DAN.COM Domain Marketplace (Official Thread)

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Domain MarketplaceTop Member Staff
DAN.COM (formerly known as is on a path to be become the biggest domain marketplace in the world. We use state of the art technology to solve everyday problems buyers and sellers in the domain industry face. At DAN.COM we focus on automating most processes required to buy & sell domains to increase a more efficient and active secondary market for domains.

What sets us apart is our strong focus on product development and customer satisfaction. We leave nothing to chance and every single feature and element we introduce is professionally and carefully designed and built.

DAN.COM is ranked in the top 5 best-rated marketplaces in the world (According to the biggest review platform Trustpilot) and in the domain industry, we're the domain marketplace with the highest rating with an average of 9,4 out of 10 points.

At DAN.COM you will get the highest value for the lowest commission around. Due to our domain transfer automation, we can offer significantly faster handling of domain transactions and payouts (usually within 24 hours) at the lowest fee charged by any domain marketplace.

We've been the first on many fronts and proudly will continue to keep innovating. We were the first to offer optimized for sale pages since 2013, the first to provide payment plans in the form of lease to own and rentals and also the first and only domain marketplace offering free SSL on all domains parked with us for over a year now.

Read more about DAN and our future plans here:

This thread is created to act as an informal communication board between the DAN team and the domain community. Feel free to post feedback here and to discuss how you use DAN.

What this thread is not meant for is support. Please contact our support team here: [email protected] when you need assistance.

Previous reviews under old brand:
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Is this NamePros or NameCallers?

"fanboys". Ridiculous.
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I love how many people are crying and being so defensive and sad about anyone who is leaving feedback for a business, when Dan has actively encouraged feedback lol. The unhinged, ranting fanboys are a much worse look than any legitimate feedback could ever be.

Just so we are clear....

My 1 Post regarding this fuss was directed at select few 2-3 memembers, ( and that excluded @frank-germany, he is always helpful points out issues and offers solutions, and he was made aware privately)....when one is not able to differentiate The” Who’s “in that case, so be it. I shouldn’t have to point them out.

In regards to your remakes about crying over
“anyone who is leaving feedback” of course feedback is welcomed...

You have this I said before, Get. A Grip
There is a proper way to conduct oneself in business wether public or closed door meeting.

It’s called etiquette and mannerisms

Which apparently a few here lack, and watching the thread turn into a Gaint Hissy Fit, and the amount of negativity spewed ...while being unable to express their problems in a civilized non nasty manner, was a annoyance for many here.

Please Re-read and then read between the lines!

There’s a mile long difference between a fanboy, and a business client whom shows etiquette and can conduct him or herself in professional respectable manner simply put.

The fact this needs explaining, is once again embarrassing 🤨
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Hello @DAN.COM

I would love to enable Installments, but only for high value domains, not for domains priced 750.

It's currently "all or nothing" in Settings, or a hell lot of work to manually disable it for lots of domains on a per domain basis.

As suggested earlier, could you please introduce a configurable "minimum amount" in Settings for Installments?

Thank you, appreciate it.
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Domain search panel is still very poor on DAN, I can't filter LLLL .com names with buy now prices.
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I didn't receive any reply yesterday (Sunday).
I have received it just now (as of this post).
You join this community forum 6 days ago, as an unknown, and start spewing negativity all over this thread with complaints about a 2% fee at the same time Dan has revamped its entire platform and has been consistently raising the bar in our industry for nearly 5 years, charging a 9% commission on sales vs 10%, 15%, 20%, 35% elsewhere, payouts within 12-24 hours, the most modern landing pages out there, and you're complaining about 2% which is $20 out of $1000, and $200 out of a $10,000. This is an obstruction toward your sales despite all the conveniences Dan has to offer both buyers and sellers?

Who sent you?

I could not agree more. Bunch of whiners here as usual. Wish they whined this much to Go Daddy who doesn’t do crap to innovate and routinely gives domainers the short end of the stick. I suspect they are supporters of another registrar which will remain unnamed.

DAN has done more for this industry and listened more to incessant demands and petty complaints than any entity in this space in recent times.

If you don’t like it there is the door. Take your negativity and whining elsewhere imo.
Very strange tactic by them. Trying to shame their own customers. Or discredit their opinion.

For the record I have sold plenty of Domains with Dan 1.0 and across other platforms. But yes it does not matter to the subject at hand.

