What's going on with Epik and Rob Monster?

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I'm catching the tail end of this, seems to be some kind of controversy...

Must be something odd to evoke this type of a response from one of our members.

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I guess we have a different definition of what is "truth". To me truth is like, "the sky is blue", "the grass is green". Truth is indisputable, whereas opinions clearly are. There can only be one truth.

However, if you question the truth, you better have solid facts supporting you.
Not all truth is indisputable. Truth can be challenged. For example, those that are pro-climate change being caused by humans have an opinion based on facts and those that disagree with those facts also have an opinion, based on a different set of facts. Both sides use facts to draw very different conclusions, or opinions.

What is truth as it pertains to climate change?

There is no need to answer as you will get different opinions.
Not all truth is indisputable. Truth can be challenged. For example, those that are pro-climate change being caused by humans have an opinion based on facts and those that disagree with those facts also have an opinion, based on a different set of facts. Both sides use facts to draw very different conclusions, or opinions.

What is truth as it pertains to climate change?

There is no need to answer as you will get different opinions.

Truth is indisputable. If it is in genuine dispute, then it has not yet become truth. Of course truth should and must be challenged. It is the only way it can become truth. Facts are what make the truth the truth.

Once accepted as truth, only facts can prove it wrong.

Of course, people can deny the facts. And that is their right. But it does not diminish the truth. It only speaks to their character.
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Truth is indisputable. If it is in genuine dispute, then it has not yet become truth. Of course truth should and must be challenged. It is the only way it can become truth. Facts are what make the truth the truth.

Once accepted as truth, only facts can prove it wrong.
We could go down this hole for sometime. My original and final point is that opinions are not dangerous, as you stated. What is dangerous is when those that disagree with opinions intentionally cause harm.

This entire thread was based on an opinion that some disagreed with. Those with different opinions caused harm, and did it intentionally. This is not tolerance. It is intolerance. If the roles were reversed you may feel differently.
I guess we have a different definition of what is "truth". To me truth is like, "the sky is blue", "the grass is green". Truth is indisputable, whereas opinions clearly are. There can only be one truth.

However, if you question the truth, you better have solid facts supporting you.

As stated prior, I believe the Bible is true. I prefer the King James Version as I am neither fluent in Hebrew or Greek which is why I am not reading the Masoretic Tanakh or the Textus Receptus of the New Testament.

As for specific truth, I have been sharing truth in this entire thread, all the while demonstrating why free speech on the Internet has been a required ingredient for deriving and testing incontrovertible truth.

By no means do I claim to have all the answers. However, I have probably asked more questions than most. I am also further along than most in getting satisfactory answers to those questions.

I believe there is an essential truth in concluding that life is not the product of randomness. There is a designer.

As such, I believe the meaning of life becomes to (1) figure out the identity of the designer and (2) figure out what He wants.

I do further believe that the name of that creator is the Tetragrammaton of the Bible, YHWH, likely pronounced Yahuwah and that He wants you to accept the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.

That's my essential truth. The rest are details. And while sometimes those details are really interesting, in the grand scheme of things, the remaining truths are insignificant by comparison.

I remain convinced that those who wish to introduce censorship do not have humanity's best interest in mind. And in the US, where free speech remains the law of the land, we do have great latitude to speak freely.
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The thing that makes me scratch my head, Ok, So Rob Monster posted a video of the active shooter in the NZ shootings, I saw that video and the one i saw was 17 minutes long, Yes it was bad, many people i talked to that day concerning that shooting had different observations of what they believed may or may not have taken place. There is nothing new about people having different observations of events.

Then you take the video itself, Have any of you watched your local cable television the last 5 years??

Shows like Dr.G that does autopsies right on your local cable station and on and on and on. you know what i am talking about. I am not saying these types of shows should be shown on television, but they are, and we have a choice to watch these shows or not watch these shows.

Welcome to the new world we live in, todays times are so much different like it or not. So because Rob Monster uploads a video and expresses his observations of it means he is suddenly a bad guy?? and then on top that, post to boycott the mans business, Really!!!

That video was posted by thousands of people, to inform people, inform people of the evil that is upon us. many many observations of the video were made all over the interenet.

