
domain brokers

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  1. Lox

    domains Best Domain Brokers: Expert reviewed

    If you’re looking to buy or sell a domain name, working with a domain broker can make the process much easier. These experts know the market and can help you get the best deal. In this article, we will explore some of the best domain brokers available today, focusing on their strengths and what...
  2. Lox

    domains Best Domain Brokers: Expert reviewed

    If you’re looking to buy or sell a domain name, working with a domain broker can make the process much easier. These experts know the market and can help you get the best deal. In this article, we will explore some of the best domain brokers available today, focusing on their strengths and what...
  3. Eric Lyon

    information Top Topics: Is Domain Parking Dead?; Sold for $600,000; Are 4-Letter .com Prices CRASHING?; List of brokers who sell domains fast

    Welcome to another recap of Top Topics here at NamePros! Domain investors discuss whether domain parking is alive, dying, or already dead; $600,000 USD was paid for the domain name recently; Exploration of whether four-letter (LLLL) .com prices are crashing; A list of domain...
  4. Eric Lyon

    information Top Topics: Is Domain Parking Dead?; Sold for $600,000; Are 4-Letter .com Prices CRASHING?; List of brokers who sell domains fast

    Welcome to another recap of Top Topics here at NamePros! Domain investors discuss whether domain parking is alive, dying, or already dead; $600,000 USD was paid for the domain name recently; Exploration of whether four-letter (LLLL) .com prices are crashing; A list of domain...
  5. Candace

    discuss Do Some Brokers Offer Referral Bonuses? Should they?

    Suppose I find a great domain that isn't being used well. There is a website, but it is ancient--very ancient. Through my own brokerage work, I know that domains like these may be great websites to broker - obviously if you can get an 'ancient' owner to agree to sell it. Do any brokers have a...
  6. Candace

    discuss Do Some Brokers Offer Referral Bonuses? Should they?

    Suppose I find a great domain that isn't being used well. There is a website, but it is ancient--very ancient. Through my own brokerage work, I know that domains like these may be great websites to broker - obviously if you can get an 'ancient' owner to agree to sell it. Do any brokers have a...
  7. Alvin Brown

    interviews From Hawking Airplane Headsets to Brokering Domains with Brooke Hernandez

    Today’s podcast guest stumbled upon success brokering commercial real estate and hawking airplane headsets long before she knew what a domain was, and that a domain industry existed. In her current role, Brooke Hernandez, also known as The Broker Brooke, is an established and well-respected...
  8. Alvin Brown

    interviews From Hawking Airplane Headsets to Brokering Domains with Brooke Hernandez

    Today’s podcast guest stumbled upon success brokering commercial real estate and hawking airplane headsets long before she knew what a domain was, and that a domain industry existed. In her current role, Brooke Hernandez, also known as The Broker Brooke, is an established and well-respected...
  9. Acroplex

    news Awards: Top 10 grossing domain brokers announced its roster of the Top 10 grossing domain brokers. Guess who won the #1 spot? Drew Rosener of Media Options - for the 3rd year in a row. More info here.
  10. Acroplex

    news Awards: Top 10 grossing domain brokers announced its roster of the Top 10 grossing domain brokers. Guess who won the #1 spot? Drew Rosener of Media Options - for the 3rd year in a row. More info here.
  11. equity78

    domains May Broker Newsletter

    Francois and are out with the May Broker newsletter. SPONSOR - The Story of Dofo Discover how Macit Tuna sparked the great idea of and turned it into a service that is quickly becoming popular. If you want to buy a domain below please contact the associated broker...
  12. equity78

    domains May Broker Newsletter

    Francois and are out with the May Broker newsletter. SPONSOR - The Story of Dofo Discover how Macit Tuna sparked the great idea of and turned it into a service that is quickly becoming popular. If you want to buy a domain below please contact the associated broker...
  13. Alvin Brown

    domains Domain Buying and Selling From the Broker’s Perspective With Chris Zuiker

    There aren’t many domain brokers that can say they work for the industry’s leading premium domain name brokerage and online media consulting firm — Leading MediaOptions’ sales and marketing effort is none other than Chris Zuiker — author of .COM Strategies, and Head of Sales...
  14. Alvin Brown

    domains Domain Buying and Selling From the Broker’s Perspective With Chris Zuiker

    There aren’t many domain brokers that can say they work for the industry’s leading premium domain name brokerage and online media consulting firm — Leading MediaOptions’ sales and marketing effort is none other than Chris Zuiker — author of .COM Strategies, and Head of Sales...
  15. Grilled

    debate Double Standard: Brokers can conceal a owners identity, but nP members must reveal their identity?

    Anybody else sick of these so called big domain brokers claiming big sales, and more often than not, the buyers identity is revealed much more often than the domain owners identify (hiding behind the broker proxy)? This leaves speculation of did the domain sell from an investor to another...
  16. Grilled

    debate Double Standard: Brokers can conceal a owners identity, but nP members must reveal their identity?

    Anybody else sick of these so called big domain brokers claiming big sales, and more often than not, the buyers identity is revealed much more often than the domain owners identify (hiding behind the broker proxy)? This leaves speculation of did the domain sell from an investor to another...
  17. equity78

    Kate Buckley addresses those who question her sales

    There was a post on Namepros that called into question the sale. "NDA Keeps A FAKE Multi-Million $ Sale of from being exposed" I wrote previously about the sale and the buyer being revealed here. Kate decided to address these Namepros threads in the open...
  18. equity78

    Kate Buckley addresses those who question her sales

    There was a post on Namepros that called into question the sale. "NDA Keeps A FAKE Multi-Million $ Sale of from being exposed" I wrote previously about the sale and the buyer being revealed here. Kate decided to address these Namepros threads in the open...
  19. Rob Monster

    International Domain Broker Network

    As some folks here know, about a month ago, Epik acquired some assets from Troy Rushton including pre-existings sites called and includes a functional software platform for managing a domain broker network. It looks like this: In addition to...
  20. Rob Monster

    International Domain Broker Network

    As some folks here know, about a month ago, Epik acquired some assets from Troy Rushton including pre-existings sites called and includes a functional software platform for managing a domain broker network. It looks like this: In addition to...
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