
.us .US domains

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How many do you own ?

Got like 25 here.
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Originally posted by kaliboy2g
It doesnt matter what goes on with it now. Domain are made so that people can use them instead of Ips on their sites.
.us domains are made for us citizens with u.s related sites.

That is th purpose of them

Not necessarily, kali. A 100% foreign-owned US company can own .us. As can a foreign company with a US presence. As can US residents who are non-US citizens.
Right, if you hace some .us presence then yes.

But most of these people dont, and just register to resell.
.US is great for Geo Targeting, imho.
i find these comments so blase and cock-sure.

Only US citizens can own .us extensions. ??? Dont make me LOL!

What the hell would give US citizens sole rights to .us extensions, I ask ya?

Whos citizens do you think own / owned the rights to all the valuable ccTLDs in this global world of ours, you guessed it, US citizens. But I guess thats all right?

Its because of sanctimonious xenophobic comments such as these that its no wonder this world is in the mess its currently in.
.us domains are made for us citizens with u.s related sites.

And .org sites "are made for" non profit organizations and .biz for owners who intend to put up business sites (although .biz has not been challenged, yet, as was the case w/ .org, which relaxed it's requirements, due mostly to domain marketers pressure to do so.)

I find these comments so blase and cock-sure.
Only US citizens can own .us extensions. ??? Dont make me LOL!
Have you read all of the posts?
What the hell would give US citizens sole rights to .us extensions, I ask ya?
US citizens don't have sole rights as has previously been mentioned. But, to answer your question, the stated laws and restrictions that are similar to Canadian, Australian, French and other similar restricted ctlds, although the .us cctld requirements are not being enforced, as are some of the others, making the dynamics of .us registration rather non-xenophoebic, IMO.
Whos citizens do you think own / owned the rights to all the valuable ccTLDs in this global world of ours, you guessed it, US citizens. But I guess thats all right?
The cctld's that can be freely registered, are open to the world community, which US citizens are a part of. US citizens are not responsible for what other countries decide to do w/ their assigned cctld.
Its because of sanctimonious xenophobic comments such as these that its no wonder this world is in the mess its currently in.
Let's lighten up. The balance of the posts here are not sanctimonious or xenophobic. There's plenty of xenophoebic activity in the world to be p~~~ed off about. The US does not own a monopoly on self interest and stupidity.

There are policies emanating from the US government that US citizens, also, see as being wrong, and IMO, this will be reflected in the results of our upcoming elections.
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The majority of extensions do not police / restrict ownership of their relevant ccTLD's regardless of what the extensions were originally designed for, and long may it continue.

You might notice that the majority (if not all) the posts in this thread, supporting sole US ownership of all .us domains, just happen to be US citizens.

My point being that, as with virtually all serious domainers, these are the very same people who have flagrantly flaunted the so called 'unwritten' rules about foreign ownership they now steadfastlly support.

Which all appears a tad pecksniffian.
I know this is slightly off topic, but does anyone know of an application that allows the checking of multiple .us domains’ availability?

just because you or someone you know doesnt follow rules/laws doesnt meant those rules/laws dont exist.

I personally never reggistered or bought a or or anything similar.

You fail to understand that domains were created so that people can use them in exchange of IP's and the extentions were meant to defind a site, dot orgs defind organizations sites, dot edu's define educational sites.

Domains werent made for you or anyone to make a buck of, althoguh you certainly can, as long as you follow the rules
so what part of what you have said do you think I dont understand??

A little presumptuous dont you think.

And even if you havent regged other country extensions, most have...


My point agrees with virtually everything you say. However my beef was and still is with those who say .us extensions should be policed rigorously only allowing US citizens to buy them.

Which, in the very least, is hypercritical. Nothing more than that.

The moment, as someone suggested, a UDRP case is brought against someone simply for not being a citizen of the country their domain extension relates to would open a can of worms I dont think anyone on this forum would enjoy.
Wow collieri, you have just proved to be the must immature person i have ever talked to.

You state that there are people who go out and register domains which they shouldnt becuase laws/rules provent them, and that this okay?

There are people that go out and rob banks and kill people, that is agianst rules/laws , but becuase they do it, that doesn make it okay
Originally posted by kaliboy2g

You state that there are people who go out and register domains which they shouldnt becuase laws/rules provent them, and that this okay?

Where exactly did i "state" this????

