
What's going on with Epik and Rob Monster?

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I'm catching the tail end of this, seems to be some kind of controversy...

Must be something odd to evoke this type of a response from one of our members.

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
You sound like someone who grew up in Freemasonry.

The papacy is more likely the False Prophet, governing most of the world's religions and cults of any size, either directly or indirectly. The papacy has been refining the art for nearly 2000 years.

You can be sure that Satan is not the good guy. He can give folks fame and fortune on this earth. I will grant you that. He will also promise a path to eternal life through technology, but he won't be able to deliver.

Happy to compare notes anytime as to what you are relying on to form your apparently considered opinion. I think you have it wrong but am happy to listen and be persuaded.

how if you would add a

"as far as I know"

"as much as I have come to believe"

"I do believe"

"I have heard"

"I was told"

"they say"

( please put it into proper english for me)

in front or after of any remarks about the SATAN
that you post here

and please do the same
for "God"

don't forget
you are constantly talking about a believe system

yes over time you have convinced yourself
that this is the truth

but let me remind you
it's just an idea
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There is a reason why Americans don't live as long as others and yet spend more on healthcare than anyone. It is by design. The country is in the business of making people sick and then charging them through the nose to make them better. If that sounds demented, or psychopathic, yes, it is.


... which includes the right to being able to search and discern the TRUTH.

the infographic to me says
those USA inhabitants
spend most on healthcare
and live longest


If that sounds demented, or psychopathic, yes, it is.
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the infographic to me says
those USA inhabitants
spend most on healthcare
and live longest


I guess back to high school for you.

The dark line is the best fit graph. Health care spending is so-called Asymptotic -- the more you spend, the less return you get.

As the chart shows, Americans spend about 6 times more on health care per capita than Chileans but don't live longer. Americans spend almost 3 times more than Italians but die much younger.

When it comes to health, the USA is clearly a statistical "OUTLIER". That's the take-away of that chart.

Not going into health discussion...
But I do know that the USA has the best health care system.
I went from feeling bad on one day and 15 days later I am in the hospital having a major operation.
I do know that my doctors are there for me, that if I need an MRI, I can get an MRI without waiting for some board somewhere to decide for the doctors.
I have access to the best medicine on this planet.
And I know we have the best health system in the world because of all the people in the world who come to the USA for treatment that they can not get in their country.

PS...raised a catholic, had many jesuits, benedictines, etal as teachers. So that it is such that heaven and hell do not exist. It is one big side is one bunch of gods and angels, and other the other side another bunch of gods and angels. All one has to do is read about the religions of the world and how they came about, and why christianity became so big (hint: see islam).
I guess back to high school for you.

The dark line is the best fit graph. Health care spending is so-called Asymptotic -- the more you spend, the less return you get.

As the chart shows, Americans spend about 6 times more on health care per capita than Chileans but don't live longer. Americans spend almost 3 times more than Italians but die much younger.

When it comes to health, the USA is clearly a statistical "OUTLIER". That's the take-away of that chart.


to me it clearly states
you should go back to the Netherlands

( NLD )

There is a reason why Americans don't live as long as others and yet spend more on healthcare than anyone. It is by design. The country is in the business of making people sick and then charging them through the nose to make them better. If that sounds demented, or psychopathic, yes, it is.
Just consider the heavy indoctrination about the use of sunblocks and sunscreens. There is an abundance of evidence that most commercial sunscreens are loaded with benzene derivatives. I pretty much never use the stuff. If I do, I opt for a mineral-based sunscreen for non-coverable areas. The sun is good for you. We need it to produce vitamin D, the deficiency of which is highly correlated with cancer.

telling people that
"the sun is good for you"
is actually consistent with what you claim here all the time

it's vice versa

you need only a little bit of sun to have enough vitamin D

people are living in different climate zones
and the sunshine is different in all these countries

in some areas, it will be very dangerous not to use sun blockers

you have the choice which sun blockers to use
not all of them may be healthy to use

but not using them is definitely nearly always a not so good idea
when the sun is shining strongly.