I notice they put out a blanket statement saying 'mis information'.

I believe everything I have said in here is factually accurate.
They put out actual mis information by saying they are the lowest commission marketplace. Which is simply not true.

No where in that statement has addressed the fact that the fees are hidden.
Basically we are the guinea pigs for a month while they test the conversions.

On that subject why not show this data in the seller dashboard so we can see real time for ourselves.

Awfully vocal with an axe to grind against Dan I see. What is your real ID is the question? People on a forum 6 days don’t usually pull out pitchforks 👀
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Domain search panel is still very poor on DAN, I can't filter LLLL .com names with buy now prices.

To make the process below easier, we're introducing better filters for sure but currently, you can find those by doing the following:

You can set the extension filter on .com and the max length on 5 characters while you set the minimum lenght on 4 characters. Then hit space in the search bar and search you'll get this:


We agree that we have to make the process above easier and will.
Hello @DAN.COM

I would love to enable Installments, but only for high value domains, not for domains priced 750.

It's currently "all or nothing" in Settings, or a hell lot of work to manually disable it for lots of domains on a per domain basis.

As suggested earlier, could you please introduce a configurable "minimum amount" in Settings for Installments?

Thank you, appreciate it.

This is being fixed today before the afternoon. You can enable installments on a per-domain basis within a couple of hours.
I explained why I joined. Because I was only on Twitter and Dan censored nearly all my posts on there.

Anyway as I said voted with my feet. Not using them anymore. So I won't comment further on this thread. All the Dan fan boys, have fun with your new extra 'hidden' buyer fees. If you want an echo camber of dan worship you are welcome to it.

We only have hidden 1 post of you on Twitter and sent you a direct message about it afterward. Your post was rude, had no substance or anything constructive to it.

Buyers visit our Twitter page as well and you started posting the same strange rant you post here in our Dan 2.0 announcement tweet. That's why we hid it.

We actively collect feedback from sellers to improve our service and in our announcement post we introduced a new Beta testing group for new features:

If you really want to make your voice heard and provide feedback that we can use to sign-up here:
I see my meet the seller setting changed from dont show anything to show info. It has never been set to show info, so others may want to check.
Would it be possible to select currency for individual names? I want to sell my .ca in Canadian dollars
Selling in USD is like adding 30% to price for Canadian consumers.
Some of us appreciate what your doing, and your involvment with us here at namepros.
I see my meet the seller setting changed from dont show anything to show info. It has never been set to show info, so others may want to check.
Would it be possible to select currency for individual names? I want to sell my .ca in Canadian dollars
Selling in USD is like adding 30% to price for Canadian consumers.
Some of us appreciate what your doing, and your involvment with us here at namepros.

In your portfolio, you can change the currency on a domain basis. However, we, unfortunately, do not support CAD yet but do offer USD, EUR, GBP as currency options.
I have deleted all my names and said I would not post here anymore but I WILL come back if you are now trying a misinformation campaign to discredit me. You could have just left things how they were.

First correction. You hid several of my messages on Twitter. What was the content. Factual information asking why you had not announced or included the 2% on sales pages. And some questions about if EFTY and DNWE would be incurring the same fees. Rather than answer you decided to hide them and only after someone else posted a reply to one of my messages questioned the legality of surcharges for EU companies to customers to EU buyers. Which I found interesting.

I then felt that Dan would likely censor more messages on Twitter I signed up to Namepros to continue the conversation, hopefully without censorship.

I made several very valid points on here that some other members seemed to agree on. i.e The hidden fees, conversion data, buyer experience.

You respond to mine and other sellers constructive criticism with misinformation about how you are the lowest fee marketplace and only sellers are complaining are bad sellers that hardly make any sales (not true and irrelevant). To which I point out is simple not true. Others come out to defend you and parrot the same party line.

Bottom line you increased your fees without informing your customers. Us. And without disclosing anywhere on your site to our customers. If you don't see why that is a problem now I hope you do in due course.[/QUOTE]
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I have disabled all settings for privacy, I want privacy, but my profile picture next to domain seller still links to my portfolio. If you would like domain i see this i will dm it

Disable links to my public profile on all my For Sale pages
Your For Sale pages will not include any links to your public profile.

I don't want to have a public profile
Nobody will see your list of domains listed on
I have deleted all my names and said I would not post here anymore but I WILL come back if you are now trying a misinformation campaign to discredit me. You could have just left things how they were.

