
Fixed price or make offer

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
Does placing A price on domains at Sedo other than make offer get more offers?
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well it is chartagorized so u get more offers that way & if the person goes to ur site they see that its for sale
My personal experience is that some more high-priced domains get a lot of "touchy-feely" offers at $60 so they can see your "counter offer" and then decide what to do from there. Of course, I won't accept the $60 offer for some domains, and I respond with the message that their first bid needs to be legit (No need to show my hand too early). So, in short, "make an offer" on excellent domains does get more offers than setting a price, but I don't necessarily know that it's a good thing.
On lower priced names, I have had better success setting a price, but still allowing the user to make an offer that's lower than that and then negotiating from that point.
Good Points ALLAN, I find personally when I am buying I want to see a price like every other Legit business not How much is this suit? MAKE me an offer I would walk out of the store but with better names you may be right I just get infuriated SEDO email you have an offer some clown offering $60 for a name I would not sell for $600. and they are not negotiating it is some idiot thinking the name will sell for that. ON the sell side I just hate the whole trying to hit the lottery mentality. I have names I ask a price for, I would not regret selling a name for $199 that I wanted $199 for, and then seeing someone sell it for more later. Being a broker for many years clients have that mentality, why did we sell MSFT at 50 it went to 80? right and you took that money and Invested it in AAPL at $12 and its now $50 wow you will never get the top stop chasing it. IMO
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Set price IMO will always do better than Make an Offer.. I wouldn't feel like I'd want to make an offer and wouldn't expect anyone else too either.
I prefer Fixed price on Make offer option. However, Make Offer option can be used if the domain is super duper awesome.
Thanks everybody.All good advise.I'm going to go with setting prices on my lower quality ones and make offer on the better quality domains.

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