
Wanted Bind xyz domain to Ethereum wallet address

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
I saw news yesterday about someone being scammed out of tens of millions because their wallet address was similar.
As digital wallets become more common, domain names will be used to link complex addresses to wallets, which will go a long way towards solving the problem of scams.
Currently, most blockchain companies use xyz.
A few years ago, I used a 6-digit xyz to link to an Ethereum wallet, but later I couldn't find it.
Yesterday, I used another xyz to link it. In the future, you can try sending me money.

Wallet address: 5A.xyz

(I don’t know how to upload pictures, so I put the picture link.Need to remove spaces.)
prnt .sc/Bin584TiA78k
prnt .sc/TrDOr3ylje5b
prnt .sc/LxGKTeAX7XhS
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
In addition, Awallet.xyz also points to the same wallet address.
At the same time, 5A.xyz and Awallet.xyz can be accessed as website addresses at the same time.
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