First correction. You hid several of my messages on Twitter. What was the content. Factual information asking why you had not announced or included the 2% on sales pages. And some questions about if EFTY and DNWE would be incurring the same fees. Rather than answer you decided to hide them and only after someone else posted a reply to one of my messages questioned the legality of surcharges for EU companies to customers to EU buyers. Which I found interesting.

I then felt that Dan would likely censor more messages on Twitter I signed up to Namepros to continue the conversation, hopefully without censorship.

I made several very valid points on here that some other members seemed to agree on. i.e The hidden fees, conversion data, buyer experience.

You respond to mine and other sellers constructive criticism with misinformation about how you are the lowest fee marketplace and only sellers are complaining are bad sellers that hardly make any sales (not true and irrelevant). To which I point out is simple not true. Others come out to defend you and parrot the same party line.

Bottom line you increased your fees without informing your customers. Us. And without disclosing anywhere on your site to our customers. If you don't see why that is a problem now I hope you do in due course.

This is our last response to you:

1: We hid only 1 of your tweets posted in our announcement tweet. We might have different communication styles, which is fine, but we feel it's our right to remove a tweet that spreads misinformation about our company.

2: We still have no idea which Dan seller you are and if you actually have ever been a Dan seller.

3: The checkout improvements are mentioned in our blog post and we even show a screenshot of the new checkout in our announcement blog post. Also, a lot of domain sellers buy domains at Dan as well. Do you really think we're so oblivious that we tried to hide these changes? We never shared in-depth product releases before because we believe we have the most copied product in the market. That's something we've announced to change from now on as we're going to post product updates here frequently from now on:

For 8 years, we're working on creating a more liquid domain market. Any conversion blocker that we spot is removed from our purchase flow or fixed the moment our data or customer development research indicates that.

You are not aware of our internal product process, how we monitor and track conversion rates and seemingly have no experience in product development at all. Creating a WordPress site is not the same as building a domain marketplace from scratch with modern technology.

Besides that, our new checkout flow is designed with the help of checkout conversion experts. Hence the introduction of the 1% discount to always offer buyers a very cost-effective alternative.

Now, it's too early to make this conclusion but this morning we've reviewed the data so far and the results are relatively positive:

We see a small 1.9% increase in checkout completions and 2.1% increase in # of transactions. For transactions above $1K we see a mild increase of 0.8% in checkout completion.

Again, the data above is not something we can be happy with yet as it's too early to call. The numbers could become negative if we review the data for a full month. And if that is the case, there's one guarantee and that's action from our product team.

We've also planned to do split tests soon after we've collected enough data to disable the credit card fee for 50% of the buyers for purchases above $1k to see if there's any conversion difference.

Long story short, we know what we're doing on our end. You jump to conclusions and when we address that, you double down on what you strongly believe without having any data or proof. You simply should never do that.

We're currently the shared #2 biggest domain marketplace in terms of sales volume and are growing towards becoming the biggest before 2023 if we continue growing as fast as we've grown in the past 5 years.

And that with significantly less domain inventory and parked domains compared to our competitors. This alone proves how much more value Dan brings to domain sellers if our product is used properly.

We strongly believe therefore we add more value than other marketplaces and iterate faster while maintaining a very low commission of 9% which can now be brought down to 8% and 4% for imported leads when the buyer pays via Bank Transfer. We're not charging this commission because we feel we deliver an inferior service but because we want to set a new standard in the market.

We keep automating more and more allowing us to charge a smaller commission.

I hope this makes sense to you.
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We do not implement every feedback you provide. I'm sorry if we gave you the impression that we do.

The text you do not appreciate translates in the same way we show the English text. Because the Lease to Own option is enabled, we mention Vollen (full) just like in the English copy.

The English copy is written as follow: Pay the full USD $3,999 now, or select Lease to Own, or make an offer.

This part: "Pay the full USD $3,999 now" refers to the BIN price and that they pay the full price now when they choose that option.

For consistency, we use the same wording in other languages like German. You personally might appreciate to not add the word Vollen, however, that's a decision we've made for a reason. To make it clearer to the buyer what their options are.

If Vollen was used dramatically wrong, we'd change it right away. But you have to realize that we do not take your feedback as serious as the feedback of other sellers due to the way you communicate and keep posting many messages in this thread that we do not find relevant at all times.