The operative word being "Observations"

I have read every post atleast twice in this thread, I personally see NO reason for exactly what happened to bring an attack on a man that is living his life just like me and you, we arent perfect as human beings, being the owner of a domain name company has absolutley nothing to do with any of this, the man lives life just like everyone else.

I will say this, If you read the thread through and through, The one thing you can say with confidence is, Rob Monster is an honest person who stands on his beliefs and doesn't mix his words to appease people who disagree with his position on topics, But he doesn't need too, he has done nothing wrong, but what he has done is show how honest of a person he really is, no matter if you agree or disagree with anything, he is a honest person and that in itself is hard to find in todays world.

Once again, I do not know Rob Monster, I have never done business with Epik, Although i have heard only good things about Epik prior to this thread.
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We could go down this hole for sometime. My original and final point is that opinions are not dangerous, as you stated. What is dangerous is when those that disagree with opinions intentionally cause harm.

This entire thread was based on an opinion that some disagreed with. Those with different opinions caused harm, and did it intentionally. This is not tolerance. It is intolerance. If the roles were reversed you may feel differently.
What if 'It is my opinion that black/white/gay/jewish people should be killed and that god wants me to do it ASAP.'
It isn't dangerous eh 😂
"Opinions" (i.e. beliefs) underlie much of behavior, and you think that they can't be dangerous
Ridiculous 😂
Rob, the reason I engage you here is that I believe you are honest in your convictions and I respect you for that.

As stated prior, I believe the Bible is true. I prefer the King James Version as I am neither fluent in Hebrew or Greek which is why I am not reading the Masoretic Tanakh or the Textus Receptus of the New Testament..

You should choose a more recent translation that has restored the personal name of God. When KJV was translated many fewer manuscripts and very limited master texts were available at the time and so it is not the most accurate translation.

As for specific truth, I have been sharing truth in this entire thread, all the while demonstrating why free speech on the Internet has been a required ingredient for deriving and testing incontrovertible truth.

By no means do I claim to have all the answers. However, I have probably asked more questions than most. I am also further along than most in getting satisfactory answers to those questions.

Free speech should not be equated with truth. And I agree you are asking a lot of questions. Therein lies the problem. It is easy to ask provocative questions. It is difficult to support those with facts and reasoning.

I can ask, is your dentist sleeping with your wife? Wow, that will result in a provocative reaction. But simply asking the question only creates problems that did not exist before. This is the issue with conspiracy theories. If you don't supply concrete evidence then it is a waste of everyone's time.
The thing that makes me scratch my head, Ok, So Rob Monster posted a video of the active shooter in the NZ shootings, I saw that video and the one i saw was 17 minutes long, Yes it was bad, many people i talked to that day concerning that shooting had different observations of what they believed may or may not have taken place. There is nothing new about people having different observations of events.

Then you take the video itself, Have any of you watched your local cable television the last 5 years??

Shows like Dr.G that does autopsies right on your local cable station and on and on and on. you know what i am talking about. I am not saying these types of shows should be shown on television, but they are, and we have a choice to watch these shows or not watch these shows.

Welcome to the new world we live in, todays times are so much different like it or not. So because Rob Monster uploads a video and expresses his observations of it means he is suddenly a bad guy?? and then on top that, post to boycott the mans business, Really!!!

That video was posted by thousands of people, to inform people, inform people of the evil that is upon us. many many observations of the video were made all over the interenet.

The operative word being "Observations"

I have read every post atleast twice in this thread, I personally see NO reason for exactly what happened to bring an attack on a man that is living his life just like me and you, we arent perfect as human beings, being the owner of a domain name company has absolutley nothing to do with any of this, the man lives life just like everyone else.

I will say this, If you read the thread through and through, The one thing you can say with confidence is, Rob Monster is an honest person who stands on his beliefs and doesn't mix his words to appease people who disagree with his position on topics, But he doesn't need too, he has done nothing wrong, but what he has done is show how honest of a person he really is, no matter if you agree or disagree with anything, he is a honest person and that in itself is hard to find in todays world.