so you better recommend organic sun blockers
or heavily tested sun blockers

but you choose to say
"the sun is good for you"

that's the way you argue all the time
little informed
and being suspicious to have been manipulated
by some kind of system
installed by a so called "Satan" figure
who in reality doesn't exist

it's not funny to give dangerous advice
that can damage the health of people seriously
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to me it clearly states
you should go back to the Netherlands

( NLD )

I was thinking more along the lines of a Greek island. However, for major medical care, @iowadawg is right, the USA is still the top. I think the key is to avoid major hospitalization, but if you need it, USA is strong.
I was thinking more along the lines of a Greek island. However, for major medical care, @iowadawg is right, the USA is still the top. I think the key is to avoid major hospitalization, but if you need it, USA is strong.

let's call it

The sun is good for you. We need it to produce vitamin D, the deficiency of which is highly correlated with cancer.

I don't blame you

it must have been the little black (cancer) Satan
sitting on your left shoulder

who has made you say so

(he wants all the people to die from black skin cancer)
I was thinking more along the lines of a Greek island. However, for major medical care, @iowadawg is right, the USA is still the top. I think the key is to avoid major hospitalization, but if you need it, USA is strong.

as far as I recall
the greeks have enough problems ...
telling people that
"the sun is good for you"
is actually consistent with what you claim here all the time

it's vice versa

you need only a little bit of sun to have enough vitamin D

people are living in different climate zones
and the sunshine is different in all these countries

in some areas, it will be very dangerous not to use sun blockers

you have the choice which sun blockers to use
not all of them may be healthy to use

but not using them is definitely nearly always a not so good idea
when the sun is shining strongly.

so you better recommend organic sun blockers
or heavily tested sun blockers

but you choose to say
"the sun is good for you"

that's the way you argue all the time
little informed
and being suspicious to have been manipulated
by some kind of system
installed by a so called "Satan" figure
who doesn't exist

it's not funny to give dangerous advice
that can damage the health of people seriously

Well, you are wrong again, Frank.

First of all, as context, you should know that my wife is one of the top doctors of naturopathic medicine in Seattle, which is also home of the leading medical school for Naturopathic medicine, Bastyr University. The vast major of her Seattle-based patients arrive with inadequate Vitamin D levels.


Northern climates which get less sun exposure throughout the year also have much higher incidence of diseases like Multiple Sclerosis despite comparable or better diet.


I am not suggesting to go out and get a sunburn. However, FYI, if you have high antioxidant level, e.g. from fruits like blueberries or acai you can actually offset a lot of the oxidative stress from sunburn:

I have about 1/2 acre of blueberry bushes here on our property. I keep the whole neighborhood supplied with lake-watered organic blueberries with a June-September continuous harvest.

Well, you are wrong again, Frank.

First of all, as context, you should know that my wife is one of the top doctors of naturopathic medicine in Seattle, which is also home of the leading medical school for Naturopathic medicine, Bastyr University. The vast major of her Seattle-based patients arrive with inadequate Vitamin D levels.

Show attachment 120503

Northern climates which get less sun exposure throughout the year also have much higher incidence of diseases like Multiple Sclerosis despite comparable or better diet.

Show attachment 120504

I am not suggesting to go out and get a sunburn. However, FYI, if you have high antioxidant level, e.g. from fruits like blueberries or acai you can actually offset a lot of the oxidative stress from sunburn:

I have about 1/2 acre of blueberry bushes here on our property. I keep the whole neighborhood supplied with lake-watered organic blueberries with a June-September continuous harvest.


when you use sun blockers
the main reason is
you can stay in the sun for a longer period of time

not to use sun blockers
can seriously damage your skin
when being exposed to the sun

at least in some countries

this is a trucker
( in the USA )

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sometimes you believe in science

sometimes it's the work of a so-called "Satan"
who in reality doesn't exist

Actually, I am pretty consistent. The Creator, which we apparently both acknowledge, did a pretty good job with the human body, the sun and organic food.

On the other hand, man has figured out a way to invent and promote human consumption of all manner of life-shortening poison, e.g. fluoride in US municipal drinking water, elective radiation and carcinogens.

