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Once in awhile I see people bidding on their own domains at NJ. I would think it would be frowned upon.
Today's seems more obvious than normal. Or am I missing something here?
Airlinejobs.com owned by Andy Booth at Booth.com and high bidder is BQDNcom (James Booth).
3 bids down we see Boothcom as a bidder.
Same thing with MovieZone.com. Owned by Andy Booth in which he currently appears to be the high bidder.
High Bid: $2,475 USD by boothcom
They actually won their own domain airplanesforsale.com. Im guessing it didnt get as high as they wanted so needed to protect it.
Bidder Amount Date
bqdncom $2,001 7/17/2017 12:23 PM
boothcom $1,950 7/17/2017 12:23 PM
Today's seems more obvious than normal. Or am I missing something here?
Airlinejobs.com owned by Andy Booth at Booth.com and high bidder is BQDNcom (James Booth).
3 bids down we see Boothcom as a bidder.
Same thing with MovieZone.com. Owned by Andy Booth in which he currently appears to be the high bidder.
High Bid: $2,475 USD by boothcom
They actually won their own domain airplanesforsale.com. Im guessing it didnt get as high as they wanted so needed to protect it.
Bidder Amount Date
bqdncom $2,001 7/17/2017 12:23 PM
boothcom $1,950 7/17/2017 12:23 PM