cash to bid with. DropWizard and Enom both go auction within a week.... sad :(
i also like the term 'club drop Upgraded'. I dont think it was made better by bidding... do you?
im in love with the new style :)

you can still add names with no bid but if someone bids 15 squirrels you will not get the name

i bet 1 rabbit enom subscribers will dramatically decrease within the next couple months.
Originally posted by -RJ-
"99 eNom Points per 25 domain names"

"minimum bid 15 eNom points"

Don't those contradict each other?

Enom wants you to pay them more ... instead of regular registration fee, you give extra to at least secure the domain with enom drop club but if one member puts $1000+ bids ... the domain name drop will cost you that much...

I'm beginning to love godaddy ....

Originally posted by kohashi
i bet 1 rabbit enom subscribers will dramatically decrease within the next couple months.

I'll call your rabbit and raise you three geese. :blink:

Oops - wrong game...that's Poker. I think you're right about Enom.
hehe duke :) I will match your three geese and call.

i think it offered a chance to win great names at low costs with the old round robin system. this new system just allows subscription based bidding istead of free bidding. They get more money but screw out all those domainers just try to catch 1 nice name :(
Well I used it today with no unusual results. Got about 80% of what I wanted so I wont complain. Withou tbidding. Still beat out a few of my NW and GD bids too.

The good thing is that people are so pissed off they will 'drop the drop' and there will be far fewer people chasing there and those that stay will still get some decent drops without having to bid. :)
thats quite optimistic. people with money will stay, they are the ones who will be bidding anyways. Those of us who just want a chance at a good domain with low costs will leave. thats what I think is going to happen.
ive got jack all money im and im staying

clubdrop got me 2 of the 4 names i entered yesterday :)
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