Where we disagree is whether or not any of the really bad ideas have some organizing force behind that hierarchically aligns to "Satan". You seem to think not. And I think you probably did not look carefully.

I need to live next to Rob....BLUEBERRIES!
Yep, us older people do not need much sun for sure.

Going to have Y-90 procedure done, starting with mapping this tuesday.

Actually, I am pretty consistent. The Creator, which we apparently both acknowledge, did a pretty good job with the human body, the sun and organic food....

Where we disagree is whether or not any of the really bad ideas have some organizing force behind that hierarchically aligns to "Satan". You seem to think not. And I think you probably did not look carefully.

You have miss-understood me

I don't believe in a creator
like you do

I do not need a human-like
father figure
who loves us all
and is all mighty

"but be aware there is a mighty counterpart"

...made up story

its a 5-year-old child view of the world
as it can't understand that the grown-up straight out are lying to it

universe exists
not doubt
so it was created

thats the Creation I acknowledge

you know what
no help was needed

the universe can do so
on its own

crazy idea?

yes but an ever existing God
a father figure
who didn't need to be created
is more sane???

and an evil almighty guy
but you can defeat him?

come on

there is no need to invent a so called "Satan"

humanity can do without
there are evil humans

thats enough

no need for a Satan

the problem with your Satan figure is the
mystic aspect
that makes him mighty

a human
you may be able to fight

.. but Satan?

so the story of a "Satan" was build in order to keep you small
and powerless

to make you afraid

fear is the cause
of manipulation

get rid of your fear

get out of the victim mode

you are feeding the biggest manipulation in history
made up stories by the mighty church
and the government at all ages
to keep the masses in fear and keep them small
and powerless

and easy to be manipulated

you don't acknowledge that
we can't talk

your childish images
don't make a proof
and don't impress me at all

I will not let you post all this nonsense
without pointing with my finger
at the nonsense part

if you would be convinced of what you quote is right and true
there would be no need to try to spread those ideas
and keep on convincing others

the idea to convince others is born out of the idea
that the more believe in it
it must have some truth

unfortunately that BS

if you would be strong and secure in your belief
your belief is enough

there is no need to convince others no more
just enjoy and relax

and no
I do not want to convince you

I don't care what you believe

but don't spread that nonsense
as if it was true,

maybe you can say
"I have heard" ???
"they say"...
"the ancient people believed that .. " ...

- I guess that was my longest post ever ..
won't repeat
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I need to live next to Rob....BLUEBERRIES!
Yep, us older people do not need much sun for sure.

Going to have Y-90 procedure done, starting with mapping this tuesday.

Sorry to hear you are getting treatment for liver cancer.

As for blueberries, if you are ever near Sammamish in the mid-summer, come pick a gallon or two and have a dip in the lake.

As for older people, they actually need more sun, not less. Vitamin D levels keep dropping as you age, so folks offset that with more time in sun, and supplementation:

A lot of nutrition experts don't advocate for milk. However, I am in co-op that buys raw Jersey milk. Raw milk is hard to get these days but it is a natural source of glutathione, to detox the liver:

Also, check out raw apricot kernels. If I had a cancer diagnosis, I would be having 20-30 raw apricot kernels per day. They taste like bitter almonds so have a drink handy. Some people can't handle the taste.

There is a good documentary on why it works done here by a great truthseeker, G. Edward Griffin (age 87 now but still sharp):

Also, check out raw apricot kernels. If I had a cancer diagnosis, I would be having 20-30 raw apricot kernels per day. T

20+ Years ago I have read about Apricot seeds containing cyanide, and should never be consumed. So, I was reading this thread and googled it just now, and Numerous articles come up. Are these somehow offered in processed form in order to change them?

“Apricot kernels, the latest health fad, contain cyanide and could kill, the Government has said as it issued an official warning urging people to avoid eating them.”

“The Food Standards Agency (FSA), the Government's food safety arm, sounded the alarm over fears of a growing health craze in which some retailers are marketing large packets of ground apricot stones to cancer patients, claiming they help treat the disease.”