But seeing as though this previously healthy discussion has descended into cheap insults I'll leave you to it. No need to reply

i never knew that there were restrictions on who can own a .us domain. That is interesting
1rr1, yes. The are restrictions on it

And collieri, i dont understnad what you want, you are a very hard-headed person, who cant make up her mind and contridicts herself in one post.

You ask me to show you where you stated something, then in the exact next line you say nevermind and no need to reply.

You cant have both, but here is that quote anyways,
Originally posted by collieri

And even if you havent regged other country extensions, most have...

I say we leave it at this, you cannot own or reggister a .us domain without having .us presense.

That is a fact and it stands, so lets get back to how many .us domians each one of you have.
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Well I have many, all regged at enom...

And as a non - US citizen with no US 'presense'? I have to make certain statements when registering .us extensions about who I am, where I live and what I intend to do with the name. Once completed and verified the name is mine.

And for information purposes Kaliboy, I am not female nor do I regard myself as, what was it you said I was 'proven' to be, "The most immature person you have ever 'talked' to". And seeing as though you have taken the time out to throw more insults at me, how bout you answer the question I asked of you yesterday.

Originally posted by kaliboy2g
You state that there are people who go out and register domains which they shouldnt becuase laws/rules provent them, and that this okay?

i.e. Where exactly in this thread did I say this??

And if you choose to reply further, Firstly, try and get your facts straight before typing. Secondly, think before making sweeping unsubstantiated accusations and thirdly, how bout running your post through a spell checker before hitting submit..........!

Hows that for maturity.
if .us is only for americans then .tv should only be for people from Tuvalu etc etc etc ...

seeing as america pretty well has a stranglehold on the internet including .coms - perhaps this is one part of the planet they won't feel compelled to conquer and control

i wish that the extensions made sense and were used correctly to give some sort of understandable structure but alas ... many people are using .orgs for business etc etc etc ...
Colleri, i apologize about that. Colleri sounds like a woman's name.

Supername, im not saying that becuase you have a .org domain you must use it for a not-profit organization, all i meant is that there are laws that state .us domains are for us citezens
Originally posted by kaliboy2g
all i meant is that there are laws that state .us domains are for us citezens

But are they really laws? I believe they are more rules than laws. The difference being you don't get to jail for breaking rules, only little administrative punishments.
The cctlds are assigned to countries by ICANN. It is up to the country to decide what restrictions or limitations to place upon the cctld. Some countries wish to restrict the usage of their cctld to local businesses that operate within their country. Others, seize upon the oppurtunity to realize income by marketing domains w/ their countries tld,(particularly those countries w/ the good fortune of having initials that can be construed to have a meaning- specifically an English language meaning), as in the case or .tv, .ws, .and .nu.
The .us cctld has restrictions and limitations placed upon it, however the US has decided not to enforce these rules., Therefore, for all intents and purposes, they are open to be regged by the international community. If you have regged .us domains, and you don't qualify, you have had to fib. Not to worry, you are not alone. Anyone who has regged a .biz domain, and is not using it for the express purpose of creating a business site, (ie regging it for resale purposes), is , in essence, "fibbing", because they, also, are not operating within the boundaries established by the registry for the use of the .biz tld.

Because the world wide web was initially created in and primarily developed by individuals residing in the US, it is not surprising that citizens of the US, saw the potential involved early on , and had a head start. If the internet had been a flop, those who had taken the risk, and invested in domain name registrations early on, would noe be holding a portfolio of worthless domain names. Yes, the people of the US, have embraced the internet, and have registered a sizeable number of domains. I see no reason that this has to be justified or apologized for. Besides, some of, (if not "the"), largest name hoarders in the world, are not US citizens, at all, but citizens of China, Korea, Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern countries.
cctld's are simply namespaces. They are neutral and.apolitical. Any terretorial, xenophoebic, or eco-political attributes associated with them, are there, because the eyes of the beholder have placed them there.
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Ever heard of Nexus Cat3?
Now that you mention it, no.
Google hasn't made this word connection, either, so I connected the concepts for other seekers of knowledge:
Something to the effect of:
The chain of causation created by a real-world test (CAT 3) of the current applicability of models. Perhaps mole can add to, or edit my findings.
Grilla explain this

If the Us has set these regulations, but doesnt enforce them, then why set them in the first place
Good question. Only the .us registry knows for sure. I have heard that a policeman that trails a driver for a mile or two, is almost certain to find an infraction of some sorts. There are several laws on the books that simply aren't enforced.
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