Domain Parking: Tips & Tricks to Help You Earn More!

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The journey is never endingVIP Member
And so it begins!:wave:

My goal is to help people learn more about the parking industry and help them earn more money while spending less of it.

There are tons of tricks,tips,secrets that people use to make money in this business.

Let me say this, I will not discuss illegal or bad practices here so please don't ask.

What will I talk about? How to find domains,with traffic for cheap. Creating long term wealth for yourself and how to do it on a budget. I will answer questions and talk about what I know. If there is something I'm not familiar with or not knowledgeable about I will say so.

I am not here to start flaming wars with other domainers or parking gurus. Everyone has their own set of rules to making money. If you don't like mine, that's okay , but please share your ideas with everyone instead of bashing others.

Myths I want to debunk now:

#1. Parking is dead. (Far from it)

#2. You can't make money doing it. (B.S.- you can make a ton of money in it)

#3. Only the rich can do this. (This is not true!)

#4. Google doesn't like domain parking! (Yes they do, they make a ton of money off it. If they hated it so much why do they continue to support it?)


So what's the point of all this? It's to help people with parking.

Please feel free to email,pm, or post your questions here and I will do my best to answer them all.



(P.S. I'm not the best writer so I apologize for any grammar or sentence structure mistakes in advance.)

--Answers to Questions I'm frequently asked!--

#1. What parking companies do I support/like?

These are the main ones I use and have had great success with. I base my success not only on the amount of money I make but also, customer service and transparency.

In alphabetical order:

- (Supports Foreign Traffic)(Zero Click Model Supported)
- (Supports Foreign Traffic) (Zero Click Model Supported)
- (Supports Foreign Traffic)
- (Highest Payouts In The Industry)

#2. What tools do you use to help you evaluate domains?

Besides my own "TOOL", which I'm not here to promote I would suggest the following;

1. - Great resource site (I do not affiliated with them in anyway)

If we break down the tools I generally look at the following:

Traffic Sources: (Understand that no tool is 100% accurate but together you can get a great picture.)

4. Verisign Labs: ( WARNING: This tool to be used when you have mastered other tools. The information on this site is tricky but can be useful)

History of the domain:


Backlinks: ( There are plenty of tools for these but here are some sites I use)

2. Google Backlinks
3. Yahoo Backlinks
6. (Enjoy this one. It's the search engine for backlinks)


1. Google Keyword Tool

#3. Where can I get lists to analyze:

I have my own tools that do the work for me however here are a few places you can grab lists from to analyze:

2. - (good site)
6. - (this covers a majority of the above & more)

#4. Do all your domains make money?:


I'll say it again : NO! I STILL PICK LOSERS!

In fact anyone who says they make money on every single purchase is lying. No one has a 100% success rate and you don't need to. What you need to do to win in this business is;

#1. Pick 51% winners
#2. Make sure to keep your costs low and make more then your spending.

Understand a single domain can make up the costs of lost ones. I picked a domain that makes me $15.00 a day in revenue. That means I'll make $450 a month with it and it's recouped $300 I've lost on previous domains.

Trust me, the sea of domains is massive and there are ton's of GOLDEN NUGGETS ready to be mined by all.

#5. How much do you spend on domains?:

I've spent anywhere from $.99 - $x,xxx! If I like a domain I will spend what I need, to get it as long as "I CAN STILL MAKE A PROFIT"! That's the key.

However, recently I am testing a new program which allows me to buy strictly "HANDREGS". YUP, Handregs! You would be surprised at how much stuff is just sitting on the ocean floor of domains that people think are garbage.

#6. Blacklisted Domains? Revenue Sucks! HELLLLLP!

This is something that's not addressed a lot and something everyone should be aware of: THE BLACK LIST!

This still happens to me this day. I'll buy a domain only to find out the previous owner got blacklisted from Google. This will affect your revenue greatly because Google will not allow Parking Companies to display the proper ad's on your site. If this happens you will need to go to a second feed like Yahoo! or Zeroclick model.

Common Terms for Blacklisted:

1. Faillisted
2. Blacklisted
3. Fail

Check the status of a domain when you park it and you'll see what I mean.

Edit:6/12/2012: Thank You for this tool!

Originally Posted by

One thing I can add to this thread is to check if the domain is blacklisted before you purchase them, simply point to: Domain Here)


Primary = Google

Secondary = All others but Google (Faillisted,blacklisted, etc from google)

Hope that helps

#7. YUM! YUM! Domain Tasting

If you're not sure what this is it's when you buy a domain and test the traffic for a set amount of time and if your not happy with the traffic you can get a refund or partial refund of your handreg fee.

One thing I see all the time is: Domain tasting is dead! No it's not!

Yes; it might not be as prevalent as it once used to be but there are companies out there that still allow it. How do I know this? Because I do it.

#8. Can I promote or advertise my parked domains?

No, No, No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No, No, No!

If I wasn't clear let me repeat it; NO!

#9. What do all those backlinks mean from different sites?

