
question Dot-com bubble

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Top Member
Hello all
I came across a wikipedia article, is it about COM domains or something else?
Sorry English is not my native.
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u can click translate page.

u are of earth I assume?
Hello all
I came across a wikipedia article, is it about COM domains or something else?
Sorry English is not my native.

Not about .com domains but about a "stock market bubble caused by excessive speculation of Internet-related companies in the late 1990s", that is, over 20 years ago.
lol @bmugford,

Recall, the AOL-Time Warner merger?

Wow, worst Merger in history,
will never be topped; Wouldnt you agree,
“dot com” is a misnomer? history. It almost has nothing to do with “dot com”?

Cyclical... A lot stocks; many crash. People’ve calling “crash” for a while. I think hip thing to be afraid of inflation... but i digress. Back then most DSL Few broadband. Didnt think ahead, and failed, miserably. Domains are forever. ^^ -

The event “dot com crash” has been studied, re-visited, study it, learn from history.
(back then “.sucks” didnt exist? few words: before internet: “Super information Highway.” and “.com” proceeded “internet” ?
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lol @bmugford

Recall AOL Time Warner merger?

Wow, worst Merger in history,
will never be topped; Wouldnt you agree,
“dot com” is a misnomer? history. It almost has nothing to do with “dot com”?

Cyclical... A lot stocks; many crash. People’ve calling “crash” for a while. I think hip thing to be afraid of inflation... but i digress. Back then most DSL Few broadband. Didnt think ahead, and failed, miserably. Domains are forever. ^^ -

The event “dot com crash” has been studied, re-visited, study it, learn from history.
(back then “.sucks” didnt exist? few words: before internet: “Super information Highway.” Wonder if “.com” proceeds “internet” ?

I actually worked @ AOL in the early 2000's as a senior broadband technician.

I started right after the merger and it was clear even at the time that the company was on the way downhill.

On the wall they had dates for customers like 1M, 5M, 10M, 20M, etc. There were no updates for a couple years.

There was a lot of fudging of numbers. I saw people there who had free accounts for years. All you had to do was threaten to cancel and they would give you a free month or two, over and over.

Lots of long time AOL employees had six and seven figures in stock options that almost ended up worthless. I personally knew someone who had over 1.5M in stock options at peak, and they ended up cashing out at $75,000 eventually. Some people waited even longer and got nothing.

It was interesting working at a company as they are clearly going downhill, but a bunch of long time employees could not see it.

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The event “dot com crash” has been studied, re-visited, study it, learn from history.
(back then “.sucks” didnt exist? few words: before internet: “Super information Highway.” Wonder if “.com” proceeds “internet” ?

Yeah, it was not really a .COM bubble as much as a terrible company bubble.

It kind of reminds me of anything with crypto, blockchain, NFT, etc. at the moment. Sure, there will be some winners, but a lot of this stuff is just fluff.

The same can be said about SPACs and other trendy companies. There are just a lot of overhyped assets at the moment trading on greater fool theory. If you can make money on it, go for it...Just don't be the bagholder.

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Definitely NFT’s.

I think you said it best... “Domains are essentially NFT!” Oh wait.. Stupid 10 yr rule.

Maybe can be closer if perpetuity all parties, embrace renewing them forever... Not undermine the few trying to this day^
The Registries will fight this tooth & bone.... Hopefully you use this as leverage for the next .com price increase, considering the profit $$. coming sooner than you think, if open 2change
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Definitely NFT’s.

I think you said it best... Domains are essentially NFT! Oh wait.. stupid 10 yr rule.

Maybe can be closer perpetuity if all parties, embrace renewing them forever... Not undermine the few trying to this day^
The Registries will fight this tooth & bone.... Hopefully you use this as leverage for the next .com price increase, considering the profit $$

The (10) years is ICANN policy.

I doubt companies like Verisign would have much issue with longer renewals. If anything I could see registrars, that profit off selling expired domains, having more of an issue. It would probably lessen the supply of quality expired domains over time.

I doubt Verisign would have much issue with locking in say $400 - $500 for a (50) year renewal. That is a lot of revenue to be generated for single registration with no extra work done.

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The (10) years is ICANN policy.

I doubt companies like Verisign would have much issue with longer renewals. If anything I could see registrars, that profit off selling expired domains, having more of an issue. It would probably lessen the supply of quality expired domains over time.

I doubt Verisign would have much issue with locking in say $400 - $500 for a (50) year renewal. That is a lot of revenue to be generated for single registration with no extra work done.


Well Brad, i for one, think it’s archaic.

But it doesnt matter what i think
(Registrant rights (!!!)
Forgot DropCatch would fight it too.. >.<

Hope to see it in my lifetime.

We agree one thing 100%.
NFT’s feel like “tulip” to me. It’s like Art 2.0.
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Well Brad, i for one, think it’s archaic.

But it doesnt matter what i think
(Registrant rights (!!!)
Forgot DropCatch would fight it too.. >.<

Hope to see it in my lifetime.

We agree one thing 100%.
NFT’s feel like “tulip” to me. It’s like Art 2.0.

Also, if any company offers "lifetime renewals" where the registry itself is not on board, it is not a serious or credible offering.

That is a house of cards waiting to collapse. These companies have no control of the future registration prices.

It kind of reminds me of anything with crypto, blockchain, NFT, etc. at the moment. Sure, there will be some winners, but a lot of this stuff is just fluff.

True. Many blockchain initiatives simply correspond to registering services in a traditional SQL database with some failover techniques. That is why I always recommend replacing the word blockchain with sql to see what the innovation is really worth. Usually nothing remains, although some initiatives are certainly interesting.

It is not disputed that in some cases I am still surprised by people who have been at the basis of our current Internet infrastructure, and are suddenly enthusiastic about new initiatives in the blockchain.

I wish the blockchain a beautiful, and climate-neutral future.
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