
information Changes coming to GoDaddy Auctions

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member

GoDaddy published a post about upcoming changes to GoDaddy auctions. As we look to the future of GoDaddy Auctions, we’re looking closely at how GoDaddy can best support domain name sellers. In order to better serve sellers, we’ll be focusing our resources on Afternic for selling domain names. Meanwhile, GoDaddy Auctions will focus its attention […]

GoDaddy auctions is for buying, Afternic for selling. No more 7 day public auctions

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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
You have other options: Namejet, DropCatch, Sav, Dynadot

At GoDaddy or other marketplaces, user listed auctions don't get same amount of bidding like the expired domains. Amount of bids you get will depend on how and where you promote the auction.
You have other options: Namejet, DropCatch, Sav, Dynadot

At GoDaddy or other marketplaces, user listed auctions don't get same amount of bidding like the expired domains. Amount of bids you get will depend on how and where you promote the auction.
Exactly, this thread has the unique distinction of all the successful Public auction users at GoDaddy. Most get zero bids, a lot of domainers out of principle will not bid on a public auction. Even if it's no reserve. I remember years ago, a friend was targeting a niche, I see a name at auction I text him it's $25 he was paying expired auctions up to $500. Simple right? He texts me at first thanks Man. Half hour later I get, "Hey asshole that was a public auction, no thanks!!!"

You absolutely have to promote them and at no reserve.
If you retire the 7 day public auctions on Godaddy, why don't you open the new 7 day auctions on Afternic, with that alternative, people who do domain flipping can still make the business going.
Hi @sashilover
Thanks for your feedback. Right now, we don't have plans to release 7 day auctions as a feature at Afternic, but we'll continue to monitor feedback and requests for future releases.

what happens to listings distributing by which u recently implemented..... do the ones with bin price go to gd auctions... like now.... do they keep showing as bin with make offer?
Hi @alcy
Changes to Member to Member listings at GoDaddy Auctions won't impact Afternic's distribution network, and by extension,'s listing distribution.
@GoDaddy There are sites like ExpiredDomains for example that have search function for GoDaddy Auction domains, will they continue to work since Afternic domains will be shown on GoDaddy Auctions?
@GoDaddy There are sites like ExpiredDomains for example that have search function for GoDaddy Auction domains, will they continue to work since Afternic domains will be shown on GoDaddy Auctions?
Hi @silentg
Since Afternic domains have always been syndicated to GoDaddy Auctions, this won't affect search functions for sites such as
@GoDaddy I wish that you guys can reconsider adding the 7 days auction on, so we can work as usuall with no problem. 7 days auction is what works for me the most, and I didn't get any success selling as BIN/Make offer.

I there any chance to add it in the future? My business will get shutdown for sure if not.

Also, I want to know, Listing on Afternic, does the number of offers will shown on Afternic as on Godaddy auctions as well? and how this impact the domains to be displayed on
Exactly, this thread has the unique distinction of all the successful Public auction users at GoDaddy. Most get zero bids, a lot of domainers out of principle will not bid on a public auction. Even if it's no reserve. I remember years ago, a friend was targeting a niche, I see a name at auction I text him it's $25 he was paying expired auctions up to $500. Simple right? He texts me at first thanks Man. Half hour later I get, "Hey asshole that was a public auction, no thanks!!!"

You absolutely have to promote them and at no reserve.
Promotion is necessary for sure. now after the things getting changed on Godaddy, you need a lot of promotion than before, lol
I think some of you have forgotten that Afternic is no longer a marketplace. It doesn't make sense to put auctions there if there's no domains listed for BIN there any longer. If you want to shop for a domain listed at Afternic, you need to do that on GoDaddy, DAN or an affiliate website.

There is no longer an afternic storefront.
I think some of you have forgotten that Afternic is no longer a marketplace. It doesn't make sense to put auctions there if there's no domains listed for BIN there any longer. If you want to shop for a domain listed at Afternic, you need to do that on GoDaddy, DAN or an affiliate website.

There is no longer an afternic storefront.
@GoDaddy Yeah I see. It's just a platform to list, but your listings are on Godaddy and other platforms.

at least the 7 days auctions must be available as well, if they decide to remove it on Godaddy, allow it for us on Afternic. there are people who make a living on that, and their strategy are only based on 7 days auction.

at least if Godaddy want our experience on auctions to be so good, they should listen to us and listen to our opinions, not opinion of someone working for the company.

