Hello everyone. It has been roughly one month since I jumped into this business and boy its hard and frustrating. I get why so many quit so early and the ones that stay for the ride are those that practice patience. Being a student, I am investing my little savings into this and so far I have blown off but above all I understand where I have gone wrong in the game and hopefully now I am going to be a little more patient. Was initially buying one domain per day, then one day bought a premium one. Now am backordering domains. This may not seem much but this one month has taught me a lot about domaining. You have to buy domains that generate interests, ones that have past sales and above all UNDERSTAND WHY A DOMAIN IS AVAILABLE AND NO ONE IS BUYING IT. Learned it through the hard way. Currently hold zero domains that am going to renew. Any words of advice going forward? Also if anyone is willing to share, how long did it take you to sell your first domain? What is the best way to sell a domain? Should I list it and just sit back, waiting for offers? Also backordering domains prevent the domain age from being resetted right? As aged domains attract more interests.
Any advice helps. Hoping for better times in this business
Any advice helps. Hoping for better times in this business
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