Once again, I do not know Rob Monster, I have never done business with Epik, Although i have heard only good things about Epik prior to this thread.
So crazy gunman wants everyone to see his video and manifesto. So the right choice is to upload it to your anonymous permanent file viewing thing and post it to twitter, and post manifesto to gab to show off your file thing
Then to call the video "BS"

Thank you for teaching me

By the way, did you read that the excuse now is that only the video was called BS? Not that the whole thing was called a hoax?
Can you answer how someone could think a live streamed video could be "low budget CGI" but also think people still died? The government prepared a fake video beforehand of an insane person streaming and inserted into facebook live stream? How could they prepare that? How could the shooting also be real, if there were some witnesses and people in the mosque who can tell what "really" happened? Fake live video but real witnesses of what really happened? What?

The only option would be that the video is "BS" and so the shooting also didn't really happen, and all the news is wrong, it's a hoax, everyone around the mosque was an actor?

Is it like the Giffords thing
Posting a video that calls her a fraud, and then lies: "I am also not saying that people did not die or get injured." Lol She could be fraud but yeah I am not saying the harm wasn't real...Trust me...

Looking forward to you teaching me more...
So crazy gunman wants everyone to see his video and manifesto. So the right choice is to upload it to your anonymous permanent file viewing thing and post it to twitter, and post manifesto to gab to show off your file thing
Then to call the video "BS"

Thank you for teaching me

By the way, did you read that the excuse now is that only the video was called BS? Not that the whole thing was called a hoax?
Can you answer how someone could think a live streamed video could be "low budget CGI" but also think people still died? The government prepared a fake video beforehand of an insane person streaming and inserted into facebook live stream? How could they prepare that? How could the shooting also be real, if there were some witnesses and people in the mosque who can tell what "really" happened? Fake live video but real witnesses of what really happened? What?

The only option would be that the video is "BS" and so the shooting also didn't really happen, and all the news is wrong, it's a hoax, everyone around the mosque was an actor?

Is it like the Giffords thing
Posting a video that calls her a fraud, and then lies: "I am also not saying that people did not die or get injured." Lol She could be fraud but yeah I am not saying the harm wasn't real...Trust me...

Looking forward to you teaching me more...

After the video was released there were people posting their observations of the video all over the internet, I read all kinds of different possibilties, once i saw the video, which appeared as much like a video game reenactment, i was floored, i had never seen anything like it, except in a video game.

You couple the above with the amount of spoofs that go on the internet and i think you may get your answer to your questions.

Initially , Knee jerk reactions were pretty prevalent on the net as to the contents of the video, after people began to realize that a real shooting had occured and lives were taken by a mad man , the reality had set in that this was no hoax or act.

Due to the nonsense of extremes people will go to today to get views and recognition on the internet for monetary and notoriety may very well be why the intial knee jerk reactions happened.

I saw some people recant on their original post statement, and some didn't. I guess it was depending on their personal observation of the video footage.
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Except to him it wasn't about it being a ploy to get views and recognition froma fake video

It's about there being a narrative being pushed and policies being made because of it

"As for the video itself, the part that troubled me was the discovery of material inconsistencies. Since important policies are being determined by the official narrative, it warrants discernment."

So someone produced this fake video to push a narrative which would result in some important policy changes..
But people also definitely died? But we need to look into if the video is fake? WTF?

As for absolute statements, I do absolutely believe that NASA has never been to the moon. I also know for sure that the Bible describes a fixed, non-moving earth. There is an abundance of evidence that shows that this is indeed true even though it conflicts terribly with indoctrination.
Abundance of evidence for a non-moving earth
OK Pretty sure this guy's just totally full of shit now


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Then you take the video itself, Have any of you watched your local cable television the last 5 years??
Welcome to the new world we live in, todays times are so much different like it or not. So because Rob Monster uploads a video and expresses his observations of it means he is suddenly a bad guy?? and then on top that, post to boycott the mans business, Really!!!
Of course TV channels do report the new, but not from the POV of the terrorists, using their own materials.