“According to the FSA apricot kernels produce high levels of cyanide, a deadly poison, when eaten and warned a dose of 30 stones is enough to kill someone. It added that people consuming 10 to 15 stones at a time had reported worrying side effects, such as their fingers going numb....”

Even JAMA has a warning.

“Laetrile (amygdalin), found in the kernels of apricot seeds and other fruits, has recently been legalized in several states for the treatment of cancer. Amygdalin is a cyanogenic glycoside that on hydrolysis yields hydrogen cyanide. Although supporters of laetrile as a cancer remedy maintain it has no toxicity, several reports document its toxic effects (238:482, 1977; 238:1361, 1977; 239:1532,1978). We report yet another case of cyanide poisoning from the ingestion of apricot seeds.”
20+ Years ago I have read about Apricot seeds containing cyanide, and should never be consumed. So, I was reading this thread and googled it just now, and Numerous articles come up. Are these somehow offered in processed form in order to change them?

“Apricot kernels, the latest health fad, contain cyanide and could kill, the Government has said as it issued an official warning urging people to avoid eating them.”

“The Food Standards Agency (FSA), the Government's food safety arm, sounded the alarm over fears of a growing health craze in which some retailers are marketing large packets of ground apricot stones to cancer patients, claiming they help treat the disease.”

“According to the FSA apricot kernels produce high levels of cyanide, a deadly poison, when eaten and warned a dose of 30 stones is enough to kill someone. It added that people consuming 10 to 15 stones at a time had reported worrying side effects, such as their fingers going numb....”

Even JAMA has a warning.

“Laetrile (amygdalin), found in the kernels of apricot seeds and other fruits, has recently been legalized in several states for the treatment of cancer. Amygdalin is a cyanogenic glycoside that on hydrolysis yields hydrogen cyanide. Although supporters of laetrile as a cancer remedy maintain it has no toxicity, several reports document its toxic effects (238:482, 1977; 238:1361, 1977; 239:1532,1978). We report yet another case of cyanide poisoning from the ingestion of apricot seeds.”

I am no doctor but the empirical reports are pretty impressive. The linked video documentary explains the background and findings. From time to time, I will have like 5-10 of them at a time. As I recall, someone actively fighting cancer might dose 20-30 per day.

As for the clinical studies that were run by the FDA, they were dosed at levels far below the therapeutic dosage. The physician community is dissuaded to try apricot kernels and would generally be labeled as "quack" if they endorsed it. Nevertheless, if it were my own health case, I would check the case history.

If someone has terminal cancer, or can't get adequate medical care, I would give raw apricot kernels a look. If there is a prior history of cancer, or someone is in remission, I would consider 5 apricot kernels per day assuming they care bear the taste.

Anyway, if you want to form a balanced opinion, I would say watch the video. A pound of organic apricot kernels will last someone a year and costs about $20.
Next some one here will advocate taking dog dewormer for cancer.

Well, I would say that would be pretty stupid. It is up there with the Tide Pod challenge for the Darwin award for monkey-see-monkey-do stupidity. It seems there is a new challenge every month.

Besides, when it comes to adding toxicity to your system, the existing FDA-approved chemotherapy protocols already do an excellent job of killing people and/or impoverishing them.

That said, when it comes to exotic supplementation, I am still somewhat on the fence about Boron. I have taken it in minute quantities.

I do think chronic insomnia can be caused by calcification of the pineal gland, and loss of ability to produce natural melatonin. Fluoride does not help there.

So, we have millions of people taking benzodiazepines or otherwise self-medicating, when the root cause of insomnia could be dietary.

It is all pretty fascinating. Personally, I sleep like a baby and pretty much always have.
There is a good documentary on why it works done here by a great truthseeker, G. Edward Griffin (age 87 now but still sharp):
Griffin's websites refer visitors to doctors, clinics, and hospitals with alternative cancer treatments, including sellers of laetrile. He does not sell laetrile himself.

In 2010, Griffin engaged in HIV/AIDS denialism, claiming that human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) "doesn't exist" and that antiretroviral medications (rather than the HIV virus) cause acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).