(Thanks Martiinko for the info)

All those sites "backlink" scanners work by "downloading" the pages all over internet and then searching for URLs in it. Moving from one page to the other over these links. But...

1. There maybe a difference in last time they check this domain for backlinks.

2. There is definitely a huge difference in their databases of pages. That means if one site has smaller DB they don't probably have all the backlinks from as many pages as the other site.

3. Some backlinks are maybe updated, some maybe aren't. The process of "crawling" the web is very time consuming, so not all the backlinks can be verified every day.

To your other question. The links like you described are ok. If you park a domain all the requests go straight to the main page. But what is important is where is the link located. Is it a "spam in comments section", is it in the "blog post" or is maybe a "banner"?


So I collected couple different pages (and I'm collecting even more) for you to check if the webpage/domain was ever parked before ;) Some have form input some are just simple url + domain name.
I will make it into a simple web app, so you don't have to go to all of this pages when checking a domain name for parking history. Mostly screenshots.

Was this domain name parked before?
All of them are free. And I don't have any connection to them whatsoever.

Fun fact: This article got to 2th place in google search for Domain name parking history after 20 minutes.



1. Never spend money you can't afford to lose! Consider every domain investment a loss till you make your money back because that's what it is. No one can tell me different on this and the reason why is you are "NEGATIVE" that amount of money till it's recouped.

2. When you buy a domain to park; look to get your initial investment back within 6-12 months.
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Letters, numbers, and characters that make up domain names are classified into five (5) distinct categories or schedules depending upon the item's acceptable use and the item’s abuse or dependency potential. The abuse rate is a determinate factor in the scheduling of the item; for example, schedule 1 items are considered the most dangerous class with a high potential for abuse and severe psychological or physical dependence. Beware the temptation of low street prices. Take no comfort in the blind eye of keyword tool justice. Schedule 1 items in parked domain names are type-in traffic kryptonite. Just say no.

Schedule 1

hey guys, what do you think about the new gtlds? i own a few one-word with pretty high searches which are also relative with their extensions, but i don't see any result. i tried sedo and now i'm on voodoo. is there any market for them?
Based on what was said here a hand reg domain wouldn't be good to park?
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Based on what was said here a newly reg domain would be a choice to park?
A domain without visitors ( either by typein or by expired links) is useless to parking.
Old or new doesn't matter
ooooh OK if i hand reg a domain how would i know my hand reg would have visitors.
Made almost $4 today on a health related name that I picked up for 99 cents regfee last weekend. It's not quite smurge numbers but I'm pretty stoked :)
i have an expired domain US traffic, former site about mortgages getting backlink traffic from another mortgage site. Clean legit site, no blog link spam etc.

Currently parked with PC, what CPC should i expect on average or aim for, should I move this type of domain to Voodoo?
This is my answer to your question:

Let's say a domain has 3 backlinks and from each, it gets 3 visitors daily. By law of averages that domain would most probably get at least 1 click from those visitors - or even more clicks from one of those visitors only.

It's all a numbers game and IMO this would only work well for people like Smurge who happens to have several hundred domains and he picks those domains systematically as well. So this will not work for newly registered domains or domains with no backlinks or type-in at all.

In #5 on the first post it mentions .....
However, recently I am testing a new program which allows me to buy strictly "HANDREGS". YUP, Handregs! You would be surprised at how much stuff is just sitting on the ocean floor of domains that people think are garbage.

So to verify just so my understanding is correct you are talking about dropped or recently dropped domains that no one picked up so the domain age resets on whois. And that is what hand reg means here.... Right?
It is very rare to get a good earner that happened to, as no one lets them drop normally and the vultures are all waiting for them in pre delete, they pay the catching service or to be safe the backorder feature (to minimize risk of losing money) so I am looking forward to see someone who actually earns enough to pay for their domains just from parking revenue on these types as it is difficult to do. (deleted/dropped)
And BTW I am following at number 1 2 1 so as I said I am special and look forward to a free domain LOL
I have some other info too that would make this post far too long winded but even you might not know about.
So to verify just so my understanding is correct you are talking about dropped or recently dropped domains that no one picked up so the domain age resets on whois. And that is what hand reg means here.... Right?

the whois age will always reset when a domain drops even when it was available for just a millisecond.

I would say hand-reg means that you buy the domain manually not with backorder services or scripts.
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hey guys, what do you think about the new gtlds? i own a few one-word with pretty high searches which are also relative with their extensions, but i don't see any result. i tried sedo and now i'm on voodoo. is there any market for them?

The new tlds will be valuable as well once people start developing them and letting them go. One thing to keep in mind is that the Internet is still in it's infancy. As more and more people transition to the internet the value of all domains will continue to increase.
Made almost $4 today on a health related name that I picked up for 99 cents regfee last weekend. It's not quite smurge numbers but I'm pretty stoked :)

Actually my friend this is a perfect type of domain and a domain that I would probably own. A lot of people think $4.00 a day isn't a significant amount. They might be correct but let's do a quick valuation:

Domain Cost: $.99 cents

Current Revenues earned: $4.00

R.O.I. : 304%

Now, if you were to invest that .99cents in the stock market you might be lucky if you get a 6%-8% ROI. Now all of a sudden your $4.00 domain becomes very valuable. Even if the domain makes $4.00 a month that domain would return $48 a year in total.