Rob posted the video to pitch Epik services while dismissing it as a hoax. It could only achieve one purpose: wantonly hurt people, mock the suffering of victims. But this was not an isolated incident, it is a pattern of behavior.
That's what Rob does. Hurt people. If you criticize him then you are pro-censorship and anti-free speech.
Yes, Rob and his friends over at Gab are heroes of free speech, surely we should award them a medal ? They are doing so much to further the cause, by giving our enemies the excuses they need to crack down on freedom...

When you call him out he looks down on you with a condescending tone, because he found God and you will forever be an ignorant, unenlightened individual.

Uses religion as an excuse for his bad behavior. I am not Christian, but isn't a Christian supposed to behave well and not hurt their fellow man ? Not to side with evil or abet malevolent people ? Not seeing an alarming level of personal contradiction here ?

Portrays himself as a truth seeker, but he is an anti-science peddler of hardcore conspiracy theories.

I am sure that in real life Rob is a caring and courteous human being, who treats his employees well, even those who are Muslims or Jews.
But we have learned from this thread that he is also a two-faced man with a more sinister alter ego on the Internet. He is happy to work with people whose raison d'être is to hurt others, Muslims, Jews, LGBT, so-called liberals, anything. He courts their business. He contributes to the hate machine by reposting and amplifying bad stuff.
Claims to respect everybody even Muslims, but he actively undermines them on the Internet.
In one word, he will gladly stab you in the back, with a smile.
Rob, the reason I engage you here is that I believe you are honest in your convictions and I respect you for that.


You should choose a more recent translation that has restored the personal name of God. When KJV was translated many fewer manuscripts and very limited master texts were available at the time and so it is not the most accurate translation.

And which one will that be?

Free speech should not be equated with truth.

Free speech is the means to discover the truth. You can't put the puzzle together if 80% of the puzzle pieces are missing. It's pretty simple. Book burners and censors are asking humanity for blind trust, to which I say, "no thanks".
Except to him it wasn't about it being a ploy to get views and recognition from a fake video

It's about there being a narrative being pushed and policies being made because of it

"As for the video itself, the part that troubled me was the discovery of material inconsistencies. Since important policies are being determined by the official narrative, it warrants discernment."

So someone produced this fake video to push a narrative which would result in some important policy changes..
But people also definitely died? But we need to look into if the video is fake? WTF?



Correlation does not equal causation.

The official narrative that 3 WTC towers went down on 9/11 because 2 planes hit them was of course nonsense. WTC 7 went down without being hit. Look it up and you will quickly discern the logical fallacy.

It does not matter whether the cause of the collapses was nano-thermite or other controlled demolition. What matters is that it gave us the Patriot Act along with a costly war, in both lives and dollars.

As for NZ, yes, there was a mass murder. It has been correlated with a video that does look like CGI. There are folks who have studied the logical fallacies in the video, e.g. as recapped here:

Keep in mind that this is the "hot mess" that I did not want TCK to take us down on the weekend. However, since you are determined to have this discussion, the rabbit hole is open for all to explore.

The relevance to the domain industry is that the event is being actively used to support a censorious and Draconian change in policy with instant domain takedowns without due process:

The change in .NZ policy was announced earlier this week. I don't know about you, but I don't think that is a good thing generally, and for domain investors it has rendered .NZ domains as an impaired asset.

The sooner folks grasp Hegelian dialectics and false flags, the sooner they will realize the mechanics of propaganda. Bernays and Goebbels were batting practice compared to what is possible today.
Free speech is the means to discover the truth. You can't put the puzzle together if 80% of the puzzle pieces are missing. It's pretty simple. Book burners and censors are asking humanity for blind trust, to which I say, "no thanks".

Free speech is a wonderful thing. It allows for free press and the freedom of religion, etc. Free speech alone will not discover the truth because free speech also allows people to propagate lies and inaccurate information. You can't have one without the other, unfortunately.

Truth is much more powerful than free speech because it is able to survive even in oppressed societies. No matter how much corrupt rulers try to suppress it and shut it down, they have failed.