Like your remark this morning that we do not offer support on the weekend. Either you're using our tools wrong or haven't tried our support for a while. We have staff working support and even domain transfers on both Saturday and Sunday. Of course, we have less staff available on the weekend so responses might come in slower but do realize that at some point we simply stopped responding to you here. You might not agree with our reasoning but we're being honest with you.
You might not agree with our reasoning but we're being honest with you.

I appreciate that much more than silence.

The text you do not appreciate translates in the same way we show the English text.

that exactly is the problem.
as that results in bad German

>>"Pay the full USD $3,999 now"<<

I don't think that copy is great.
I do think it's stupid.

But that was not my main concern.

My main concern is the unusual way to show the price.

We don't use EUR AND € simultaniously
either EUR or €

And we don't show € or EUR in front of the price but AFTER the price

not EUR 200 but 2000 EUR
not € 200 but 200 €

and never
EUR 200 €

to use
,oder ... , oder ..
is 1) bad German and 2) is space wasting

all I was asking for
is the correct use of German Language on a german Landing Page
everything else is not helping with conversion for sure

..but do realize that at some point we simply stopped responding to you here
as for now, I have stopped sending you domain traffic for most of my domains
as my customers are German

as the Chinese call it
"you don't want to lose your face"

bad Grammar and Bad German on a Landing Page
will make me lose my face
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We do not implement every feedback you provide. .... but do realize that at some point we simply stopped responding to you here. You might not agree with our reasoning but we're being honest with you.

thinking about that a little longer,
I'm getting the impression
that you treat me like an annoying mosquito

while in reality
I have given you a free consultation
on how to improve German conversion
with little effort

when you started as undeveloped
you were asking for my ideas of how to handle VAT in Germany
and implemented it as I suggested
ok - don't worry
that was free advise

but now I feel pissed
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I am not going to respond to any other comments on here.
I have no allegiance with any other companies and I will only deal with companies that have transparent fees and treat customers fairly. Without domain sellers, domain market places have no business and they would do well to remember that.

Up until last week I was fairly happy with Dan. Things changed obviously. My business will go elsewhere.
Suggest anyone else who feels the same to do the same. It's good there are multiple competing businesses.

But again if I see Dan discredit me I will respond. But not to trolls.
I am not going to respond to any other comments on here.
I have no allegiance with any other companies and I will only deal with companies that have transparent fees and treat customers fairly. Without domain sellers, domain market places have no business and they would do well to remember that.

Up until last week I was fairly happy with Dan. Things changed obviously. My business will go elsewhere.
Suggest anyone else who feels the same to do the same. It's good there are multiple competing businesses.

But again if I see Dan discredit me I will respond. But not to trolls.
Sorry to say this but I dont see anyone leaving DAN.
On the other end I see people leaving GD/SH landers for DAN.
Cant mention sedo or epik because theyre already down.
You have to be focused on facts and fact is, dan are now making the best lander.
So people are going to use it.
No amount of talk will change that. Its like when epik got kicked from fast transfer, it was over right there.
If you want to make people not use dan, get sedo epik godaddy to provide a better solution.
Less talk, more work.
These guys are doing the work.
Do the same.
You say a lot of things without backing them up.

You hid multiple posts. It's there for everyone to see if they view your announcement thread without signing in. I notice you have now blocked me entirely from Twitter.

'You have no idea what you're talking about'
Classy company
tinking about that a little longer,
I'm getting the impression
that you treat me like an annoying mosquito

while in reality
I have given you a free consultation
on how to improve German conversion
with little effort

when you started as undeveloped
you were asking for my ideas of how to handle VAT in Germany
and implemented it as I suggested
ok - don't worry
that was free advise

but now I feel pissed

The least we want to do is to give you that feeling. That's why we mentioned that we might have different communication styles. Which is fine. All human beings are luckily different but we simply do not level or agree on all fronts.

Thank you for everything you've done for the domain community and definitely keep doing what you're doing.
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Any insights as to which lander performs better, brandable or default? Also, isn't there supposed to be a chat widget on the landers?

isn't there supposed to be a chat widget on the landers?

Intercom (chat) is banned by popular adblockers.
It was reported many times for years in their threads and LiveChat.
  • The sidebar remains visible by scrolling at a speed relative to the page’s height.