Domain Cost: .99 cents

Yearly Total Rev: $48.00

R.O.I 4748.48%

So think of this, you are literally killing the Stock Market with your returns.

Great job on finding this!

Congrats on your gigantic success and if anyone laughs at it then they are truly wrong and do not understand how money works.
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However, there is a limited supply of .99c coupons you can use per account. You can't build a business model around those.
However, there is a limited supply of .99c coupons you can use per account. You can't build a business model around those.

At dynadot I get all my domains for $8.50 . Sooo, if I adjust for that....Im doing just fine still. So yes you can build a business model around it.
At dynadot I get all my domains for $8.50 . Sooo, if I adjust for that....Im doing just fine still. So yes you can build a business model around it.
Oh I know, was just saying that to keep things realistic. Nice to start with the 99, and 1.99 coupons, but then you have to factor regular reg prices and renewals. I try to get more coupons to work, but they are now very rare :(
Thanks for the words of encouragement smurge, I agree with you 100%. Have been applying a lot of the information learned in this thread and read the whole thing multiple times to keep learning more each time. Keep up the good work!! :)
Oh I know, was just saying that to keep things realistic. Nice to start with the 99, and 1.99 coupons, but then you have to factor regular reg prices and renewals. I try to get more coupons to work, but they are now very rare :(

Absolutely agree. In fact I have about 40 codes that
Oh I know, was just saying that to keep things realistic. Nice to start with the 99, and 1.99 coupons, but then you have to factor regular reg prices and renewals. I try to get more coupons to work, but they are now very rare :(

Also, apologies if my comment came across as rude. I was thinking and typing at the same time and did not proof read it. lol, sorry for sounding like an ass.
After several years of reading Smurge's thread about domain parking and some exploring I was able to find this domain. Screenshots attached. Thanks to Smurge for valuable information and inspiration!

Niche: health
Traffic source: health sites
Parking: DNS


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What kind of RPM's should we expect from international traffic? People who are getting 1000+ UQ a day. Non-chinese or indian. I don't see how people are getting such high click values on their domains, unless this is super niche US traffic.
What kind of RPM's should we expect from international traffic? People who are getting 1000+ UQ a day. Non-chinese or indian. I don't see how people are getting such high click values on their domains, unless this is super niche US traffic.

RPM is worthless to me. It does not signify if a domain is successful or not. I base everything on "Out" vs "In". What I mean by that is;

If I spend $10 on a domain and make $100 for the whole year then I am satisfied. Yes, I destroy the stock market! Think about that, if you have a 900% R.O.I. on that $10 well then you are smashing stock returns. Average stock return is 7%-10% if you are lucky.

If you need help understanding something please feel free to ask. I will do my best to help.
Yes my domains are doing well, but my rpms are quite low. I was just looking for an average figure and see if I should look for other parking providers or optimize better.
Hello friends and thank you smurge for this awesome thread.
I just read 1st and last pages however I want to ask something. (If the answer is the other pages, I am sorry. I will read other pages however I am a little excited and impatient.)

As I understood, the hits come from other sites (external links) not directly typing URL.
Where are these external links generally ? My prediction, they would be in search engines. (many of them)
These links which are in the search engines will lose their place or validity in time. If the situation is like I mentioned, I think life of these domains which we buy to make money by parking must be 1 year and we should buy another one after a year instead of renewing.

I hope, I would make myself clear. My english sometimes stir up trouble :)
Thanks in advance.
Where are these external links generally ? My prediction, they would be in search engines. (many of them)
These links which are in the search engines will lose their place or validity in time. If the situation is like I mentioned, I think life of these domains which we buy to make money by parking must be 1 year and we should buy another one after a year instead of renewing.

As you mentioned it would be better to read all thread from the beginning to the end. I can add that it's worth of reading for several times. This business is not about search engines. Look for domains with backlinks from other sites. This type of traffic doesn't depend on google. Parking is not a SEO business at all))
As you mentioned it would be better to read all thread from the beginning to the end. I can add that it's worth of reading for several times. This business is not about search engines. Look for domains with backlinks from other sites. This type of traffic doesn't depend on google. Parking is not a SEO business at all))

Thank you for your response. Actually, I found the truth which you mentioned in the second page :)
Dont these backlinks which are the other sites be deleted in time ? How often ?
I go on reading as well. :)
Dont these backlinks which are the other sites be deleted in time ? How often ?

I understand you, because I had the same doubts few years ago. I thought that finding these domains is worthless just because all backlinks will disappear very soon! But I was wrong! I found that some of backlinks can exist for a long period of time. I know domains which have been doing well for 2 years. I also know domains which lost their backlinks in several days. Luckily, I see that first case happens more often)) Don't take it as a general rule as we need more statistics to make it completely clear. It would be interesting to know what other domainers think about this question?
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