When you live in a free speech society, then asking questions is easy. Supporting the answers with facts and truth is hard work and takes time. This is the part where those that promote conspiracy theories fail and why not a single conspiracy theory can survive the scrutiny that truth can.
Free speech is a wonderful thing. It allows for free press and the freedom of religion, etc. Free speech alone will not discover the truth because free speech also allows people to propagate lies and inaccurate information. You can't have one without the other, unfortunately.

Glad we can finally agree that free speech is wonderful.

As for the rest, do you always talk in circles or just at NamePros? Seems to be a thing.
If it was a mass murder planned by government, what is the reason for making a fake video
They don't need to, It makes zero sense????
They could just have him stream it, like he did

Or is it because apparently people think Muslims are so low that they will be complicit in killing their own people, and help the government by not telling what really happened
Have to make Muslims guilty in this somehow

From the stupid site you linked:
"With real Muslims dead, all you need to shut up real witnesses, is to have one or two corrupt Muslim leaders, tell their flock they are dishonouring martyrs by trying to talk to media, and Allah wills the situation as is, so shut up. The same Muslim leaders who let the interior of the mosque be filmed earlier, as a backdrop for the fabricated Tarrant show."

Why have a "fabricated show" at all
People died, it was live streamed, "they" advance their policise
Who would say "no, we should also risk it looking suspicious with a fake video, and we should get Muslims to work with us on it and keep them from telling what really happened"
Glad we can finally agree that free speech is wonderful.

As for the rest, do you always talk in circles or just at NamePros? Seems to be a thing.

Why do you keep attacking me personally? It seems you can never rebut on the merits of an argument. Not even once.

And I never wrote that free speech is a bad thing.
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what is the reason for making a fake video

How about if a single event could convince large numbers of people to:

1. Hand in their guns and embrace their own disarmament.

2. Embrace policies for censorship.

3. Create fear of white males as boogeymen.

4. Introduce the world to NZ's trans prime minister.

5. Pray to the god of Islam and/or be sympathetic towards Muslims.

6. Provoke and escalate religious animosity.

7. Participate in witchcraft on the Ides of March.
Of course TV channels do report the new, but not from the POV of the terrorists, using their own materials.

Rob posted the video to pitch Epik services while dismissing it as a hoax. It could only achieve one purpose: wantonly hurt people, mock the suffering of victims. But this was not an isolated incident, it is a pattern of behavior.
That's what Rob does. Hurt people. If you criticize him then you are pro-censorship and anti-free speech.
Yes, Rob and his friends over at Gab are heroes of free speech, surely we should award them a medal ? They are doing so much to further the cause, by giving our enemies the excuses they need to crack down on freedom...

When you call him out he looks down on you with a condescending tone, because he found God and you will forever be an ignorant, unenlightened individual.

Uses religion as an excuse for his bad behavior. I am not Christian, but isn't a Christian supposed to behave well and not hurt their fellow man ? Not to side with evil or abet malevolent people ? Not seeing an alarming level of personal contradiction here ?

Portrays himself as a truth seeker, but he is an anti-science peddler of hardcore conspiracy theories.

I am sure that in real life Rob is a caring and courteous human being, who treats his employees well, even those who are Muslims or Jews.
But we have learned from this thread that he is also a two-faced man with a more sinister alter ego on the Internet. He is happy to work with people whose raison d'être is to hurt others, Muslims, Jews, LGBT, so-called liberals, anything. He courts their business. He contributes to the hate machine by reposting and amplifying bad stuff.
Claims to respect everybody even Muslims, but he actively undermines them on the Internet.
In one word, he will gladly stab you in the back, with a smile.

So you believe that he put the video up and voiced his observation of the video for PR for his business??

Could it be possible that he posted the video and voiced his personal observation of the events on the video because his observation of the video was what he posted about it, that having nothing to do with his business, but his own personal observation of the video??

Like I said earlier, I don’t agree with GAB as a whole, but it does serve a purpose for free speech and people have a right to voice their observations, opinions, thoughts.

