
Advantages of .online domains to end user -ranking?

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MarekTop Member
Hi guys,

I have larger set of .online domains in various languages, and I am about to approach various end users.

I would like to get some idea about this - do you think there is any sale pitch in regards of how good keyword .online domain can influence ranking in google search? (and therefore can save end user some costs related to adword campains).

Example : there are 1000 different eshops selling jewelry..some of them has "jewelry" in their domain name, some of them are brands (no connection to word jewelry whatsoever) case all sites are equally developed, will domain like has a competetive advantage over something like If that is the case, how exactly would you explain that to end user?

many thanks :)
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It helps when people reference your website by name with a link.

I would also say people know what to expect when they click that link or type the domain name in to their browser address bar. Much like clicking a PPC ad.
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It helps when people reference your website by name with a link.

I would also say people know what to expect when they click that link or type the domain name in to their browser address bar. Much like clicking a PPC ad.
Yes, I would say that makes sense ...when someone clicks, he will probably know in advance what is going on at that site :)
It can't be explained apriori, because TLD itself - has no any impact on SERP, except ccTLDs which are used for geotargeting...
in case all sites are equally developed, will domain like has a competetive advantage over something like

Definitely yes (considering both have other SEO factors equal). In that case, will be ahead in SERP for both, the jewelry search and the jewelry online search. will also be the pure keyword jewelry. Whoever tells you anything else has no clue about SEO.

However, potential end-users understand SEO even less than domainers (who generally know very little about SEO although think they know a lot) and that is the problem as you will not have the opportunity to educate them.

You can be the first in SERP (globally) for "jewelry" even with, but you will have to spend much more time/money on SEO in that case.

Considering that all other SEO factors are equal, and having and, will be ahead in SERP for the searches of jewelry and jewelry online. Period.
Hi guys,

I have larger set of .online domains in various languages, and I am about to approach various end users.

I would like to get some idea about this - do you think there is any sale pitch in regards of how good keyword .online domain can influence ranking in google search? (and therefore can save end user some costs related to adword campains).

Example : there are 1000 different eshops selling jewelry..some of them has "jewelry" in their domain name, some of them are brands (no connection to word jewelry whatsoever) case all sites are equally developed, will domain like has a competetive advantage over something like If that is the case, how exactly would you explain that to end user?

many thanks :)
Google clearly stated new gtlds have no edge of any kind over com or anything else. New gtlds have huge disadvantage of getting links and suffer in seo because of it. New gtlds names are brand new and have little age on them also hurts seo. new gtlds are much INFERIOR for seo purposes. Its clearly stated by google and facts.
New gtlds have much inferior click though rate as well. Anyone who developed anything would stay away from them. How about the fact that they can raise prices on renewals. Lets say u open and pay $20 for it. Once they see u have successful business they will make it 200K a year renewal
Its total scam. I have no idea what u guys talking about.
New gtlds maybe ok to do some crap marketing project, but no serious company would ever use them for their main business.
Google clearly stated new gtlds have no edge of any kind over com or anything else.

True. Just as the .com has no edge of any kind over new gTLDs.

new gtlds are much INFERIOR for seo purposes. Its clearly stated by google and facts.

Not true. Or please link to that exact statement from Google. I read only that new gTLDs are not in any advantage, but are not in disadvatage as well.

I also learned that Google cares about the extension when providing search results. This means that is considered as an exact match of Jewelry online search, while is considered only as a keyword domain. Exact match is superior than just a keyword match (with prefix and/or suffix).

Now we can go back to exact match discussion. Well, I will leave it to others. The exact match domain will still destroy any non exact match domain, with having other SEO factors equal. That is all what I have to say.
In terms of CTR - a proper snippet in SERP is significantly more important than TLD...
LOL ok. When u develop one site that gets any traffic on new gtlds u can tell us. Until now its your theories.
SEO is a one thing, and CTR, general adoption etc. are something else.
I have couple .online premium names with 10k + monthly searches and $10+ CPC...
Only a total moron would use .online for his business. The price of renewal can go through the roof. If u selling these names to endusers, but do not tell them about possible price increases you scamming them. Do not get in legal trouble selling bait and switch new gtlds.
I'm talking about CTR in SERP...
It is not enough to display your website among others... people also should click it...
First of all people do not trust new gtlds and for a good reason.They think its a scam so CTR will be lower of course. People click on dot coms instead.
The renewal price is an issue with new gTLDs, but I think we are only obligated to warn the end-users about the current renewal price.

BTW, I have no written guarantee that I will not have to pay my .com renewals $1,000 each from 2018 or 2028 or 2038 ;)
Most scams are run on new gtlds because the names are worthless. Nobody would use for scam but could be a total scam. I would never spend $1 on new gtlds ecommerce site. A great example is from They lost tons of business because people did not trust thing. They still did not recover from that fiasco move.
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Check out SEO. He paid 100 K for the name and spending a lot more for seo and marketing. Its almost dead after all the effort. Anyone with half a brain would know new gtlds are bad for business, bad for trust factor, bad for ctr rate and bad for your health.
New gtlds have much inferior click though rate as well. ... I have no idea what u guys talking about.

You're making authoritative statements about a subject you admittedly have no experience with
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Check out SEO. He paid 100 K for the name and spending a lot more for seo and marketing. Its almost dead after all the effort. Anyone with half a brain would know new gtlds are bad for business, bad for trust factor, bad for ctr rate and bad for your health.

Check You dont need to type the domain name, you can Google data world, or even just data ;)
Check You dont need to type the domain name, you can Google data world, or even just data ;)
Great example to prove my point Data.World raised 18 million and has TERRIBLE SEO. Generating 4k traffic a month. AMAZINGLY PATHETIC FOR 18 MILLION DOLLAR COMPANY. YOU JUST PROVED TO US WHY NEW GTLDS IS TERRIBLE IDEA> Even with 18 million in the bank your SEO WILL BE BAD On new gtlds!!
Check out SEO. He paid 100 K for the name and spending a lot more for seo and marketing. Its almost dead after all the effort. Anyone with half a brain would know new gtlds are bad for business, bad for trust factor, bad for ctr rate and bad for your health.

I just checked. You are making assumptions without any checking. It is not dead, it is getting more than 100 visits a day. Moreover, if he/she/they really spent more than $100,000 on SEO as you are claiming, then someone scammed it as their SEO is not worth more than $1,000, if even that.

They have only about 1,000 backlinks (and I didnt check the quality of those). What can you expect with 1,000 in a competitive niche like coffee? ;) has 27,000+ backlinks from 1,000+ different domains
Great example to prove my point Data.World raised 18 million and has TERRIBLE SEO. Generating 4k traffic a month. AMAZINGLY PATHETIC FOR 18 MILLION DOLLAR COMPANY. YOU JUST PROVED TO US WHY NEW GTLDS IS TERRIBLE IDEA> Even with 18 million in the bank your SEO WILL BE BAD On new gtlds!!

???? Traffic of 4k a month??? Probably a day. Check the stats.

Having the money is not the same as having the SEO knowledge ;) But they did solid SEO anyway.

However, they are first for the data world search and ranking well for the pure data search. I said enough
???? Traffic of 4k a month??? Probably a day. Check the stats.

Having the money is not the same as having the SEO knowledge ;) But they did solid SEO anyway.

However, they are first for the data world search and ranking well for the pure data search. I said enough
What u saying is complete nonsense, but I got better things to do. Good luck in trying to make newbies buy your crap new gtlds. I am out!
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