I can't understand this.
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7 days auctions have been the best place for me to sell my high traffic and backlink domains. Sad to see it go, and it's even sadder that there's no alternative with similar auction structure and popularity.
7 days auctions have been the best place for me to sell my high traffic and backlink domains. Sad to see it go, and it's even sadder that there's no alternative with similar auction structure and popularity.
If you have high traffic domains anyone will buy them, no matter where you list them, the thing is, what do you call a "high traffic domain"?
If you have high traffic domains anyone will buy them, no matter where you list them, the thing is, what do you call a "high traffic domain"?
Yeah, anyone will buy them but they will not sell for as much as they did on the 7 day auctions from my experience. 5,000+ monthly clicks on Google would be high traffic to me. I have seen these sell on GoDaddy for much more than 50x of monthly ad revenue.
Yeah, anyone will buy them but they will not sell for as much as they did on the 7 day auctions from my experience. 5,000+ monthly clicks on Google would be high traffic to me. I have seen these sell on GoDaddy for much more than 50x of monthly ad revenue.
totally agreed with you. Godaddy should re-consider allowing us back again to list on 7 days auction.
totally agreed with you. Godaddy should re-consider allowing us back again to list on 7 days auction.
It's not going to happen, let's face it, the easy money is gone forever, you can't find any alternative, Dropcatch/Snapname/Namejet/Sav don't allow private reseller or don't allow to put a reserve price.
GoDaddy auctions is for buying, Afternic for selling. No more 7 day public auctions
So will the name change for the "member to Member" marktplace, perhaps as the GoDaddy or Afternic "domain seller marketplace." The "GoDaddy Auction" name did seem to be a misnomer for the 90d listings
I never had much luck with auctions on there. Despite the high fees, the system was designed to give expiring domain auctions much more visibility than auctions posted by members (I don't know why anyone would intentionally prefer to avoid them). I'm sometimes amazed at the high bids on mediocre expiring domains.
I did not personally use it, so don't feel strongly, but can see that it was a useful place for some to sell, as posters in this discussion have indicated.

I have a question about how it did work, that might influence how I feel about it disappearing. If a member listed a GD registered name, and then someone purchased it, did the name transfer immediately and automatically to the buyer account, as it works at NameSilo, Namecheap marketplace, Dynadot, Sav, etc?

If so, I can see that is something useful to retain somehow. It is particularly important for extensions that are not supported by Afternic FT (most new and country code extensions).

Several times I was in contact with a buyer who wanted a guaranteed immediate way to buy a domain name and used a registrar marketplace to accomplish that. I still most of the time list names at the registrar marketplace if there is one. Yes, most sales don't come that way, but occasionally one does.

In this thread we found the three people still making money on 7-day auctions. This change has 0 negative affect on me. Overall, the changes to Afternic/DAN/GoDaddy have all been positive for me for the most part.
Have you found Afternic no longer has a search capability positive, instead sending people to GoDaddy search (which shows either predominantly or exclusively hand registration names). If so, how is that positive? Just trying to follow the reasoning.
Overall, the changes to Afternic/DAN/GoDaddy have all been positive for me for the most part.
what about the ones that paid 5$ a year for the auctions access?...
what about the ones that paid 5$ a year for the auctions access?...
Hi @Grimaldi7
Your auctions membership continues to allow you to bid and purchase expired and closeout listings.
@GoDaddy, do you have any plan to make a 7-day public auction on Afternic or Dan?
@GoDaddy Tell us extremely honestly, the GD owner knows what Godaddy team is doing? Maybe we should notify him? I get the impression that GD team are systematically killing its business
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I was not using Godaddy 7-Day-Auctions, but I still listed all my domains both on Afternic and Godaddy (90 Days BIN/MO) separately because I never trusted Godaddy's algorithms at all.

Take the example mergeverse . com which I listed a few days ago with BIN on Afternic (and not on GD anymore). When I type mergeverse . com on Godaddy, I don't get the BIN offer from Afternic, instead I get the usual brokerage offer for 69$ (a huge sales roadblock!). If I type the domain name on Namecheap or elsewhere, I get the correct BIN offer from Afternic.

So I assume that my Afternic listings are now buried somewhere in GD's algos with low chances of selling through GD...
They're killing their business by outsourcing this to Afternic.


Godaddy without public auctions significant negative impact for Domainers.
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