Kate, you and I could go into the same debate or even have conflict over me being a Christian and you not being a Christian, but I wouldn’t and won’t, I respect your choice and I won’t judge you on your choice and your observations of what you believe, you have freedom of will to make your choices throughout your life, I respect that without argument
I respect your choice and I won’t judge you on your choice and your observations of what you believe, you have freedom of will to make your choices throughout your life, I respect that without argument

They are doing so much to further the cause, by giving our enemies the excuses they need to crack down on freedom...
Yes very odd view of the world
Giving racists and those kinds of crazy people a platform is not what's drawing government intervention, they are just doing it because they are evil and want power!! They are pushing their transgender muslim anti-gun anti-white-male witchcraft agenda!
Let's fight their evil by increasing internet freedom for crazy people so that we look even more irresponsible!!
Again, it's not just about a video, some unfortunate comments but a pattern of conduct.

No later than yesterday Rob couldn't resist another cheap jab:
Given the timing, and the likely substantial destruction, I don't believe this was an accidental fire and while Muslims likely will get blamed, I don't believe they did it.
Yeah right.
Even in France, nobody talked about Muslims, from the very start it looked like an accident and not an intentional act.

Rob is saying I don't believe this was an accidental fire. So someone did it. Who can it be. Hmmm let me think. I don't think it's the Muslims. But you never know. I'm not saying they did, but maybe they did. Well, I am not saying that they did, but maybe I think otherwise. You know what I mean. Perhaps Muslims are going to get assaulted for no reason. That is unfortunate. Wink wink.
This is Rob summed in a few sentences. Well done Rob.

This kind of innuendo is something I despize.
When someone talks like that what exactly are they trying to achieve ? You tell me.
Rob may be very lost as evidenced by his irrational theories but he is still responsible and he knows what he's doing. Hiding behind free speech and religion to sow fear and hatred.
Again, it's not just about a video, some unfortunate comments but a pattern of conduct.

No later than yesterday Rob couldn't resist another cheap jab:

Yeah right.
Even in France, nobody talked about Muslims, from the very start it looked like an accident and not an intentional act.

Rob is saying I don't believe this was an accidental fire. So someone did it. Who can it be. Hmmm let me think. I don't think it's the Muslims. But you never know. I'm not saying they did, but maybe they did. Well, I am not saying that they did, but maybe I think otherwise. You know what I mean. Perhaps Muslims are going to get assaulted for no reason. That is unfortunate. Wink wink.
This is Rob summed in a few sentences. Well done Rob.

This kind of innuendo is something I despize.
When someone talks like that what exactly are they trying to achieve ? You tell me.
Rob may be very lost as evidenced by his irrational theories but he is still responsible and he knows what he's doing. Hiding behind free speech and religion to sow fear and hatred.

Was there not some sort of a ceremony at the time?

I bet you candles were involved

Does one really have to look further than that?
If it was a mass murder planned by government, what is the reason for making a fake video
They don't need to, It makes zero sense????
They could just have him stream it, like he did
How about if a single event could convince large numbers of people to:

1. Hand in their guns and embrace their own disarmament.

2. Embrace policies for censorship.

3. Create fear of white males as boogeymen.

4. Introduce the world to NZ's trans prime minister.

5. Pray to the god of Islam and/or be sympathetic towards Muslims.

6. Provoke and escalate religious animosity.

7. Participate in witchcraft on the Ides of March.

Why would a government made up of mostly white males, try to create fear of white males as boogeymen?

And the video supposedly suggesting that the NZ PM is a transvestite is really laughable. You are undermining your own credibility posting stuff like that trying to come off as something serious.
Thread still going at 50, lot of conspiracy theories being posted as well as hints that posters are part of some shadowy movements - well some people love the attention controversy gives them - but when someone keeps accusing lots of others of something, it's time wonder why they have that something on their minds.

Have we been missing the obvious? Is there a monster conspiracy going on? Domains are a low margin business and Epik are giving steep discounts - did the CEO make a pact with the devil to keep the business afloat? Yes, up next, Epik's new service: The Soul Market, offering a hell of a price to sell your soul to Satan with free escrow service and installment plan available, plus it's advertised as tax free to be sure the tax authorities take a close interest in the clients and their activities, in this life and the next.

Here's the hot new ad vid featuring the Epic Strut, and yes the conspiracy is trying to get you to love white males and show you they can be boogey men. Viva free speech!

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