In a 2012 video titled "What in the World Are They Spraying?", Griffin asserts that airplanes leave a permanent grid of chemtrails hanging over cities like Los Angeles

As my oncologist told me.....
If there is something out there that kills cancer, it would be all over every single oncologist sites and forums and news....and he would be the first to use it.
Thus, I rather trust him than anyone else.
For there are many doctors and specialists here who get together once a week to discuss various cases. Mine was discussed a few times. My surgeon is a transplant surgeon. And from these discussions have come what they see as a plan for me. A plan I follow.
Thus two weeks ago, the end result of their discussion was my Y-90 procedure.
Besides, when it comes to adding toxicity to your system, the existing FDA-approved chemotherapy protocols already do an excellent job of killing people and/or impoverishing them.

I spent a week with my Dr. friend and he brought along his friend an Oncologist. This was all on a purely informal and friendly basis. During this time we spoke about all subject matter. At one point, I asked him directly what he *really* thought about Cancer treatment philosophy and I got the answer I expected. Its a business. Its what is the status quo. He was a guy who received incentives, trips, and other such things from his chemical suppliers. His retirement very comfortable. After all his years of experience of treating a few 1000 people with Chemotherapy he admitted and concluded it was simply a means of prolonging the inevitable.

Sure it helps some people survive (especially the young) and its their right to pay for it.

When people want to come up with new ideas and treatments they should be tested over years on contract by third parties without conflicts of interest and integrity. Not by the AMA cabal, Drug companies, nor Govt, but truly independent testing labs.

The unresolved problem remains and that is with funding. Setting that aside in an ideal world, apricots if proven effective fine. Same with homeopathic treatments, if science can be proven them effective great. Drug companies don’t fund non-profit producing studies. Ask a Celiac patient what drugs or studies are funded for a dietary only change.

Individual freedom to choose to consume whatever chemicals natural or synthesized should be up to the individual. On the other hand, If someone wants to smoke pot all day or eat Mushrooms daily for breakfast, or take Opioids for recreation fine. Enjoy it. However, as a taxpayer I dont want to pay anything towards their habit or rehab bill. That too is individual responsibility. Kind of like intentionally crashing your car into a brick wall without insurance. If you survive, its your responsibility to fix your car and medical problems at your expense.
I spent a week with my Dr. friend and he brought along his friend an Oncologist. This was all on a purely informal and friendly basis. During this time we spoke about all subject matter. At one point, I asked him directly what he *really* thought about Cancer treatment philosophy and I got the answer I expected. Its a business. Its what is the status quo. He was a guy who received incentives, trips, and other such things from his chemical suppliers. His retirement very comfortable. After all his years of experience of treating a few 1000 people with Chemotherapy he admitted and concluded it was simply a means of prolonging the inevitable.

Sure it helps some people survive (especially the young) and its their right to pay for it.

When people want to come up with new ideas and treatments they should be tested over years on contract by third parties without conflicts of interest and integrity. Not by the AMA cabal, Drug companies, nor Govt, but truly independent testing labs.

The unresolved problem remains and that is with funding. Setting that aside in an ideal world, apricots if proven effective fine. Same with homeopathic treatments, if science can be proven them effective great. Drug companies don’t fund non-profit producing studies. Ask a Celiac patient what drugs or studies are funded for a dietary only change.

Individual freedom to choose to consume whatever chemicals natural or synthesized should be up to the individual. On the other hand, If someone wants to smoke pot all day or eat Mushrooms daily for breakfast, or take Opioids for recreation fine. Enjoy it. However, as a taxpayer I dont want to pay anything towards their habit or rehab bill. That too is individual responsibility. Kind of like intentionally crashing your car into a brick wall without insurance. If you survive, its your responsibility to fix your car and medical problems at your expense.

Interesting insight -- I have had similar off the record conversations with people who know.

Cancer treatment is an industry. So is institutionalized religion. I am a cynic when it comes to both. There are certainly wonderful practitioners in both camps. There are also charlatans.

Physicians generally know who are talented healers. However when it comes to insurance, the incentive models are wrong. The payers generally pay for symptom reduction rather than overall wellness.
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