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Frans Citroën

VIP Member
Vegan (dot) com has been added in auction with a very low reserve ($5k - $10k) on NameJet.
Just spoke with the owner via his old WHOIS email (e/r/i/k/@ vegan (dot) com), and he says it is NOT for sale and has been "fraudulently added". So be careful everybody. I saw the WHOIS was updated just recently, so maybe hacked? @Grilled maybe you can help out. I've already sent emails to the NJ support team @NameJetGM, awaiting answers. But do NOT bid in this auction or anywhere else.


WHOIS updated on 2021 - 05 - 08:
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Such a domain does not need to find a buyer anywhere, buyers will line up to get this one word name!
The domain name is developed, there is a note, Vegan.com and its social media properties are owned and published by Mocana Productions, Inc., a Florida S-Corp. This company was incorporated 5 months ago. The only officer of the company is not named Erik,

Thank you for letting people know, this is an odd situation.
I do see it's Jonathan E. Marcus so I guess the E could be the Erik and he uses his middle name.
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I do see it's Jonathan E. Marcus so I guess the E could be the Erik and he uses his middle name.

The WHOIS says Erik Marcus, same last name as the officer, so yeah his middle name most likely:

NJ requires verification using ID's and more to list, someone must have used fake info or maybe a small chance the owner of vegan in another extension put .com by mistake?
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Vegan (dot) com has been added in auction with a very low reserve ($5k - $10k) on NameJet.
Just spoke with the owner via his old WHOIS email (e/r/i/k/@ vegan (dot) com), and he says it is NOT for sale and has been "fraudulently added". So be careful everybody. I saw the WHOIS was updated just recently, so maybe hacked? @Grilled maybe you can help out. I've already sent emails to the NJ support team @NameJetGM, awaiting answers. But do NOT bid in this auction or anywhere else.

Show attachment 192148
WHOIS updated on 2021 - 05 - 08:
Show attachment 192149

First, you need to know where do the domain names listed on NameJet come from. In some cases, NJ still picking up the names from the old database e.g. the Vegan .com from eNom or Namecheap, (quite often NetSol) etc. Since the name is close to the expiration date (end of May, old db), NJ system think it’s ok to pre-release. The NJ have to fix the bugs and still need to disconnect api from the old (not updated) db. It happens to often.

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First, you need to know where do the domain names listed on NameJet come from. In some cases, NJ still picking up the names from the old database e.g. the Vegan .com from eNom or Namecheap, (quite often NetSol) etc. Since the name is close to the expiration date (end of May, old db), NJ system think it’s ok to pre-release. The NJ have to fix the bugs and still need to disconnect api from the old (not updated) db. It happens to often.


It is a "private seller" listing with a very low "reserve range" and the expiration date is in the year 2022.
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It is a "private seller" listing with a very low "reserve range" and the expiration date is in the year 2022.

NJ system don’t see 2022 in the old db. The “private seller” is sometimes (sloppy reason… bug) used for the pre listings. Anyway, let us know if there’s any response from the NJ.

NJ system don’t see 2022 in the old db. The “private seller” is sometimes (sloppy reason… bug) used for the pre listings. Anyway, let us know if there’s any response from the NJ.


If this is the case, that would be a monstrous bug indeed. Will keep everybody posted.
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NJ system don’t see 2022 in the old db. The “private seller” is sometimes (sloppy reason… bug) used for the pre listings. Anyway, let us know if there’s any response from the NJ.

There are all manner of bugs at Netsol. I have a name that I moved to Epic which still shows up in my Netsol dashboard. I'm now getting the expiration notices from Netsol (even though it had another year at Epic) so I'd imagine it'll show up in the NJ auctions at some point.
Just spoke with the owner via his old WHOIS email (e/r/i/k/@ vegan (dot) com), and he says it is NOT for sale and has been "fraudulently added". So be careful everybody. I saw the WHOIS was updated just recently, so maybe hacked? @Grilled maybe you can help out. I

Would need a little more info from the owner to get a better grasp at what to look at. With so much movement to digest, from hawaii to cupertino to florida, hard to know what was legit, and what may indicate something nefarious.

What I have gathered is, the following domains moved from NameCheap Erik@Vegan to CloudFlare Privacy at the same day, nearly with closely clustered updated dates. All could be valid and legit if owner confirms, but if not, then that could explain how Vegan.com got listed on nameJet. I also noted the 2015 registration year of 4kChromebook seeing how that domain seemed out of the ordinary to the aged domains owned by the long time vegan.com registrant.

InformedEating .com >> Updated Date: 2021-05-01T04:16:10Z
CardThinking .com >> Updated Date: 2021-05-01T04:17:09Z
4kChromebook .com >> Updated Date: 2021-05-01T04:17:15Z <<newest registered domain May 2015>>
UltimateVeganGuide .com >> Updated Date: 2021-05-01T04:16:08Z
Vegan in3steps .com >> Updated Date: 2021-05-01T04:17:09Z


ThreeStepVegan.com has NOT yet been moved to away from NameCheap. Updated Date: 2021-04-25T14:42:22Z


The domain name is developed, there is a note, Vegan.com and its social media properties are owned and published by Mocana Productions, Inc., a Florida S-Corp. This company was incorporated 5 months ago.

WHOIS on Vegan.com had switched from Hawaii to Florida.

As of January 1st, 2021, the homepage note said they were a Hawaii S Corp https://web.archive.org/web/20210101090005/https://www.vegan.com/

Now, the website cites a Florida S Corp.
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An update from NJ @NameJetGM:

"Thank you for contacting NameJet and for advising us of the potential issue with the domain name vegan.com.

As of now, there is no listing or auction for vegan.com with NameJet or SnapNames.

If you are still seeing this, please forward a screenshot for us to review.

I hope this information has been helpful. We appreciate your business!

Kind regards,
NameJet Support"


The listing is still active:

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NameJet has no support. Not surprising.

They need to be folded in Snapnames already
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First, you need to know where do the domain names listed on NameJet come from. In some cases, NJ still picking up the names from the old database e.g. the Vegan .com from eNom or Namecheap, (quite often NetSol) etc. Since the name is close to the expiration date (end of May, old db), NJ system think it’s ok to pre-release. The NJ have to fix the bugs and still need to disconnect api from the old (not updated) db. It happens to often.


I guess this is precisely what happened, it seems to be just a bug in the system, which NJ should improve if so. Thanks @Lox for bringing this to light to clear confusion.

Would need a little more info from the owner to get a better grasp at what to look at. With so much movement to digest, from hawaii to cupertino to florida, hard to know what was legit, and what may indicate something nefarious.

@Grilled the "owner" is not responding via email anymore.

Case closed for me.

Last answer by @NameJetGM:

"Thank you for contacting NameJet Support. I apologize for the inconvenience and delayed response. I would be happy to help.

If the domain Vegan.com should not be for sale please reach out to your registrar to confirm there was no confusion with your renewal. The domain is set for auction on 6/21/2021.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or require additional assistance.


Customer Support
Email Support: [email protected]"
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